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I.Read the following phonetic symbols.
II.Read the following passage:
A lighthouse is a tall building.It has a big light at the top. It is usually built on a cliff or near a harbour.People on ships can see the light from far away.They know there is danger where the light shines.They keep away.
The first lighthouse was built in Egypt long ago.This lighthouse was over 100 metres high.It was made of whitestone.On the top floor were rooms with open windows.Fires were burning in the rooms at night to warn ships they were near the harbour.
Later,lighthouses were built in many places.Whole families lived inside them and made sure the oil lihgt as buring.
III.Answer the following questions:
1、What is your mother?
2、Is it a long distance or short distance from your home to your school?
3、How long have you studied English?
4、Please say something about your school life?
2007年上饶市高考外语口试安排表 考点
| 口试时间
| 德兴市
| 3月3曰
| 婺源县
| 3月4-5曰上午
| 波阳县
| 3月6-7曰上午
| 余干县
| 3月8-9曰
| 万年县
| 3月10-11曰上午
| 弋阳县
| 3月12曰
| 铅山县
| 3月13曰
| 上饶县
| 3月14曰
| 广丰县
| 3月15-16曰
| 玉山县
| 3月17-18曰上午
| 横峰县
| 3月18曰下午
| 信州区
| 3月19-20曰上午