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1. At a big hallof entertainment, a performance of “The Liberation of China” wasgiven. To my astonishment, the performers were a group of teenagers ! 2. Truthbrings people happiness, freedom and wisdom. 3. A farmer, an actor, a waitress,a pianist and an musician held a concert . 4. On a stormynight, a foolish man couldn’t find his home. He was always sensitiveand forgetful. He ran eastwards , thirsty and hungry. Finally, hefound an eatable and harmless plant . It was funny ! * 观察1,2组例句中划线部分的名词,分别由什么词性的词根加上什么后缀而构成的? 我发现 1组:_________________________ 2组: __________________________ . * 第3组例句中的名词有什么规律呢? ________________________________________. * 第四组例句中划线部分单词是什么词性呢 ? __________ . 其后缀为 _______________________________________等 . ----关于v-ing 1. Mr. Huai ,our English teacher, is a charminggentleman . 2. The man sitting by the window chewed themeat with great enjoyment. 3. A beautiful dancing girl attracted ourattention. 4. A new dancing hall has been set up in thecity. 5. The story was interesting and childrenburst into laughter. 6. His dream is acting in a film produced by Hollywood. 7. The film was moving and we were greatlymoved. 8. Someone saw a thief sliding into the room. 9. Can you smell anything burning in the kitchen? 10. The news sets us thinking. 11. I can’t get the clock going again. 观察探究 请观察例句(1)---(4) , 说明v-ing 在句中所作的成分及位置。 我的发现(一): 1. __________________________________ . 2. __________________________________ . 想一想: 下面的句子你能用v-ing 表达出来吗 ? * The boy who issitting on the sofa can play the piano well. ==____________________________________________ . * The actress whois eating her dinner has acted in many films. ==____________________________________________ . 请观察例句 (3) (4) 我的发现(二):单个的v-ing 作定语会有两种含义: 1.a dancing girl 意为__________; v-ing与被修饰的名词是主动关系,常可转换为一个定语从句__________________。 2.a dancing hall意为__________ v-ing说明被修饰名词的功能或用途,可以转换成 “for”短语___________________。 举一反三:a drinking horse =_______________ 意为 _____________ a drinking cup =_______________ 意为 _____________ a sleeping boy =_______________ 意为 _____________ a sleeping bag =_______________ 意为 _____________ 浮想联翩:你还能举出其它类似的例子吗? 如__________________________________________等。 观察探究 请观察例句(5)---(7) , 说明v-ing 在句中所作的成分。 我的发现(三) :________________________________ 。 请观察例句(7) moving 意为__________, moved 意为___________。 浮想联翩:你还能举出其它类似的例词吗?(要有感情色彩的啊!) 如__________________________________________等。 观察探究 请观察例句(8)---(11) , 说明v-ing 在句中所作的成分 我的发现(四) :_____________________________________ . 常用在表感官或心理状态的动词如__________________等之后,表示一个动作正在进行; 用在表使让动词如______________________等之后,表示一个动作持续进行。 小试牛刀: 1. I saw a boy______(support) an old man to cross the street. (看到正在进行的事) 2. I saw a boy ______(support) an old man tocross the street. (看到事情全过程) 3. A boy was seen _________(support) an old manto cross the street. Write down the different meanings of thefollowing phrases. pick up
- I’ll pick you up at the railway station.
- He picked up some French when in Paris.
- Let’s pick up where we stopped yesterday.
- Mr. Bean managed to pick up a second-hand car at the flea market (旧货市场).
- We can practice English by picking up VOA or BBC.
- She picked up the coats from the cleaners (干洗店).
… … pick out
- She picked out a long dress for the party.
- The little boy picked out his mother from the crowd.
pick off
- The farmer picked off the apples from the apple trees.
- The gunman picked off an old man who was passing by.
cut off
- His little finger was cut off when he was cooking.
- We were cut off in the middle of conversation.
- Their water supply has been cut off.
- The village was cut off by the heavy snow from the outside world.
cut down
- The man who cut down trees will be punished.
- Your article is too long---Please cut it down to 1000 words.
- She was told to cut down the monthly expenses(花销) .
cut up Mom cutup tomatoes ready for cooking. SHOW YOUR GOOD SENTENCES ! 1.__________________________________________________________. 2.__________________________________________________________. SUMMING UP What have you learned today? ______________________________________________________________ HOMEWORK SHEET A Funny Story