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很多人提出,学习方案要求学生课前学习,是否占用太多时间。其实学习方案的课前学习是把学生的学习和生活结合起来,形成学习即生活的状态。 当然,学习方案也可以不进行课前学习。我今日要再去国家扶贫开发区红寺堡,给高二学生上一节课。考虑到学生和学校情况,我专门设计了不用课前学习活动与资源的学习方案。 贴出来分享,尤其是对那些希望只使用课中学习活动与资源的老师来说,这或许也是一种参考。 不过,说心里话,仅凭现在每周4-5节课的课堂上的时间,是学不会英语的(我说的是学会)。还是应该把学习变成生活,把生活变成学习,这样的学习才是有乐趣的,这样的生活才是有意义的。 科普文章阅读技能学习方案 欢迎学习科普文章阅读技能!科普文章是我们日常阅读的常见话题,对发展我们的科学素养、求真精神都很有帮助,也是高考阅读理解部分主要的语篇类型。 一、学习目标 (一)基准目标 1、能初步形成对科普文章的“问题—错误论据—正确论据”结构的理解能力; 2、能进一步形成科普文章的有效阅读策略。 (二)选择目标 请从以下学习目标中选择2-3项作为你自己本课时的学习目标。 1、能初步形成对科普文章的论点与论据的相关结构的理解能力; 2、能初步形成对科普文章的论据支撑论点的相关方式的理解能力; 3、能基本形成科普文章的语句结构特征的图式; 4、能基本形成科普文章的语词特征的图式; 5、能了解阅读材料中介绍的关于大象为什么怕老鼠、蚯蚓受伤是否可以再生。 6、能进一步强化小组合作阅读策略和意识; 7、能进一步强化科学精神; 8、能初步了解西方此种论证方式的思维特点; 9、自己确定的其他目标:________________________________________。 二、学习过程 1、热身(预计时间3-5分钟) 看教师播放的视频,理解内容,说出中心大意。 2、掠读(预计时间2-3分钟) 阅读第一篇文章,找出短文中心大意,根据短文内容解释视频中的现象 Skim the passage and answer: Question 1: What does the passage talkabout? Question 2: What is the topic of the passage (science, politics, economy, sociallife…) ? Passage 1 You may have seen this many times incartoons that when elephants meet mice, they quiver like jelly(果冻) and crylike a baby. But why would an elephant be scared of a mouse? Some people have suggested that it isbecause mice are small enough to crawl up an elephant’s trunk(象鼻), whichcould cause them to suffocate(窒息). However, this would mean an elephantwould be scared of lots of other small animals. Also, an elephant could blow amouse out of its trunk if it wanted to. Moreover, why would a mouse want to goup there in the first place? A more believable explanation of thetheory is about an elephant’s eyesight. Elephants don’t have the greatesteyesight in the world, and while they may be fearless when it comes to largeanimal threats, such as lions, they can get frightened when they hear somethingthat they can’t see. A mouse moving about on an elephant’s feet could make anelephant nervous until it can actually see what it is. Then it is likely be atease again. To support this theory, a particularlyunscientific experiment was carried out on an American television show. A mousewas let out of a cage in front of an approaching elephant. The elephant reactedstrongly and moved away very quickly. However, when they tried the experimentagain, the elephant wasn’t surprised and didn’t run away, even though itavoided the mouse. One small animal that elephants do seemto be scared of is the bee, or rather lots of bees. Despite elephants’ thickskin, bees can bite them around the eyes and up their trunks, which can causethem a lot of discomfort. Recent studies in Kenya have found that not only willelephants escape from bees, but they will also be scared of audio speakersplaying the sound of bees. Research is being done to see if this “apiphobia”can be used by Kenyan farmers to protect their crops from these elephants. Itis said that a fence made of bee hives could make crop-crushing elephants buzzoff! 3、扫读与讨论(预计时间6-10分钟) Scanning: Scan the passage to grasp thepassage structure. Discussing in groups of 4 students: Howmany parts can Passage be divided into? What does each part talk about? Your findings: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4、细读并填表(预计时间6-8分钟) Read the passage again and complete thefollowing chart of Passage 1.
m6 e6 ^' X# w5 ?+ K5 h Z, m* B
5、小组讨论并完成词汇图和语句图(预计时间6-8分钟) Work in groups of 4-6. Find the words inPassage 1 and think over the scientific passages you have read and complete themaps.
% ], R, O, q- n; o2 P
5 ?( T# S$ n+ j* r! U; Q
6、阅读第二篇文章并完成结构图(预计时间5-7分钟) Proposition | Arguments |
, j4 j3 B5 V) |. x! | | , Y4 \4 U8 `8 L% ?% v* k
Wrong argument |
9 F, y% L0 x0 {' ^/ _; w& D3 g- E | 5 v6 a2 {. K. i
True Argument | ; O9 a0 ^2 {2 B7 `1 p8 z7 D
Passage 2 When you are digging in the garden andyour spade(铲子) cuts an earthworm(蚯蚓) in half,it might make you feel better to believe that one earthworm will become twoearthworms and move off unharmed. However, this might not be the case for thewounded earthworm. Earthworms do have a special ability tolose parts of their bodies and grow them back again (or just live withoutthem). If caught by a bird, some earthworms have the ability to “eject”their tails. The bird will fly off with a small part of the tail while theearthworm escapes. But it is not correct to say that youget two earthworms if you cut one in half. What you are likely to get is eitherone dead earthworm in two halves, or one earthworm that is half as long as itused to be. Earthworms are simple creatures. Theyhave no eyes, no ears, no nose, no lungs and very few organs inside theirbodies. They do, however, have hearts – in fact five hearts. All of these arelocated near an earthworm’s head. If you cut an earthworm in half, the heartswill not be able to supply blood to the tail end of the earthworm and that partwill quickly die. The bottomhalf of an earthworm is made of basic fatty tissues(脂肪组织) which theearthworms’ body can repair and replace. The five hearts and other major organsin the top half of an earthworm are more complicated. If they are damagedor removed, the earthworm cannot replace them. It’s a bit like when you nibbleat the skin around your fingers, it grows back, but if you cut your whole armoff, it wouldn’t. 7、小结本节课所学(预计时间2-3分钟) (1)___________________________________________________________ (2)___________________________________________________________ (3)___________________________________________________________ 三、课后反思 本课时你的学习目标是否达到? 若没有达到,请再次阅读本学习方案。 更多反思:_____________________________________________
! B7 ]& O) G( p* c( v; h) }3 I* ^' L8 y1 Q; D& z1 g4 [