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注:标 (5) 的项目为五级要求;标(8)的项目为八级要求;同时标 (5)和 (8) 的表示用于两个级别,但八级内容有所扩展。二级话题项目参照“内容标准”中的“语言知识”部分。$ `* c1 ~. J8 l2 e5 j# p
1. 个人情况 (Personal information)
* F. w' @: _ E& t9 }(1) Individual data (name, age, date of birth, place of birth, telephone number, address, postal code, e-mail address, ID number, etc.) (5)6 n) f* F: `; n" c# a4 c
(2) Family data (name, age, relationship, etc.) (5) (8)
% Z, {& @) c, P1 t(3) School data (school, grade, class, teacher, etc.) (5): o! s0 _! r) j' @# _
(4) Data uses (filling out forms and applications, etc. ) (5) (8)
. ~1 i4 `7 ^) j3 d. F(5) Jobs and career (office worker, worker, teacher, doctor, farmer, driver, official, etc.) (5)5 p; t& h# G4 }4 E" Q( d
2.家庭、朋友与周围的人 (Family, friends and people around)3 W, {) N4 ~; L
(1) Family and relatives (grandparents, parents, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin, son, daughter, etc.) (5) (8), F" o+ G3 k& u' A8 H5 ^% _
(2) Friends (close neighbour, schoolmate, classmate, roommate, team-mate, etc.) (5)1 ~. E9 g$ g0 r) F2 S% A: R0 _
(3) Other people (neighbour, local shopkeeper, teacher, colleague, etc.) (5) (8)6 K5 m) G- m+ B! d
3. 周围的环境(Personal environments)1 w! p* ~* L9 J3 V
(1) Kinds of homes (apartment, house, dormitory, etc.) (5) (8)
" w8 P* v" I- y( B# d! a* _(2) Rooms in homes (bedroom, kitchen, living room, bathroom, etc.) (5) (8)1 s, g! p5 p/ p. b7 F5 G" A( Z) e
(3) Furniture & home items ( table, chair, sofa, desk, bed, television, etc.) (5) (8)4 ^. s B3 \* Y2 C$ `- @; |% [1 i
(4) Schools (classroom, playground, hall, computer room, office, etc.) (5): ~' B2 D+ Q, K o$ ?9 N
(5) Outside (grocery store, book shop, clothing store, market, bank, library, museum, cinema, theatre, park, road, etc.) (5) (8)2 l5 q8 h( g* X) M. J% v, z: X
4. 日常活动(Daily routines)' b G7 L4 s) d, V( F
(1) Getting ready (time for school, playing, bed) (5); Z1 y) r; x7 I3 m4 Z* L3 p p, W, j b) @
(2) Dressing, brushing teeth, washing hands and face, taking a shower, etc. (5)
+ j$ j: x) v: D+ R(3) Eating (breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner) (5) (8)! R* ~3 @3 Y( R' K/ O! {4 U
(4) Daily chores (tidying, sweeping, doing dishes, cooking) (5) (8)) O* @/ n1 p% V+ j
(5) Homework (reading, writing, studying, etc.) (5) (8)3 ]% } `/ c a" e; X
(6) Family time (watching television, going out, visiting, etc.) (5)8 X. Y. w0 o# D# { V) l! x0 u: O
5. 学校生活(School life). P6 M* E8 U9 O& V. n: e, B2 o
(1) School building (classroom, office, library, washroom, etc.) (5): O3 D2 Q, _* ^
(2) School organization (grade, class, subject, break, schedule, etc.) (5) (8)
B8 G2 U0 o+ g" Q7 b: F! U$ m(3) People (teacher, classmate, schoolmate, cleaner, etc.) (5)
1 i1 l. ~0 v0 k(4) Subjects (Chinese, maths, English, geography, history, etc.) (5)0 g3 B+ _6 h1 G( r% j8 Z
(5) Activities (sports, extra-curricular involvement, trip, etc.) (5) (8): t) t, V3 O( q- U9 D. K
(6) Instructions (Please listen, read, get into groups, act, etc.) (5) (8)8 O( t8 {7 o3 Y/ A# d9 v
(7) Educational methods (preview, review, discuss, presentation, summary) (5) (8)7 b" J0 y6 T4 h
6. 兴趣与爱好 (Interests and hobbies)! Y1 F4 v* m+ ^ z# {
(1) Lessons (music, dance, acting, sport, etc.) (5) (8)
1 j. h) L3 j4 W$ k3 b! U(2) Games (physical games, computer games, sports, etc.) (5) (8): z0 J8 n1 I6 g' ^ o, _4 ~8 P
(3) Hobbies (collecting stamps, coins, dolls, etc.) (5) (8)2 l; n; i6 F* j) H
(4) Reading (books, newspapers, comics, etc.) (5) (8)
; s! c2 t) }. [$ I* d0 a+ d8 H(5) Cultural events (film, theatre, concert, opera, etc.) (5) (8), {: K6 h( O: ]1 H1 c1 }
(6) Entertainment (listening to radio, watching TV, playing CD, DVD, etc.) (5) (8)
5 G' d) i6 M; j* i1 `2 a(7) Socializing (having parties, issuing invitations, going for picnics, going sightseeing, entertaining guests, etc.) (5) (8)! D9 b0 u s9 V# f* d, [
(8) Expressing your reactions to these activities (5)
0 ^ U* C# V% q; K7. 个人感情 (Emotions). F) a: h9 Y# w( E7 i# l, o
(1) Describing feelings (happy, sad, angry, upset, pleased, proud, lonely, worried, nervous, afraid, etc.) (5) (8)
' D. v; X7 Z0 [! V( `(2) Expressing emotions (smiling, laughing, crying, shouting, etc.) (5) (8)
- m" S$ W. m1 Q5 {(3) Describing facial expressions and gestures (5) (8). T0 z7 {! z! R2 e& z9 y2 W. x' t
8. 人际关系 (Interpersonal relationships)
+ s7 K2 a3 m+ P$ B0 n3 `(1) People (parent, brother, sister, other family members, friend, neighbour, teacher, etc.) (5) (8)
1 L k: F* U) j" `$ u; u" s G(2) Social behaviours (greeting, introducing, giving thanks, asking for permission, asking for help, solving problems, dealing with conflicts, etc. ) (5) (8)& T W5 r5 s; [( U4 b: x
(3) Getting together (making plans / arrangements, time, date, place, event, etc.) (5) (8)4 o8 U* X5 `; c6 E# `, v8 ^' N
9.计划与愿望(Plans and intentions)
" y$ c, ^5 k! q& P2 J(1) Planning (holidays, social events, travel, further education, jobs, etc.) (5) (8)5 y! f$ M6 P7 _, A3 _
(2) Organising ( asking for advice, asking for help, asking for permission, exploring possibilities, expressing needs and wants, etc.) (5) (8). v; h* e' _% G( Y% V9 S
10. 节假日活动 (Festivals, holidays and celebrations)
& O9 n p W3 J! s! y$ i- U(1) Cultural festivals ( Spring Festivals, New Year's Day, Christmas, etc.) (5) (8)
. G" x5 S% H8 c% }(2) Religious holidays (Christmas, Easter, Ramada, etc.) (5) (8)
0 G" t1 g, i: Y2 z(3) Personal celebrations (birthday, anniversary, graduation, etc. ) (5) (8)
9 }0 l* b$ P" X! S' Q) ^( u4 R(4) Describing your own experiences of these activities and stating your preferences, etc.
1 _$ C6 q V, [11.购物( Shopping)% N+ m% Y" J4 T$ _* E
(1) Planning (shopping list, needs, wants, etc.) (5)
7 j- Y% q4 O: z c$ x. I1 ]' X(2) Products (clothes, groceries, personal items, electronics, etc.) (5) (8)3 g3 U, P% F d+ p/ G: k1 c8 L8 c
(3) Selecting (quality, weights, measures, size, colour, style, etc.) (5) (8)) Z$ x# S/ m3 N8 R4 ~& E5 q2 b
(4) Paying (price, quantity, etc.) (5)
) [: F- r5 k% ], ^ a. _6 z# B(5) Expressing compliments and responding to them (8)7 d9 t J) P& S5 E5 X1 ^
12. 饮食(Food and drink)
& y! h' n I( d/ F3 I(1) Meats (beef, chicken, pork, fish, etc.) (5)4 i: s! k- S2 }( f( d) B
(2) Soups (chicken, tofu, vegetable, etc.) (5)
$ B5 p! @; ~- Z' s8 N(3) Vegetables (cabbage, eggplant, etc.) (5) (8)
+ c0 p3 I: @! w(4) Staple food (rice, bread, noodles, cake) (5) (8)" u" p1 f: @8 z9 F5 ^3 @, k
(5) Drinks (milk, water, juice, soft drink, coke, alcoholic drinks, beer, wine, etc.) (5)+ q, l" H# x5 v/ [2 E I! s
(6) Fast foods ( sandwiches, noodles, dumplings, hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, etc.) (5) (8)
2 O& F9 R. Y& e(7) Snacks (ice cream, chips, etc. ) (5)
4 u, G! D+ ]1 Q8 h( t% G8 g(8) Eating customs (ways of eating, kinds of food, times to eat,
4 f# j1 N6 K, O% p9 Otable manners, chopsticks, knife, fork, etc.) (5) (8)8 O9 F. o; z- u; z4 Z" V. C
(9) Ordering and offering different foods and drinks (5) (8), }% R- x2 J7 v* l
(10) Likes and dislikes (favourite food, favourite drinks, etc.) (5) (8)
4 [7 |+ B: n1 V2 {5 c13. 健康(Health)
Q" K% Z3 \2 C. o7 j(1) Eating habits (5) (8)$ `8 F5 a R6 s' z7 p
(2) Physical fitness and exercise (5) (8)
. @% r3 |0 E6 L, V9 L5 p(3) Personal hygiene (5) (8)! A* x! K4 L$ ]/ v. c' T' X+ j$ R
(4) Illnesses (stomachache, headache, flu, cold, etc.) (5) (8)- G) @8 n- Q x) x) ~" t: C% `
(5) Medications (5) (8)
' s l7 l' g+ [) a( E(6) Accidents (5) (8)
1 a" v; Y- K$ p(7) Doctors, nurses & hospitals (5) (8)% r2 X5 T4 Y2 d, K
(8) Describing problems (parts of the body, pains, etc.)! E( M; P+ z# z2 v; a
(9) Medical insurance (8)
. M$ z, K3 y4 f- ~3 X14.天气(Weather)
3 {* k( I& T6 V% }' a' T(1) Describing weather (sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, hot, warm, cold, cool, etc.) (5) (8)' j& z' S1 c- t; O6 e' t
(2) Understanding weather reports (conditions, temperature, rain, snow, wind, sun, cloud, etc.) (5) (8)
: x3 O" ~. J t1 z7 A' r/ T(3) Dressing for the weather ( coat, hat, umbrella, raincoat, windbreaker, etc.) (5) (8)7 W$ Y0 Z {- }- E% c0 V
(4) Extreme weather (storms, gales, hurricanes, etc.) (8): y6 E5 J2 s3 c+ D2 j* t8 |7 ?1 x
15. 文娱与体育(Entertainment and sports)* h) U* Z$ ^* D: D
(1) Movies and theatre (5) (8)
# }/ |4 G& x7 J# ^(2) Music and dance (folk music and dance, popular music and classical music) (5) (8)
( c8 o8 V2 i' X1 m$ M) S, Q; a9 T* @(3) Team games (football, basketball, volleyball, etc.) (5) (8)* Z* ~, t" @) ~, }+ T" z% e
(4) Games of two or four (table tennis, tennis, golf, etc.) (5) (8)
1 H# n2 h5 o$ h+ z7 s% g- Q(5) Racing (running, swimming, horse racing, etc.) (5) (8)
; L& F" I: d+ J+ O& y, u(6) International sports events ( Olympic Games, World Cup, Football League, etc.) (5) (8)& |* |$ S( K, a4 i
(7) Spectators and fans (5) (8)
/ d4 |5 \; I% M$ u(8) Physical exercises (5) (8)
8 |8 y- { y% u2 ~3 u16. 旅游和交通(Travel and transport)
! r! o1 s1 t# o(1) Methods of transportation ( walking, cycling, horse riding, taking buses, trains, boats, planes) (5) (8)
& G q) S8 J' v% q1 k8 J, b& M(2) Travel (schedules, maps, tickets, fares) (5) (8)
1 U8 X q9 [& W(3) Getting and asking directions (left, right, straight ahead, north, south, east, west, etc.) (5) (8)
3 j, i6 ?/ w" H8 Z) U(4) Safety rules and warnings (traffic lights, caution, walk, stop, etc.) (5) (8)
) h Z: v' z4 n3 g8 \7 L4 _(5) International travel (passport, visas, expenses, currency, etc.) (5) (8)0 c& |( J+ E" V2 L
(6) Inquiring and making reservations (hotels, tourist spots, etc, ) (5) (8)
) `" X1 }% Y6 ]# M* c2 o, q0 ](7) Describing a journey (5) (8)' g) F( _/ z* {6 y' M
17. 语言学习(Language learning)5 q( Z8 I) N! S' ^- q4 b' u
(1) Differences between American English and British English (5) (8)
6 k& U$ U3 Z; x4 h(2) Language and culture (8)
5 Q$ B* g% O+ _ M( x9 v$ U0 Z(3) Language learning difficulties (5) (8)* A1 v, d' ?+ B) i. B1 \$ k+ R) H; z
(4) Attitudes to language and communication (5) (8)
6 S3 x- o T4 e* c(5) Language learning strategies (5) (8)5 C" _$ H! I1 Y) C
(6) Communications repair (8)
: A0 O# g& O+ _# j7 K1 F3 [# E18. 自然 (Nature) (1) Plants (green plants, trees, bushes, grass, vegetables, crops, flowers. etc.) (5)# F2 C9 c# L4 Q" t# L
(2) Animals (farm animals, wild animals, endangered animals, pets, etc.) (5)( J& j2 t: h& z7 R" S0 `
(3) The sun, the moon and stars (5)# J2 }% ^4 `% t% E4 S" Q+ p: m, V5 m- Y
(4) Describing land (cities, farms, hill, mountains, lakes, rivers, etc.) (5) (8)
& f" s- D( @4 ]# p+ n(5) Volcano (8). c" ~- x& @$ N! \: X
19. 世界和环境(The world and the environment)
! k6 w( G8 g" Y9 g) Q2 K) o7 O(1) Countries and maps (China, Great Britain, United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Japan, Russia, India, Egypt, Cuba. etc.) (5) (8)/ I8 p4 h0 x2 U4 B
(2) Issues (pollution, land use and quality, population growth, housing, etc.) (5) (8)
- X# H# d/ N8 N l20. 科普知识与现代技术 (Popular science and modern technology)
& I8 o& P; r9 n. A% A' h5 r8 ^7 @(1) Recent inventions, medical advances, technological advances, etc. (5) (8), {, C5 n% k) Q' c- p# V( Q+ d4 x
(2) Computer science (5) (8)
# v- y P# \2 n& R+ X4 [# h& S21. 热点话题 (Topical issues)
/ V: R& m! G U; A(1) Population (8)
# q$ W) ^$ @7 t5 a) d/ A9 o" Y(2) Environmental conservation (8)7 }* ^9 F7 ^: [, Y. q. J
(3) Crime and punishment (8)
' ?9 Q% _ ?6 v4 G1 H(4) Social differences (8)
( K( w0 z9 V% o# A(5) Pollution (5) (8)
6 J4 \+ N" n! s6 {22. 历史和地理( History and geography)6 g+ p6 ]9 g- A+ [9 X$ m9 m$ {6 ^) F
(1) General knowledge of history and geography about China (5) (8)
# [6 C5 {2 n6 t3 P) R(2) General knowledge of history and geography about the world (8)9 G, t; S8 h9 ?6 H
(3) Historic events (5) (8)
3 P0 }& o2 }, ~/ b; Z% R m$ E/ l(4) Historical persons (5) (8); R% o8 ~6 C- C- u3 J8 a6 B
23. 社会 (Society)
2 H9 l% Q0 W$ {. e N(1) Nationality and people (5) (8)" p0 e$ b! }- H9 e: b' @) ]
(2) Famous people (contemporary) (5) (8)4 q. |; B' ~0 r* h
(3) Law (rules and regulations, traffic codes) (5) (8)6 O9 F: R& h5 W% z) b
(4) Ways of dressing (types of clothes, daily clothes or dress, situation and dressing) (5) (8)
! K" J' V4 ] l0 u(5) Names of religions (8)( `/ `9 j( M/ M3 E
(6) Religions and culture (8)
/ D- O. v! \0 A" ^(7) Religious festivals (5) (8)
+ q, Z- k: i1 q, c$ O(8) Customs and culture (5) (8)( G7 Y% r4 B- ^
24. 文学与艺术 (Literature and art)
$ N( V) \0 b6 j4 X1 b; B6 n! \9 U(1) Forms of literature and art (play, drama, novel, essay, poetry, short story) (5) (8); s8 K1 ]& y/ c
(2) Famous literary people and artists (8) |