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IC融合教育,英文简称ICE,是指以培养人的家国情怀,多元思维,自主能力、协同能力、探究能力、实践能力、创新能力,人文素养和全球视野,促进人的终身学习和全面而有个性的发展为目标,将人文、体育、艺术、数学、科学、技术、工程、社会八大领域有机融合,健商、情商、智商协同发展,以应对未来世界的挑战。 IC Education, which English abbreviation is ICE. ICE aims to cultivate people's multiple thinking, independent ability, collaborative ability, exploration ability, practical ability, innovation ability, humanistic quality and global vision, promote people's lifelong learning and comprehensive and personalized development. In order to meet the challenges of the world in future, ICE organically integrate the eight fields of Humanity, Physical&race, Art, Mathematics, Science, Technology, Engineering and Sociology, and advocates synergy development of Healthy Quotient, Emotional Quotient, Intelligence Quotient . 5 p6 m% G4 q- J2 H! e; m, X2 l6 U0 M