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爱语导读:2015年,对于中国来说,是不平凡同时又意义重大的一年。我们面临着经济下行的挑战,雾霾的侵袭,领海纠纷;同时我们也举行了盛大的阅兵仪式,彰显了我们的国力。但前途是光明的,过程是曲折的,我们仍需努力。 We turn the last page of the calendar with mixed feelings. 2015 has been a significant and memorable year for China by anyone’s criteria. The faces of ordinary people reveal what happened in the year: excitement, hopefulness, bafflement, sorrow ... While the nation hopes for a bright future, along the way there won’t be a shortage of pleasure or pain for ordinary people. 我们怀着复杂的感情翻到了日历的最后一页。2015年对于每个人来说,都是意义重大而又值得纪念的一年。透过普通人的面孔便能展示出今年发生了什么:兴奋,希望,困惑,忧伤......虽然国家希望有一个光明的未来,但是追求光明的路上必将伴随着普通人的欢笑和痛苦。 1.The South China Sea is vast, covering an expanse of 3.5 million square kilometers. A game between multiple players is turning the region into a powder keg. 1.中国南海海域广阔,覆盖了350万平方公里的广阔空间。多个国家对此的争夺正在把将该地区变成一个火药桶。 2.The Tiananmen Rostrum looked a bit surreal on the early morning of September 3. 2.9月3日清晨,看起来有点超现实色彩的天安门城楼。 The sun was about to rise, giving the dark blue sky a tinge of orange from the east. The street lamps were on and Changan Avenue, Beijing’s busiest street, never looked so empty. It was 5:32 am when I arrived, along with a bus full of reporters, at the very center of Beijing to begin my coverage of the military parade that celebrated the 70th anniversary of World War II. 太阳即将升起,为东方深蓝色的天空增添了一抹橙色。华灯初上,最繁华的长安街从未如此空旷。我在凌晨5:32抵达,和一辆挤满记者的公共汽车一起,在北京城的正中心开始我对庆祝第二次世界大战胜利70周年的阅兵游行报道。 Months later, while recalling my experiences at the parade, I wonder if history would remember it as marking the beginning of a new era for the Chinese military. 几个月后,正当我回忆阅兵游行的经历时,我在想历史是否会把这次阅兵看作中国军队一个新纪元的开始。 3.The year 2015 saw the Chinese economy slide to its slowest pace in a quarter of a century as the economy shifted gears toward more sustainable growth. 3.2015年,由于经济发展开始朝着更加可持续的方向发展,中国经济下滑到了25年来的最慢速度。 This weaker-than-usual performance created an overall tense atmosphere. Yet, in the eyes of many, China managed surprisingly well considering the situation. 这种不如往常的表现创造了一个整体紧张的气氛。但是,在很多人眼里,考虑到今年的经济形势,中国处理的已经非常好了。 4.The three major disasters that hit China in 2015 - be it man-made or natural - has triggered public discussions about the importance of safety regulations versus the country’s booming economy. 4.2015年袭击中国的三大灾害——人为还是自然原因——引发了公众关于安全法规重要性与国家蓬勃发展的经济之间的讨论。 5.Air pollution has been a major concern for China throughout 2015, a year that marked a new phase in the country’s air pollution control efforts, analysts said, after many cities were engulfed by hazardous smog and multiple measures were initiated against air pollution for the first time. After 2015 began with a controversial documentary about the hazards of smog, Under the Dome, the country has seen a rising public awareness of air pollution, as well as more measures from the government to curb the deterioration of air quality. Though Beijing’s first-ever pollution red alert came at the end of the year, the country’s battle against air pollution has just begun. 5. 在2015年,空气污染已经成为整个国家关注的重点,这一年也标志着中国控制空气污染所做出的努力达到了一个新阶段,分析家说,在很多城市备受雾霾之苦 后,第一次出台了多种措施对抗空气污染。2015年以一部有关雾霾危害的充满争议的纪录片《穹顶之下》开始,整个国家见证了公众对空气污染意识的觉醒,同 时政府也在采取更多的措施来防止空气质量的恶化。尽管北京在年底发布了史无前例的空气污染红色预警,但我们与空气污染的战斗才刚刚开始。 Analysts pointed out that though the air pollution is still severe, both the government and the public have been making efforts on fighting air pollution in 2015, which shows “a silver lining” and the possibility of blue skies in the future. 专家指出,尽管空气污染仍然严峻,但是在2015年,无论是政府还是公众都为对抗空气污染做出了努力,这预示着“一线光明”以及蔚蓝天空在将来成为现实的可能性。 6.Many couples are struggling with several questions after the end of the one-child policy: 6.在一孩政策结束后,很多夫妇都面临着很多问题: Are the grandparents capable of taking care of another grandchild? If not, do we have enough money to hire a maid? Do we have enough time and energy to raise one more child? 爷爷奶奶有能力照顾另一个孙儿吗?我们有足够的钱雇佣保姆吗?我们有足够的时间和精力来抚养多一个孩子吗? 来源:Global Times |