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( }( u5 z1 P; n0 J
9 o: g% m: c1 {5 r7 t6 { QQ截图20150421111737.png
0 y$ t. f) ?( Z为进一步推进基础教育课程教学改革,提高教学质量,促进学生全面发展,依据《义务教育英语课程标准》制定《初中英语学业评价标准》。# F5 D, R! s0 j( k4 H6 b

7 F, A7 `" R& E5 a) ]学业评价标准是对学生在不同学段所应达到的学业成就(学习结果)的描述,它依据课程标准具体阐明学生在经过一定时间的学习后应该知道什么、能够做什么(表现标准),以及通过什么方法(评价方法),获得哪些证据(学生活动或作业),来判断学生是否达到了课程标准的要求。学业评价标准与课程标准都是针对所有学生提出的合格标准,是学生经过努力可以达到的标准。; b# `9 B* [1 b7 i4 G

# _& Z9 @# N, `4 e1 M本学业评价标准的研制以课程标准为依据,一方面对课程标准的内容标准进行细化和精确化,另一方面提供了评价学生学习情况的评价方法建议和评价样例。学业评价标准与课程标准共同指导教学与评价。
! B2 h8 m; j6 E% D2 t/ t
) ?. E; K. }) d4 ^3 T& c" Y( P. ~学业评价标准的建立有助于教师遵循课程标准进行教学与评价;有利于提高日常学生评价的效度和信度,从而为教师和学生提供更有效的反馈信息;有利于改进高利害考试,为中考命题更加符合课程标准的要求提供参考;为国家基础教育质量监测的实施提供基础。
: f' B1 [+ [" c5 \0 a+ B& y7 K
6 e+ _# i8 z" W8 o/ F4 _学业评价的基本理念9 ?* D5 ^1 P( w! ^

5 ^; B# d6 c7 E' i学业评价的根本目的与核心宗旨是促进学生的发展。实施学业评价,应具有如下基本理念:
$ t8 }3 c+ f8 j% n
: b4 K  m8 Z: m; b" Y: r- n& ^4 B4 B1.学业评价的主要功能是为教师和学生提供有效的反馈信息,从而改善教与学的过程和方法。学业评价应淡化甄别、选拔功能。' A9 Y; \3 m- K7 L$ I6 f, X0 ^+ S
7 ?2 R: N1 k' Q1 p
3 \+ J7 s. w* n0 p8 B" Q$ L
0 p4 L0 A, ^6 r3.学业评价应尊重学生差异,激发学生潜能,促进每个学生在达到共同要求基础上有个性的发展。引导学生自评与互评,促进学生元认知能力的提高及学习策略的优化。
9 m5 Y" w) O: j& o+ x2 I( l: w7 J+ w$ j8 G  f* K% m7 N
9 Z$ y* ?/ \/ k6 c$ S
9 ^$ [4 ^% O  ~+ s9 d' z, L5.评价与教学整合,使评价融于教学过程之中,为教学提供支持,促进学生的学习。体现真实评价、情境化评价的取向,采用多种表现评价方法,而非局限于纸笔测验。4 X, G7 y8 k; D+ \3 y* f; `

1 i" @" A5 {: t$ E8 A+ B8 i学业评价标准的设计思路与结构; |) C0 Y. t; ]5 W  F

# g4 P+ R, V8 r9 X(一)设计思路 根据《义务教育英语课程标准》,小学从3年级(有的地区是从1年级)起开设英语课程。九级目标体系中,一至五级为义务教育阶段(3-9年级)的目标要求,六至九级为普通高中(10 - 12年级)的目标要求。其中,第二级为6年级结束时应达到的基本要求;第五级为9年级结束时应达到的基本要求;第七级为高中毕业的基本要求;八级和九级是为愿意进一步提高英语综合语言运用能力的高中学生设计的目标。第一、三、四、六级为第二、五、七级之间的过渡级。过渡级别的设置既有利于对各层次教学的指导,又为课程的灵活性和开放性提供了依据。
( o) {. c, N9 z3 n, z$ |; J1 x! D4 u$ J  a( n3 d7 O+ C! i- ^  G
5 H. D  l. v" Q2 }9 E
1 \: @4 h& y  `8 m4 ]( D6 k英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。综合语言运用能力的形成建立在语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等素养整体发展的基础上。语言知识和语言技能是综合语言运用能力的基础,文化意识是得体运用语言的保证。情感态度是影响学生学习和发展的重要因素。学习策略是提高学习效率、发展自主学习能力的保证。这五个方面相辅相成,共同促进综合语言运用能力的形成。
% L7 O1 W6 r2 X* ]& S% s. R4 L7 S+ T( @% A
' c# `8 g" a% Q2 \. L% L
1 v4 g4 f- j2 x- i5 W1 n7 v综上所述,本学业评价标准的总体设计思想和原则来自于《义务教育英语课程标准》,并广泛调研多套教材、各地教学与评价实际发展水平,综合研究国外二语教学与评价理论与实践,提出“能力目标”与“话题”这两个核心概念,形成相对更综合的、立体的、可操作性更强的评价体系。
  }! t& K  H7 R+ z3 d" k. D. ^
. L  ^( W5 V1 X( C: B9 M% ]学业评价标准由三个部分构成:表现标准、评价案例、评价方法建议。
7 O4 M$ j0 |" k- F2 F. M- U2 z0 m' |3 l* \3 K' ?" S5 c; P9 M
1.表现标准由“语言技能要求”和“话题术能力目标术话题参考词术话题参考句一览”两部分以及相关关键指标组成。* c. [2 S3 U& k3 I5 N

" M$ r& D$ M& r6 J8 ?; O1 x4 u基于英语课程标准中对于五级语言能力的解释和对于听、说、读、写四项语言技能的要求,结合对于语言能力培养过程及学习策略的研究,编制的“语言技能要求”分为听力、口语、阅读、写作四项进行解释和细化。语言技能要求具有普遍性,不随话题等因素变化,是对外语学习者语言技能的整体要求。  f# Y" z2 p) X; }# v& q4 u. h$ h
$ ?2 [8 W' s. X4 _6 y
2 \' Z% b' Y5 x; S6 `- @. d$ i9 A2 s* G
能力目标是指具体、详细的语言行为目标,是对学生应该表现出来的能力进行预设、分析和分类,使教师明确“学生能做什么”,学生明确“自己能做什么”,测试命题人员明确“应检测什么”。在每一个话题导引下,能力目标分别在听力、口语、阅读、写作四项语言技能中进行细化和解释。$ o& }% m: I, o) y1 u
3 c) K: K5 d* e( S3 f, W4 w8 u
话题参考词是指在某一话题情境中最可能用到的单词,是话题实现的最基本的语言载体。话题参考句是指在某一话题情境中最可能用到的句型结构,是话题实现的另一类重要的语言载体。在五级(初中毕业)水平的评价标准中,话题参考词的选择是基于英语课程标准中对于五级应掌握的1500—1600词的总量控制,参考目前在初中主要使用的三套英语教材(分别由人民教育出版社、外语教学与研究出版社、凤凰出版传媒集团出版)中在编写对应话题时所涵盖的单词编制而成。需要说明的是,因为语言本身的生成性,评价标准中列举的话题参考词只是例词,并不是也不可能是对该话题所有可能用到的词以及派生词、合成词的穷尽列举。同理,话题参考句选择的依据也是课程标准和三套初中英语教材。除了句型的非穷尽性以外,话题参考句的列举中并不包括也不可能包括句式、人称、时态、语态等因素的变化。/ O7 D7 I1 P$ W5 u! g# A
7 \! T9 {" y1 J( l
2.评价案例是为对应所要评价的表现标准提供的具体示例。本学业评价标准用话题为线索编排了对于听、说、读、写四项语言技能进行评估的任务。在每一个话题下都有对四项技能的评估任务。这样就可以在同一个话题的一致背景下,将四种技能结合起来进行考查。为了方便教师使用,每个评价样例均附有参考答案。! n$ f" g( O1 S

2 \# w# h) u. P1 M+ F: [3.基于表现标准的评价方法着眼于学生的各种学习活动和任务。根据表现标准,本学业评价标准建议教师参阅《义务教育英语课程标准》附录7的第二部分“三至五级评价方法与案例”中给教师提供的形成性与终结性评价方法建议,特别是基于课堂觋察的表现性评价、基于课堂提问的阅读理解评价、基于师生交流的写作评价等形成性评价案例。本学业评价标准针对与评价样例对应的典型学生作品,根据评分规则进行评分并给予说明和解释。对于表现评价样例,同时给出评分规则。& ]" k, q  y; [3 P
' F1 a5 E& i$ m- r$ m: r
; O9 z+ |6 K2 b  D7 ]
* K1 b8 f7 F/ B* e4 Z" y1.本学业评价标准中的表现标准是对课程标准的细化、补充与拓展,因此,学业评价标准应与课程标准配合使用。% D+ k7 B$ [4 R# v! U  Q
1 g! N# o3 [3 Q
- l- y3 ]2 {$ Y& T1 c' e0 x* T5 H7 G8 ~8 i& S: G6 Z# x9 b& j8 _
) @! d7 D  Z$ |  z- h8 b8 O5 Q! D
4.在使用本学业评价标准时,需要始终关注“能力”这一核心概念,教与学的过程以及评测都是围绕能力的形成与发展的。虽然学业评价标准是对课程标准的细化,但是这并不是说评价标准文本中的每一个能力目标描述就等于一个或多个语言知识点;话题参考词和话题参考句的列举,也不是教师教学、学生背诵和命题考查的标杆,而是为了话题的实现和任务的完成提供的关键指标,强调的是能力培养的目标而不是死记硬背的手段。% N) k% X( b6 h3 E) `+ C
$ t* z( _% b/ Y6 }+ Q
5.本学业评价标准作为课题研究的成果还有值得进一步深入研究的问题,还有不完善之处,教师在遵循课程标准和学业评价标准基本理念的前提下可以根据教学实际灵活使用本标准。# c1 B! l+ X& c$ M) p
) S2 @' M; K+ Q3 n) \- a% j
Questions:: l3 M" \- n: b# R9 x7 f
. N4 e" U* M2 ^) A8 @6 q
1. What is it about?
4 W0 {5 E- x- x8 b6 J% G8 d
2 ^" [9 h6 v! w2 ?2. Who made/wrote it?
" D. K# Y# M" u  `2 ~& G: S, l, s/ l! o  y( b% p# y
3. What is it about?
4 ^( n) z( U7 U3 T3 \( z, u  r6 u1 Z
4. What else do you know about it?3 {  G) O* G6 A# H: N6 _
( V- d' ?4 f$ |
5. What do you think of it?
: v- w. D4 J4 ~, s' p$ m
/ {6 q- _( t" ?- R2 S5 `0 p. V5 G阅读评价案例
8 h5 E5 P" M. Q  Z; _$ s  G* X
7 a& u8 k, j  R9 c话题1 个人情况(Personal background)
# m3 ~% \+ m1 [2 B" D2 Q* t6 d5 _. U/ i& j
5 M, ?* ?1 w2 j. y; i& I  b4 i- E; X2 d. @
Read the text about Yang Liwei, the Space Hero(航天英雄) and make notes in the chart.3 C3 K" x7 \3 ~3 P

. B1 s2 ~: T2 s. \7 L1 T, w话题2 家庭、朋友与周围的人(Family, friends and people around)
- x9 a' I8 d6 h* \% K
7 K5 {. S6 V4 V  RThe passage below is about Su Peng's stay in the UK. Read it and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) .( a" z7 A  q; F! W" d  H
  }( [! [, h6 R' ?! |
Su Peng is a student. He's from China but he studies in the UK. When he first arrived in England he found it very difficult to speak English even though he'd had many years of English lessons at school in China. He was quite sad for the first semester because he didn't understand the university lectures and he didn't have many friends.2 ~+ l0 U- w+ S( @$ M  W  m

/ w% j5 P' }; s& P  \6 I( z3 NAfter a few months, Su Peng found English easier and began to make new friends. He is good at basketball so he joined the university's basketball club. Everyone says that Su Peng wins the games,but he is modest and says that it is not just him, but teamwork.
4 d2 \6 t  D7 i/ ~# a# i0 K1 `8 u' x
He has become a good cook since arriving in England. "I don't like fast food," He explains, "and eating out is much too expensive, so my mom sent me letters telling me how to cook food I like from home." Su Peng is studying to be a doctor, but now he thinks he might do something different. He could become a chef instead!
4 _! r' b4 ^% t  L6 W4 {! a" M" @$ w. F+ M$ s
(    ) 1. Su Peng had no difficulty speaking English because he'd had many years of English lessons at school in China./ ~) f5 f9 e& d; B- ]- s) {

: e3 i. H. Z+ c* T5 D7 d: w(    ) 2. Su Peng didn't like the university lectures because he didn't like the subjects.- H2 i( u$ F. p

8 M# Y" s1 k, q  U* R# S3 ?3 X2 h6 h(    ) 3. Su Peng is a good basketball player and he helps the team win the games.
( H. [3 a. S7 \9 o* c
1 I! o8 n$ M& \* w) [% ~4 V(    ) 4. Su Peng learns to cook because his mother asks him to.
5 x% R3 D1 v, S0 S4 E& z
7 w  H5 \; O" ~(   ) 5.The word chef in the last paragraph probably means a good lawyer.9 e& \$ T( G8 p+ C. \( @" ^# T5 R6 B

% F  V4 R2 }0 w) D$ m; q参考答案:
) o3 _$ _. z  n5 y* v! ~3 u, f( `- v% \1 o2 Z
1. F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F
- \1 O9 A: i$ u# X, J3 w+ z' N: c0 c+ i* n4 A
话题3 居住环境( Living environment)
& P8 r4 m' Y; m; v# h% R% @% [4 N; Z" O* h
John's teacher has asked him to write about his town. He has spoken to his grandfather and written about how the town has changed. Read the text and answer the questions., T6 g/ c# T+ u( O
: d1 A; E+ Z4 `6 M* X4 F  e2 |4 m- e" v
My grandfather says my town has changed a lot. He can remember when the main street only had one shop. Now it has lots of shops and shopping centers! There didn't use to be a cinema. Now we have quite a few. Where the Ritz Cinema is now, there used to be a theater. My grandfather loved that place. In fact, if it wasn't for that theater, I may not be around! That's where my grandfather met my grandmother. They would take romantic walks in the park. We don't have a park now. I asked my grandfather what happened to it. He told me that they changed it into a car park for the big supermarket that is there now. My grandfather prefers the old town. But I think it's more fun today. There's so much more to do - with cafes, shops and music stores. I can't imagine what my grandfather used to do!
" I& n* l* d; T" A
, |+ m% s& L- f1 Which does John's grandfather prefer?
+ W! v4 F* `' ?; E; v; O9 `  [' p4 s4 r' b: I+ F' k$ L
(A) The old town.             (B) The new town.             (C) Neither.
7 ]& [+ L$ \" a, Y5 S
( g# T1 N' \& U6 K2 |2 M2 What did the cinema use to be?' ~$ I/ u- |# t! R! R6 R/ H
* V9 G) k( X" g& X$ k* ]
(A) A supermarket.            (B) A car park                 (C) A theater.
5 }+ n( G9 p: K% l+ h7 S% a2 ^# x: j" S. O8 z  i$ k5 y
3 What makes the theater special?
4 M4 @& v8 S) `: ]+ U) N5 t. Y5 l8 N% t  ]0 s; {2 s2 w( a
(A) John was found at the theater.
2 E  y  q5 ?. J
5 x% v- e4 f$ E( f, p; I$ F(B) John's grandparents first met there.3 `9 Z4 K  B) {2 O

1 [: A" }8 \" G(C) John's friends used to have a lot of fun at the theater.
2 g& \, @' v) s( O( }0 }1 q, x/ q" V  C8 Z
4 Which of the 3 maps below shows the town when John's grandfather was young?- C( j# A- e9 n, }2 e) C
3 [6 N0 w6 e+ i
参考答案:8 P% S9 n9 o: @- g% g/ z
. L% o3 l- [9 W& M7 B
1. C 2.C 3.B 4.A
" ~# D) F+ A, ^' J% E4 f7 o8 e; `1 D- Z$ y( ]: L  g1 B7 K& _; `
话题4 日常活动( Daily routines)
# Y+ ]9 m& n5 m# T5 o' Y# ]  m3 s
+ ?( o5 d1 N0 w* O6 @2 u$ l阅读评价案例 4
. ~7 T2 E7 _$ E$ s; L$ P% j6 f2 A! ?) f1 V' H$ ]7 _
You are Mr. Chen's secretary(秘书). Read about his daily routine and complete his notes for today. When you have done that, answer the questions.
; ?. _6 [. r3 @# W. v& Z! v
2 U" j) g4 n9 V/ \' F, HMr. Chen is a very busy man. He is the manager of his own business so he needs to spend a lot of time working. However, his family is very important to him, so he makes sure he spends time with them too. Before he goes to work every morning, he drives his daughter to school, so he is never at the office before 9 am. Every morning, when he arrives at work, he looks through his mail, and then at 10 am he writes his reports. He never takes phone calls or has appointments before this is done. Today, he has a meeting with a very important customer from 11 am until 11:30 am. So he must work quickly this morning. He always takes an hour to meet his wife for lunch at 1pm at a nearby shopping center. After that, he drives straight to his factory to check everything is working well. He is always back by 4 pm for a daily half-hour meeting with his secretary to discuss the work to be done the following day. He leaves work at 6 pm to pick up his wife and daughter. Then he doesn't think about his business again until the next morning. His life is well-balanced.9 {, ~8 m. m7 e, }
+ y9 @) L% ~1 \& {" h5 a
1.You have received requests for the following appointments. Which of these can Mr. Chen attend?
# D: Y& h( P, a2 W% `3 \* \7 O' H1 |
(A) A half-hour meeting starting at 10 0'clock.: w2 |3 @3 R# U7 I
$ B' s. P6 Y% l9 Y, W, g6 I% Z+ z
(B) A one-hour meeting starting at 12 noon.6 T6 d# B, S- ?! W. }

: X& ]2 R* C7 p& `(C) A one-hour meeting starting at 4 : 30 pm.
. T; e7 c+ q9 m2 Q  Q+ z  r, z4 Q" ?4 p9 t/ n" e8 @( w0 g
(D) A half-hour meeting starting at 6 pm.$ X: y, P3 p0 z% T6 ~3 U
' U' |5 _% Y7 M4 m- P# k
2.Why can't you make appointments for Mr. Chen in the early afternoons?
9 Y. t* l7 P4 A* w: [' w9 c5 N! @$ C# u( ^
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________% _/ i; ?3 ~' ~  \0 E6 J5 Y

2 D% {6 }. j& {5 a3.Why does the text say his life is well-balanced? What does this mean? 6 l! [. Y" X- o: m

+ @5 N4 ^; S9 i3 H__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6 T( T' }* I0 `' X8 D, a

5 K) B% y. A' r参考答案:3 K' g# n7 |5 Z$ M: X: l
& Y$ Q& `' K1 G, G  ~& f
1. B and C/ ^, z- k2 |* N7 V& Y7 [1 F

" l, h) q8 L; v. E2. He is visiting his factory.  |9 u& ?: k! C  @3 l
/ }* J# Q& t5 P# [2 L$ o: K" X+ r. X
3. His life is well-balanced because he spends some time at work and some time with his family. He divides his time so he has a happy work and home life.: Y+ f: `" l2 x7 D. v
6 R) Y  P' x% U7 }- b: m$ z! t0 j
话题5 学校( School)/ u! ]% [+ {( Q  y' _

' q( n# G, m) l0 w- f& B阅读评价案例5
/ L9 e! q* k* E9 i& o
; i+ f$ \/ c2 G! U1 d1 E( h8 HRead the school principal's notice about using computers. Answer the questions.
% A. ?  s! R4 C! N$ i) L& Z1 c- f& A* W1 L( O- |2 N8 f! r6 v
Students,# i* O; _$ a$ @: v! Y5 x& Y
4 J, g0 S! J! g. a9 P
It has been brought to my attention that some students are using the computers in the computer room for their personal entertainment and logging on(登录) to chat rooms during school hours. This has led to a number of complaints from students who wished to use the computers for school work and were unable to do so.: K8 g: x% h+ _9 b4 u

4 W. l% A7 ^" p! jWe want you all to get good use out of the computers, but the main reason they were/ c; [4 B8 I- T- ]# D' X

. Q) u; Y' f2 ]# a& Kprovided was to allow you to use online resources (网上资源 ) for your school work.; L$ e1 T; I; u4 Z5 c8 r' M

3 m" d1 k* d& i  xFrom Monday, all students will have to book time on the computers in advance. To do this, please complete the computer request form at reception. You may continue to use the computers for school work or personal use as long as you keep to your booked time." `: J; y; A9 G' n* k5 o

! p3 J! J( N# c; V# A3 SAnyone caught misusing the booking system will not be allowed to use the computers for one month.* @' u0 @- g5 t3 \* x& `* t% _
  L9 R3 L/ N- d8 K. C
Chen Erxiang
( J. z6 q$ O$ U5 I7 W+ {
* x) [% ^5 z( b4 e/ _School Principal  Y2 \1 w& V( }+ ]% N' S* F/ ?
: f8 s$ z9 ~' J2 Z
1.Students complained to the principal because____________________
" n9 ~5 {  ?: Z  q2 |/ `1 M( M, O) Y& o) m% P
(A) other students were chatting online.
. n1 }/ z1 o" n: f( G+ ]8 t; ]; I3 I$ G6 E2 w- Z
(B) other students were doing homework during school hours.
6 t# i, k. q% y  a0 f+ \% v: x( h. {! b3 i
(C) they couldn't get to use the computers when they needed to do school work.
5 U  y3 Q  O% Z% i6 v; r
' r' A/ A6 J) ]* \7 y& o; `9 S(D) they didn't know how to use the computers.
$ m, f" f3 S# f6 O, u* j4 B) U
/ q2 v+ C* p& Y0 c% V2.The principal changed the rules because____________________2 w1 ^' O) s& F4 J% {1 X/ B2 g! f( b) e4 l. t
, \9 w: C/ h+ }/ Y, \4 y: j: H
(A) he didn't want students to enter chat rooms.  L+ f2 A8 h: q' Q* A

  b! U; a' r$ J% U6 X, d(B) he wanted fair use of the computers for all students.
, c4 q4 P( B3 o- g4 U
! C5 R% |6 z1 i/ |3 r(C) he wanted to punish students who didn't work.* g7 j9 p3 O/ T: l

' I9 i9 ?% U& P) G% ](D) the students asked him to." P) ^+ H# O( V9 {
+ {! \% |5 p( B  e) g, o
3.From Monday____________________1 C0 |" D! P5 U, ^/ V1 y2 I; u

* T: \1 x# `9 J5 U. w) r5 l- {4 \(A) the computers will be at reception.
, L, o+ {3 @2 `9 ]  n4 b' {& A$ b0 t
(B) students can only use the computers for school work./ s+ ?5 j8 K! o# Z4 Y
% l# Z1 a6 A  C! C" R+ {
(C) students must register to use the computers.# a- }) O4 G' n# b

( X7 o7 v0 u  \5 P4 @(D) students must book the computers with their teachers.
# H# T7 D' d5 K, U1 A- ^
/ C2 @+ N1 ~+ O( {$ ~4.From the text, we know the principal ____________________
4 r' a3 r( l' f' v' g& F4 u9 j1 |5 c% a& n
(A) is unreasonable.
& G1 G2 F- C7 @- e6 X" |3 J$ M+ A( G' s2 a( c
(B) wants a fair system.$ q/ x; Q+ x& e# a) N# d& k0 o3 F
+ y" F, \" P# g
(C) doesn't want students to use the computers for entertainment.( |* ^/ d0 B. ^

  b  ~) V6 e$ u& E& B8 Q; A  y(D) will ban the use of computers for all." E' S" ]  U5 {) l

% S& U$ ?7 w3 g5.What is the best heading for this notice?% b2 O, P! a# r# W

; |7 K7 [- U( `# n) ^(A) Rules
" {) l, a# G# L3 y* `
+ U* C/ d, k( U# N9 \6 b(B) Give Students a Chance/ P, C' X0 t. A& |; {

# W4 v1 |$ l, `3 Q) [) t) U(C) Ban on Computer Use
7 i0 p& }& F6 `# T+ w* V- \$ H& o7 C0 _- W% z
(D) Booking of Computers in Advance
6 F$ b- S& [0 ?1 R; b8 s# L( l- B1 g! V4 `2 m' O1 X6 J
6.Which sentence is NOT true?
2 e3 a$ f* v8 E
- {; H% z$ x" g$ l* }! p7 V(A) The principal wrote the notice because he wants to solve the computer problem.6 Q1 ]8 f/ x  i( L5 i+ w. j/ u

* w7 D0 q) C7 ]* O( R1 z( E" j(B) The principal was advised about the problem.$ O' [( w" B0 U0 s0 o

' t3 \8 y$ e( \/ F9 j) y- k1 ?% {; ](C) All students are misusing the computers.
9 _+ C$ G' ~, s" T: W" v3 D" U5 u) n7 ]4 x$ q
(D) Some students are not able to use the computers.
# m2 Q2 h2 L* b& V& C" l* T' m) t0 i$ E% m
5 a2 p' k4 j0 B( ^" W' T8 }1 X1 O
1.C  2.B  3.C  4.B  5.D  6.C
, k5 d' g& i+ Z7 r' a4 H* S2 ^  y: [) ]/ o  j
话题6 个人兴趣( Personal interests)9 j* a" i' N1 s8 s9 H2 X4 {+ s
. S! @% W, n0 o8 N, @) F* j
& M# m' b, w9 g, W; @8 A
" a- M0 h# F/ n( Y6 oSkim through these texts as quickly as you can in order to answer questions l-5.
' E! }8 l* t  X2 k3 c& n" o2 Z- z2 j9 L  B% E; I  f! H6 m5 y) ^
Why is Gao Yang special? ( B! w6 `8 M, b( H0 R- i
8 l% }6 u% L. G  U1 J
4 d, R; p% }1 Q/ V& X6 C! K7 i' w
" d. m4 G. v; P# W; n1 |: S& EWill you get a better sound if you blow hard or soft?
8 m7 s) ~  u3 P$ h" U
8 o2 K/ ~# V! x$ e1 ]__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2 T1 l9 b1 F( p6 @! o
& N/ c2 ?7 L" X1 j0 {# Q; N
Where should skaters go today?
6 p5 c8 p' f) Y5 y/ U, k. p1 z( C! v- \+ V
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________* d, @/ ?  B- V' k8 T  t

: D  D* J+ R4 ^( ?4 I2 _1 TWas it an easy match for England?
* `& {( d$ g- X- X6 ?0 ~0 T4 `& h+ Z, ]  z  n, B7 e
% U* p1 J; |2 O. ]5 e# x1 g, X# h) b; r/ X" o+ o
How many shoppers can meet Yao Ming? / V$ k) M4 s. ?1 ]' V: P
4 R6 q  ^6 h& |: t4 H' s: w- K& q
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________& u8 {  b+ \- x! d2 s

# {1 S  r7 F2 T9 M* Z* g$ r参考答案:
; a' F" f9 `" h: b& T9 u7 k- ^( M
) u) Z' Y5 y( D5 Q8 P* p( q& i1. He is the youngest player to win.
; g. ~5 H4 w3 d) D/ @- x/ e" d/ ?: q: e+ N  r
2. Soft.5 G5 m7 F% v. S- O& ?- [* }: d

4 D0 t5 N3 i3 x% Z! g3. At the indoor ice rink.
' K& c5 R$ E9 ?+ j( U1 `1 W* P
3 @2 c; v- B3 E5 S3 b" i- _6 r4. No.8 B% M% z- P- u( y  I4 Y

& L( E$ l8 P. x5. Five.# S+ Q( M$ r0 [7 j; x
  l# {4 u) z: [2 x
话题7 情感与情绪( Feelings and moods )+ v1 i5 D/ f  G: _) C

% j5 M1 F2 ^) \/ ^阅读评价案例7
' b$ j7 U' i+ q& T1 ^
# A& F$ D& u5 J. R& h$ c3 q, j* }Help these people find the most suitable(适合的)job. Write the person's name next to the correct picture.8 @( ]1 e, D- ^# |2 R( t

: m' o4 r- ]5 L; t, W0 F1 H: y话题8 人际交往(Interpersonal communication)
* i7 h" D! b. B3 |$ q/ A- W; }% R: H$ ]  W, m
阅读评价案例80 p. S( N( l3 N6 R# F9 \, r
7 v/ u9 l9 \, v% l2 h( r
The following passage looks at different ways people greet each other. Read it and answer the questions.
0 k! r' z7 L1 u- x! y2 f- J* x
# W- T( H7 H4 ^% g! p. a3 p( S3 a* \" AWhen we meet people in social situations, we want to be sure we are acting in the correct way. In English, the language we use is important. We speak more formally to people we don’t know well. We may say “Pleased to meet you.””How do you do?”, but with friends, we speak much less formally, “I!”or “How’s it going?”is more usual.% j- ]% `4 M: B9 m
  `, [- Q5 L: j
But we have to be careful with more than what we say. Our actions are just as important, and if you are introduced to people from other countries you want to make sure you don't do anything to upset (使……不高兴) them, or that you are not upset by their actions !
. f2 c7 C7 o5 O( l, n, \( R% a8 |
  f2 y  x' k2 h! r# {/ i  cEnglish people usually need more personal space (私人空间 ) than French people, for example. You may shake hands with English people when you meet them but you wouldn't normally hug or kiss. The French, on the other hand, may kiss everyone 3-4 times on the cheeks (脸颊). This can be quite exhausting if you are in a big group of friends!
! b) w3 d( v; ]$ r7 q
: D2 ?+ x. Y/ U# V; y1 bThe Japanese often bow when they meet. The lower the bow, the more respect they show. It can be confusing to know how to behave, but we usually find that a smile is universal (世界性的 ).
" h8 I3 }+ Q1 N0 w/ s* H3 E
3 k3 L4 \# k( S6 h9 s! e1.In social situations ____________________+ h2 w" j+ u- _" Z8 G

( G6 [0 v) q/ k' ^8 H0 Y: J(A) there are no rules for speech.
% j3 l" b4 }6 e7 T8 {3 d
% F9 T/ T7 S- ~3 ~: ~, ^2 `/ V(B) we must speak the same way to everyone.; V  j. W; N$ x7 e5 e6 _

9 Y6 \, P5 v# P8 @. j9 h/ v. l(C) we change our speech to match the situation.
' {! R# E* ^: P1 U, z$ k! k+ Q
* `4 r- W# t5 e  a- B2.In social situations ____________________
( |2 U- M, f( A; L0 v! @5 m7 i# r; K/ F: o" Z3 `1 }. j3 P
(A) our actions are important; our words aren't.
4 A& O& H! J: Y' ~. V- j: A' Y
( k: z: S1 c& ~, V. `- t(B) our actions are as important as our words.
( _* M  B) C: t9 n2 v; b' d6 m7 K* n1 o* k: k* k8 }
(C) our actions are more important than our words.: v# g! A1 p6 Y( q5 A

- m/ n+ }6 a* u5 k$ k: a3.If you don't know a country's customs, ____________________
% N0 I9 J4 w9 J! _8 s  h
. D, f: I# }3 s9 b: a- W6 k% L1 g4 B(A) the people there could offend you.
2 ^# j  T0 A: n# `) K6 Y7 R1 y. P- M8 X/ O( ]: ^5 ?
(B) you could offend the people there.
! A; V/ K: A* C2 x* B( L! [% s8 l% V9 x; X: O/ @
(C) both of the above.1 }+ o8 m; z0 P: y
" m" ^0 C8 H- h2 K
4.Why can it be exhausting to meet a big group in France?( e  C# H0 S( a, ^% Y$ _& U7 M5 x

; h: x# q* P0 U6 k5 m' u' x+ L__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
* g8 P5 T" O/ I0 ]+ o% i" D( J
6 }8 J6 U- D; B7 j1 M6 K: I+ @0 s                                                                                        5. What does the writer mean by “a smile is universal"?: M+ w' C$ O3 J- }) L
6 N/ i1 L5 x- |( t8 P4 Z, d; |2 C. u
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5 V! h1 p) e  t

$ O! N# u7 s  p- ?4 a3 I' t  o; S参考答案:1 [5 |6 y! y# f/ h9 S

5 B8 }5 L! a! ]- K9 Q" t1. C 2.B 3.C, d7 M2 Z8 q- t! K
& ^$ K! y0 j* Z6 ]$ t4 |2 a4 U3 W
4. Because you have to kiss each person.
1 C; d2 q/ r. @! o$ h5 j$ S& i4 m1 F, G( c2 [4 w
5. This means everyone knows that a smile is friendly no matter where in the world they come from.) k- Q$ |2 l; q2 ?

* o' Q, {/ U' W7 f+ [1 D5 o话题9 计划与安排( Plans and arrangements)
! u; H% ]) p2 a: R
$ ^' }! q$ @4 q, y% t# v. _阅读评价案例 9
/ g: K, C# G6 A' ], m8 W  D0 p  Q# L& L3 V) h6 Q
To help students decide what they want to do when they leave school, a teacher has asked some people to write a short note to describe their jobs. Read the texts and answer the questions.7 P& F2 f  b1 `! W; n

8 e. f# F9 a" W1 a1 `Text A:  I have a very creative job. In my work, I am never myself!I do get nervous before the curtain goes up but I live for the applause (掌声) of the audience.- G+ q3 H1 c' U% l
3 f. v: I* r# i
Text B: My job is really interesting. I couldn't imagine doing anything else. It can be dangerous sometimes, but we have protection. Knowing that you are serving society and keeping people safe is very rewarding (值得的 ).$ y; y, F2 S' ?$ g
9 d7 V  a) S/ w7 f$ B
Text C: My job is to serve customers, which can get difficult sometimes. When you are working with people's money, they can get angry if you make a mistake.
7 h1 z6 X  G- A0 a) D
/ Z" m4 m4 J. P0 ]5 ]0 N( H+ ^6 NText D: My job is stressful. I have to wait and chase(追踪)people to get information. It’s highly rewarding when my story is reported on the news. It makes all the running around worthwhile.
5 e& L9 `) ^8 Y# K9 Y# L4 ^5 J3 M- k8 @) P) F( {" F/ b' ]/ [
Text E: My job is very tiring. I am on my feet all day (or night if I am working the night shift). We work very long hours and the pay isn't great. But helping people get better is a reward in itself.. x: a7 c' f7 X  V5 X

; u3 c1 B3 I7 y( E2 d- i7 D* p8 f, sWhich text describes the responsibilities (职责) of
: m1 p, I- P' t3 X8 F. K6 z  A5 c0 Y, A  ^( B( i$ Q# Z
1.a policeman?            ________________________
4 K5 ]. C9 ?, w! q
7 v2 V: \- g" T6 D+ q0 Y2.a nurse?                ________________________7 i( X, }  {  T4 {% ^$ @

  i* n9 y% L6 U2 g, N, \3.a reporter?              ________________________
" x, `/ r3 e9 H) A! C7 q4 x7 c9 {6 v( j
4.a shop assistant?         ________________________; E: t% R2 t% Z2 l4 u/ M. z
( h2 M/ E4 |4 _; I+ w+ n- E
5.an actor?               ________________________  `6 T1 G) o, N' T# Z4 W' x' r1 F- L
( o2 ?+ S; l; Z: n; _2 r
Write the letter of the correct text next to the question.
4 D! y' I1 W; o) c
1 V/ G! _' Z2 d" G+ K+ j" ~6. Which person has never wanted a different job?           ______________________
  S, o$ ]- T& F4 m
: I9 y" y3 J/ r' W# [5 b' r7.Which person works hard but has a low pay?              ______________________, [+ W& ?5 u, M
3 Y4 }5 [/ f5 S' a/ ~4 \
8.Which person has to deal with customer complaints(抱怨;投诉)?______________________+ u3 {% R5 D& p! `) |

' [* _" Q% u9 H/ A/ n9.Which person spends a lot of time running around?        ______________________
3 ?6 Q1 _6 I# ^) F" w- p# H1 _, d% [$ C" S
10.Which person feels anxious before he begins work?        ______________________
; W. O4 A' C8 O. R: y3 u0 V7 ~. `2 S( C
参考答案:4 {) T9 v1 w" p7 r

' y# t% N+ p8 F6 B- X1.B 2.E 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.E 8.C 9.D 10.A
, v- q1 j" n2 G* j# S) b: ~8 |; J: r  ?2 h" f! v* P
话题10 节假日活动( Festivals, holidays and celebrations)1 [1 B7 A1 k* z5 h
  I) {- x& g. S: a6 {3 G6 O
' z- w1 X! b* g! n
- }0 `7 M6 g# i' n4 ~4 `Read about the history of Dragon Boat Racing(龙舟竞赛).Put five of the headings(from a-f)in the correct order at the start of each paragraph. And then answer the questions.. \8 i. E$ T7 d/ J  n
! v/ [$ h8 B; G0 W/ [9 g
# }% x* @$ B% K& J$ x3 K# z+ u5 P1 x5 b! n( g1 h9 j! Y) v3 H
Dragon boat racing usually takes place on the 5th day of the 5th Chinese Lunar Month(农历月份) and is believed to have started in southern central China more than 2,500 years ago. But how and why did it start? One story is connected to the death of the poet Qu Yuan(屈原) in the Miluo River(汨罗江).People tried to save him by quickly taking their fishing boats onto the river. Beating drums and splashing (泼水)the water, they tried to frighten away the fish and evil spirits(妖魔).
4 ?3 {% _& D1 C2 H, V, L8 ]
4 r0 s: I. ~" }) L5 O7 ]2.____________________________________________________________________$ c& H' y6 K. g7 p/ o

' O2 _4 I" s5 x  hThe story continues with the people throwing rice into the river to stop the fish eating Qu Yuan's body, and to stop him from going hungry. But one night, the spirit of Qu Yuan appeared to his friends saying that a river dragon was eating the rice. He asked his friends to cover the rice in silk so the dragon wouldn't eat it. Zongzi(粽子),sticky rice in leaves, has been traditional food, popular at festivals, ever since.9 R( ^' s4 H' n( c
! u; V+ X5 ]+ P1 p! A7 F& t
$ m% \' H6 e& L$ M- d: T: N/ f5 C! T
Dragon boat festivals take place all over the world, but the traditional Tuen Ng(端午<粤语>)festival in Hong Kong and the Duan Wu(端午) festival in southern central China are two of the biggest festivals. Dragon boat racing has always been an important part of these festivals.- |2 e5 K& a* ]3 e6 F' y1 Y7 Z
) _, A. p1 T, L3 U! `: c% V( ^
4. ____________________________________________________________________
  f# U- B$ Z1 K
/ Y; R" ^5 R! _5 s/ l: G( \1 HToday, dragon boat racing is usually a quick race of several hundred meters, with 500 meters being the normal distance in international events. There are also some very long races, such as the Three Gorges Dam Rally (三峡龙舟会) along the Yangtze River in Hubei Province, which covers up to 100 kilometers.- o3 C& b% Z" q% \4 P0 q; j
. R& \! j6 j4 v; D
5. ____________________________________________________________________
: t0 Q  g! T0 j+ p
9 t3 q' L3 h/ N6 [* B2 t# K2 y. _Over the past 25 years, dragon boat racing has spread from Asia to such places as Europe, North America, Canada, Australia and Africa. It is a popular international sport for thousands of people in over 50 countries. The biggest international race is in Toronto, Canada. It features more than one hundred and eighty 25-person crews (选手), and the races take place over two days.8 \5 u! Z% b2 U1 |

0 q0 ]6 Q, ~3 `6. Where is the Dragon boat racing believed to have started?7 z0 |9 W1 M# c
; O3 e" R: o9 ^6 e( Z) ^
A. Southern China.                     
: u" o; I% ]" Z, `
: M9 h& Z+ N+ hB. Northern China.4 Q' h- m! g) d: K' G

% F$ _0 p- g' R5 Z$ \C. Southern central China.                0 W4 Z: O3 m; B9 U/ W9 d
- d& c& h% X/ t: c
D. Northern central China.3 U7 |! B( ]  z, p* [$ `$ r
- c, C0 R* h; X+ j4 ~  D6 \
7. Why was rice covered in silk according to the story?
2 }, l# c: l  D. x& h+ I/ R6 I/ w1 i7 a5 _8 F
A. Because a river dragon was eating the rice.
7 I6 e0 ^# r' R( G5 T2 i* n# y
% F$ m, x" J$ wB. Because the fish would eat Qu Yuan's body.2 l8 g7 E' r: P7 u( t8 W
. b2 ~0 w& V; j& k+ L7 I4 D+ K
C. Because the spirit of Qu Yuan told his friends to do so.4 E! Q" t# q* ]' z% `. P8 S. Y: j+ A2 k

" R% |6 |) I$ M4 M6 SD. Because the silk was so beautiful that the dragon wouldn't eat the rice." R$ `! T7 T7 K0 G+ p, c( p

& }7 c7 `; E! ~, `% [  A, j8. Which of the following statements about dragon boat racing is not true?+ q' E  }: A, k" {+ a

  I. z0 ]5 t% D4 [A. Dragon boat racing festival has been an important part of the Duan Wu festival.
9 I% z4 ^/ [4 M3 F( Z! y3 M8 {$ z- N/ F( ?# ~
B. Dragon boat racing could be long races.0 G9 g& Z) [9 [! t& U
. E; f- D7 P- _; u/ K$ l$ N
C. The biggest international race takes place in Canada.
: B- ^3 I( v. [+ x
; R  r# v1 ]% U5 K7 M1 BD. The usual longest race in international events is up to 100 kilometers.' V1 y9 ^% `1 H+ y

* ~$ ?3 f6 J# Z/ _参考答案:
7 X: B( X: w: v3 L: D# `
6 [! O# w( \8 x( U) o/ B" z1.d  2.a  3.c  4.f  5.b  6.C  7.C  8.D" U3 G1 B6 h& ~" q
1 c) _0 k% R: E7 q
话题11 购物( Shopping)5 E: X$ E1 Z1 D3 f

1 G2 r7 M! J. C& m3 t阅读评价案例11
+ L/ ]6 W  C' S2 Z5 q& |) B5 v! s' b& v
The following texts are all linked to shopping. Read and answer the questions. Remember to scan only for the information you need.: t  |. z3 |% T0 d

$ n) H! U; Q  K* g# F: t  c9 |& oWhich text is from, `% Y: o' L# y, h# q) P: z; g3 _

4 D4 R& F8 N4 o  J! S1 g+ @l.a manual (使用手册)?     _____________
0 \% {  ~2 C- e1 L$ h1 i* V* d2 J5 a7 U+ D3 Z3 p+ e
2.a sales advertisement?    _____________/ `+ J/ P! x1 L! u7 C5 D# q: R
- I: |6 V& a) C' f5 Y
3.a magazine article?       _____________- t% L& f7 C/ b. [, p

% W! I* E( C% ?$ A4.a survey report?         _____________
0 S5 c5 \7 m, S1 X* ?$ @
5 `! ~4 P" {* f! L* ~6 ~( w- A. R5.an Internet shopping page? _____________
# g8 Q6 H* ]0 j0 h4 O
# s( Y* x% \- Y& @% |2 JRead again and answer these questions.
1 G$ B% J' F! M. K2 R* h# m: _  f0 n
6.How long does the sale preview last?
& _9 C: o. w1 z/ w) F  T5 u  i2 w$ r1 p. |" {# V4 U  b+ Z$ x) @; h' F
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________$ z( E% ^; |5 |& R  U# {# E; z9 a3 u, R; P
, z1 M3 \% q1 V, X
7.What do shoppers normally reply when a shop assistant offers help?
$ f  y* @: h. O8 f8 h4 ~: B) h4 N' Z
; b- h: q' q; \! G1 {7 p6 n) J6 |' X6 W" U( p9 h. ^
8.Has the use of credit cards gone up or down since 1999?__________________________5 _' c9 H1 C8 ~5 x( L

& k* c0 n/ v+ [1 C$ m6 }! d0 B0 \. @9.When ordering online, you should ____________________________________ your receipt.
; V6 p7 }0 p) }% l- c% t: j  X4 f, i5 n/ k1 M
10.Where should you not place the produce, according to the manual? # g! c+ K( q! U7 A' [/ g
; ?/ @, o/ @4 e0 o) |) K9 D
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________( Q; \# p, ]6 K/ U; k
$ l$ E7 L4 L; m/ _
参考答案:% c% J2 A* _; d2 u6 Y

5 J: b8 R( M8 t0 V5 k0 ?- Y1.C  2.E  3.A  4.B  5.D
# T# ^9 a% N9 c- d; @
  L) n/ k6 b8 ]( r6. Two hours.   7. No thanks. I'm just looking.
6 g+ ]1 D' B2 A3 F9 _: s4 o+ m$ J  L
8. Up.    9. print    10. In direct sunlight
/ ]- B% B2 e/ F6 k3 s# ^9 T/ k1 b8 S" c/ b3 D8 P+ b
话题12 饮食(Food and drinks)
4 y' n( c: J& ]( {) I' b0 J/ n( Z4 U- B, z3 i( S5 J+ L: x* Z
阅读评价案例12. a# t$ N& k* b5 ?% _

/ `( i- t- D+ O; X0 |$ KThese people are describing food and drinks they like. Find a suitable restaurant for each of them.9 `3 d# w+ p1 X% ~9 Z' H, W
6 q) T% Z" ~) F7 |  K5 H
Li Ming: ____________________   * ?! b8 E" o  d2 k) X$ b
3 t& F; g8 x6 A2 {6 Y* w
Sarah: ____________________   ( P/ M$ O, I0 z( {) S$ m5 L

5 V0 h4 p  n% USteve: ___________________
$ H$ o) J$ P5 f: e4 v7 T" \5 Z) G) O+ ~! ^' `7 u9 C: |
3 l, w3 u6 A. {: \# J- J3 u
/ j6 r! f  t2 IWang Lin: ____________________
) i( k. E$ L- o7 q: N3 ~/ B. w5 ~& p( F: E' {' c0 C6 ^+ ]
9 [$ `$ p* s  m( z" I* {  A# K) }/ ^" n- O' J5 S
Li Ming: A    Sarah: D    Steve: B& T. i+ A+ Z4 D/ s& {2 V  `8 P

$ Y1 S4 v- s2 n1 e* I) vMary: C   Wang Lin: E
1 J2 h& }8 H- {) F$ {1 V+ W! J* ]( u* ~) {: P/ ^, ^
话题13 卫生与健康( Hygiene and health ); H" \0 G9 U6 n4 \1 m

" ]& m- J- G  {! ~8 V3 }! `阅读评价案例13
; o3 Y$ d4 e; V3 G- u+ [9 h4 l
# l  n- Q: I0 q: z5 XRead the leaflet(宣传单) about good health. Complete the following e-mail to your friend explaining how you can make your lifestyle healthier. Do not use the same words from the leaflet.
8 ]- u" U0 X* a
2 a  n% s- |$ H, b  u, M1.well  2.a lot of  3.daily  4.hard  5.getting
. @2 h' Y/ G: H) S- m: K2 o, X6 c' X% l+ `6 j. u7 z2 ~
语题14 安全与救护( Safety and first aid )
; e7 N! i  T& ^- h
: p& I+ X8 L% k/ _% Y, D$ A: v阅读评价案例14
/ F' P  ]6 l. G# ]) V# K- V" E% a1 I  H, y$ B" }# O( g" _9 _: `6 S, f
Read the article. Decide if the statements are "TRUE", "FALSE", or “DON'T KNOW".
& \+ m$ E/ r! ~# C, l# x' ~$ s' d; u* a- U* k* v
Aron Ralston found himself in a very dangerous situation while climbing in Utah in April 2003. But Aron - a 27-year-old American with a deep interest in mountain climbing - was not ready to die that day. And in order to save his life, he cut off his own arm.8 E- F7 W' w# W" u

( A% y% i( Q/ z. ]& i; Q! bOn that April day, Aron’s arm became trapped under a 2.OOO-kilo rock that fell on him while he was climbing alone in the mountains. Since he couldn't free his arm, he lay for five days and hoped to be found. But when his water ran out, he knew that he would have to do something to save his own life. With his pocket knife, he cut off his right arm below the elbow. Then, with his left arm, he bandaged himself to stop the bleeding, and after that he climbed down the mountainside to find help.
2 Q' Z/ \; h2 A" k5 ^! \+ Z) R2 L' A9 d. s  m
As an adventurer, Aron has learned to take risks. This is part of the excitement of doing dangerous sports, and he knows that he could die one day doing what he loves. He has had many accidents in his life: once. he had to dig himself out of an avalanche. He nearly lost his life that time, but his will to survive saved him again. Have his accidents taught Aron anything? After losing his arm, he wrote a book called 'Between a Rock and a Hard Place' . This means to be in a situation with no escape. In his book, Aron tells of the importance of making good decisions, and of being in control of one's life.3 g) S5 i2 b3 N! x& A* i

6 O: B3 ^- W' z) D, M; k+ AAnd what can we learn from his experience? Do we have the same spirit as Aron? Let's think about it before we find ourselves 'between a rock and a hard place', and before we have to make a decision that could mean life or death." h5 D4 n* e" l; o1 ?
& o8 G+ G) Z, ~  r# A3 B
1. Aron has nearly died three times.           TRUE  FALSE  DON'TKNOW, K2 ?. h1 o: i) s4 W

7 c3 }  u3 A0 r1 u+ _+ A& N) [" T2. We know when this accident happened.    TRUE  FALSE  DON'TKNOW
8 Q4 x2 B3 T2 ^) R9 S6 T
( J9 W# ?/ t; w3. Aron had plenty of water all the time.       TRUE  FALSE  DON'TKNOW
4 t1 B* a( z9 U; X2 M' z
5 t. A) i6 b7 l0 B4. Aron wrote his book before the accident.    TRUE  FALSE  DON'TKNOW- c1 U7 \! J4 C! r% j/ `! \

8 t& J. j. U/ X! L# [5. Aron still goes mountain climbing.          TRUE  FALSE  DON'TKNOW& \2 w9 }. J" D2 q
9 R8 L  t' j' C9 R7 r4 Z8 b, M) E& n
3 Y+ x. L- x3 _. F) k4 }7 k/ w- R! s4 O8 `2 h! @
1. Don’t know   2.True  3.False   4.False   5.Don't know
0 v) _2 G+ H/ w0 G
. K4 o8 X/ W! [, C8 R" I$ j0 W6 I话题15 天气( Weather)( |: Z7 V( X/ ?4 @" o* h9 z

, r: M+ V) H( `3 k& S" s8 S" R9 }阅读评价案例156 Y( l: Q+ i. z' H2 i- b2 F. r5 q+ K' w, W
( y/ d2 H' n; I( ^) k1 x
John is writing about his experience of a storm. Help him finish his story by placing the missing pieces (A-F) into the text in the right places. There is one text that you do not need.$ _, A- H# _/ g8 T4 m

/ L1 ]: x0 |! y16$ E! l- A  i1 B0 w1 ]3 \6 Y+ o- A

. L4 f. k+ O4 s$ c  w参考答案:
8 T0 m6 j, x& P: C- K; X- ^1 E' W: ~8 N! t' a
1.C 2.A 3.E 4.B 5.D
$ x. x( ?, X* O) w, T5 m
6 n$ T; ~) I+ q0 f话题16 文娱与体育( Recreation and sports )8 K# R: Y$ Q5 {6 u' O
! Y* y4 }+ n% x, J8 f
$ a+ p0 i6 U' w, }
" x6 \0 y9 L$ S+ ^* B1 `" x( bScan these texts taken from various entertainment sources(来源). Quickly find the answers.
$ n7 W/ M+ Q' Q/ n' C: I6 h3 X) {4 f' l, Z
Which is a4 w5 N3 G$ i0 ~+ X1 U' C. u

9 l) ?: ~1 {) M1. movie review(评论)?                         _____________________
4 Z* b% |$ F  U
6 K* L9 C! @# I2. health education leaflet(宣传单)?              _____________________
8 {: p0 j4 `* ]. x  G9 J
2 z2 x# O" h9 e9 O; ]3. sports newspaper report?                    _____________________5 w, P+ T/ Z+ X- J, V4 b! _; h: e

. g! ?- T+ N7 H3 W+ a* d4 movie poster(海报)?                         _____________________
) l7 a8 R( e- `5 ?3 a- S7 H7 l9 _" d* X9 N! P. @$ c0 U7 E
5. concert ticket?                              _____________________% j% P3 q  @& V
0 n- B5 E8 J' h: l5 }6 U
Read again and answer these questions.& D) _0 v- i/ h) j2 V" r! M

! d4 G: |+ B& x3 s6. What is good about the movie reviewed?
( }. {9 p$ c; o5 H5 ?2 v5 s  j
  v/ P; _4 `) M; y7 J8 \. O0 [__________________________________________________________________________________________+ \# m6 p6 Y. j8 x
- Q- x: V/ R/ n% H9 m1 @
7. What should you do to exercise your eyes when using a computer?3 N8 b7 w0 H) U4 ?# Z
6 v! x" ^% B# ~/ n0 d1 a* |
__________________________________________________________________________________________/ {4 i& t) c, r2 A, ^. _

1 E- y8 ~3 {' }+ m6 {8. Which team won the soccer match?/ U0 D$ V$ t) |5 c* O0 J% ?5 b
9 {3 W$ f6 S" v& u
__________________________________________________________________________________________                                                                                       , z1 i: x# q2 p+ `
( x/ f' M& J5 |" r) Z! ?% u9 s
9 . Who wrote the music for the movie that is produced by Steven Bloomberg?
2 I0 W3 z* h+ r/ y
8 t2 T5 m# E: ]8 O1 b5 R__________________________________________________________________________________________
* T  m8 ^1 Y. a. ^
5 j, s  M) e4 F3 V& u( ~# A10. What are you not allowed to bring into the concert hall?. v/ N4 O4 F! w- M* Z
7 s/ [+ a7 a/ p; C+ b- _% {
$ @+ V; e2 c' k7 ^( r, y0 k- I* r: {' X$ d  {
参考答案:; L/ k7 x) C5 C5 R9 K" D- V

' I6 ?( v4 s$ ]$ u. c1.E  2.B  3.C  4.A  5.D8 k' k+ W# U6 U% n6 l% d
1 O2 \+ ^7 ~0 T: U6 n' f! x5 c
6. Tom Cousin's performance.% N" D1 q; F3 B4 T: d- U5 C
' y+ B. x  v! O5 f
7. Take breaks every half hour and look at something far away
6 A0 M: `/ o, X+ Y, T! p
# g' u: y" m- g: _9 R+ _4 ^8 . Liverpool.
: S4 m! n3 o8 ]: w
( w  L2 H, J  ]- L5 X: T2 Q9. Harry Goldstein.' j; z) X% o9 i- v

0 }7 q) z# h4 B10. Cameras, food & drinks.; m7 ~8 n( \2 u% }5 h
. l+ [* F$ n0 t
话题17 旅游与交通( Travel and transport )
3 B8 K% }/ m+ F( J
# B1 [# u- c/ b+ S4 n+ @  m阅读评价案例17
& D! v/ Z4 z+ [2 o5 u) |4 e1 Q! ~9 y6 q/ y0 N  G8 k' m) e
Here are some things that you may see while traveling. Read them and answer the questions.
& Q; l! o* X5 Y2 M2 Q, Z% p) p
% y* F$ X- }" A) K! L! \Which text would you expect to see in a
8 E) \6 }3 `# R7 o( y4 H% L% ~& }- _( A" w) @
1.       holiday magazine? _____________________) j  Q% \. f4 l$ y4 [

3 ^% a# \4 ^6 I1 o( {9 W2.       hotel booking confirmation (确认)letter? _____________________
& E2 R% q& n- r& J) P8 ^. h; R' o7 f9 z+ k' Y, J
3. hotel notice? _____________________6 k/ v+ r; k9 i5 d/ q8 c! s* a
' d: b' j* A; M# |& T, H$ {
4. notice on a bus? _____________________( J8 i. f7 m2 q, _# D7 N
3 U) l& y% t3 t4 a7 ^, M4 o, ]7 }
5. tour timetable? _____________________
) x# k( x' _5 I9 u, n
8 y2 f7 E& E! f- ^Read the texts in more detail and answer these questions. _____________________
/ }$ d. I% ]: [! A4 {% u+ \/ G1 U& s0 E% r8 d
6. When can't you talk to the bus driver? _____________________
! _7 Q# k, Y9 J. p' Y+ \; L
' z9 M+ {$ Y& R$ s# ~7. How much will Mr. & Mrs. Biggs have to pay? _____________________
% b$ ^+ q, h) }7 Z7 n# t1 N, J' V: }( y9 R; I- {3 c( S% R
8. For which event must you be on time? _____________________
' \& _1 k$ ]% }+ y. {
) V: T( Z: i6 p; d9. In the hotel, where is the safest place to leave your jewelry? _____________________0 P# D! i& j, _% c. P

: c6 @/ q$ y/ W10. If you stay at the Hotel Paradise, you must go on the arranged tours. True or False? _____________________$ v! @, N; o: i4 G0 f2 _: c$ l* N& Q3 R

, [, Y) a! N8 K" T2 N1 _参考答案:
! Q9 {, C. A7 m, F9 \6 S% _2 f. n0 a
6 h8 ]3 a4 s' |% N. z1.C 2.E 3.A 4.B 5.D8 y0 R7 B, T4 `2 o. Q. _& j
# B; R1 g* E7 t+ @% X* K/ D
6. When the bus is moving.    7. $240.    8. The tour around London.
5 |$ M& Z* m' z) o$ U# F
7 |  g+ l% z* r( g* @# o9. In the hotel's safe deposit boxes.    10. False.
( d; F$ O+ M7 J: L, _5 i4 e
& j; C. J- v4 u9 j话题18 通讯(Communications)
7 d6 w8 C' p, L, R5 v! e+ O7 q# w1 X) D& U
阅读评价案例182 b9 K9 {0 h( b( \

/ T; {1 c4 \0 a* `Read the passage. Write the names of the three types of e-mail English. Then write an example of each from the reading.
9 a, j- A3 }( ^  n" c! i
& e7 P  s( Z- n0 v  b. \! dType l: _________________________________   
& w( q( v) F8 B/ Y
- f& i9 G8 `" u2 h1 g1 oExample: _________________________________      8 O  i1 z! a; A/ e! C
: \% ?& A1 N1 u  W' ^  d- W
Type 2: _________________________________ * k9 L) Q0 _# h" I2 B3 ?' u  Y
4 |% ~6 H5 D1 h: t. N+ Y. i. ]% U
Example: _________________________________
, b* F! ~6 b( [8 l/ o
8 d% j5 g, s/ x" c# @6 {  B7 aType 3: _________________________________
3 t) y5 B. q' {+ |- b
, d' O* h& ]4 G  s/ a9 n/ |4 xExample: _________________________________3 ?9 P; H# }2 {

3 f! r6 o/ b. ^* n  R# b- FYou're supposed to write quickly!- Q, t4 _  C) ^
! S- `3 l3 F; n+ k5 y1 O3 E! @' ^
Can you write in English? And can you also write e-mail English? Maybe not.E-mail English is a new kind of written English that is being used to save time.
" y( T5 N) A" X
! r: T3 r8 i7 q6 S- s) _/ d" lA lot of e-mail English words might look unfamiliar to us - many look like rubbish! This is because they come from a computer program called ICQ, which means I seek you. ICQ is an e-mail "chatline" that people use to have online conversations with friends. One Canadian teacher says, "People can use their computers to talk to each other. But you are supposed to type quickly so the other person doesn't get bored. Using e-mail English helps you write quickly."
/ B+ Q. P0 R8 f( W
! w9 D/ P9 s# A1 }0 ^9 H3 E5 bE-mail English mostly uses two types of words. The first is “abbreviation". This is formed by using the first letter of each word in the phrase. For example, BTW means "by the way", and CSL means "can't stop laughing". The second kind of word is a "homophone” - it's created by combining letters and symbols or numbers to sound like other words. An example of this would be to write "great" as "gr8", or to write "see you later" as "CUl8r".
: j' p5 _  H5 s" D6 H5 S. C* u8 @& f3 Q7 Z7 k9 s( n3 n
When you write e-mail English you do not use punctuation marks only in the traditional way. You are also supposed to use them to show the emotion you are feeling. These are called “emoticons". The advantage of using punctuation marks is that you can make faces with them. The most common one is the happy face - it looks like this : ) and it is made with a colon and a right bracket beside it.
+ A! O1 F% l5 e) T! e% p9 H* L3 Q6 X$ p0 W5 m
E-mail English is fun - it's almost like writing riddles. You can learn it easily by yourselves, and experiment with your own ideas. It is not rude to write e-mail English, but it is important to use it only at the proper time - when you are e-mailing a friend or sending a message to a friend on a mobile phone. But you shouldn't use it in class, and remember your teachers will not be pleased if you write e-mail English in a test!$ {) H3 m& [& E% y5 `2 A6 n! E
, x' Q7 H% A; Q! n! Q
参考答案:# C0 Y9 z2 B! m" r3 B

4 V1 e& d- x. @% g. [8 G, q# B5 P% ?Type 1 : abbreviation     Example: BTW means "by the way"+ n, P0 V7 J% J* i! a8 M3 ^

7 L: b9 F2 F- d3 g3 nType 2: homophone      Example: write "great" as "gr8"( L0 S1 L- v3 H4 X2 \

7 A5 J5 \) o9 r6 hType 3: emoticons       Example: the happy face - it looks like this : ) and it is made with a colon and a right bracket beside it
3 }) [2 M/ c# K4 W2 F6 _3 J
- {& m0 i8 Z% M0 Q话题19 语言学习( Language learning )# N5 `/ f) L  t/ m) o# l
/ B# k8 l! E3 }6 _* k  q
阅读评价案例 1 9
# `. Y8 g. b8 G. ]1 f1 l6 Z) F- d, N. I& @: o
Did you know that there are four national languages in Switzerland(瑞士)? Read this passage about a young Swiss lady who speaks many languages. Some lines are correct but others have an extra(额外的) word. If the line is correct, place a tick (√) next to the line. If the line is wrong, write the incorrect word next to the line.
: z' r6 y+ M, d& [7 B' z! F* a- o0 t; I
1. √ 2. √ 3. √ 4. the   5. √ 6. √ 7. √ 8. have 9. that 10. √ 12. do   13. when   14. that   15. √   16. has     17. was   18. √ 19. so   20. the6 I; H% w8 k& A5 w
/ }8 G$ c) J5 C9 k
话题20 自然( Nature)
! T/ o3 h2 g/ {* P
) ~* j8 ~: g  A% l5 u# s* ~9 M阅读评价案例20/ H. \6 X! t( H# Q. `! z* \

1 [5 g! x0 l! S1 T; NGoats (山羊) are very useful animals. Read about a goat farm in Singapore. Answer the questions., a% d6 v) m+ O) Y: P5 h* b
' x# d  k- g5 B' U3 K. m$ ^
1. How many goat farms are there in Singapore?2 M. |# n2 \  I9 N1 {$ _( O, P

# L3 K# g, Y, ?5 h8 R- G(A) One.                    (B)A few.                  (C) 1000$ _4 R8 c' N* x* L! x2 t* G, [
$ A9 _/ ]; a# O! ~. H7 j) J! Q' q
2. Goats can also be used for& x* {& A4 L" O2 S4 Y+ y

+ H3 A% e% Q4 Q: \6 s(A) their tails.               (B) their meat, skin and hair. (C) their legs.  p+ B* ?+ B" l, t1 O' ?+ I- h/ s( [9 v, G

) L2 K1 ?  E' H: S- @3. At Hay Dairies, the goats are used for_________________________
, Y, n$ d4 n8 B( z0 S9 W
( S4 U0 H; C* C( O8 u(A) their milk.               (B) their meat, skin and hair. (C) both A & B.8 {# j# w) M  m  N

$ j/ Y- s/ F% N7 j" ^  \5 w& H4. Hay Dairies was set up! `  Z8 Q. F. ~8 g) q
' v0 d; G! e- F* u! z# ]5 E
(A) to help Singapore's goats.
3 p5 M0 K; O+ {( P: P* R! h' s% y5 u' t" C$ c- x" O" \
(B) because people needed goat's milk.
! V' \7 ~4 L# m- G6 y; C$ j8 ]  i) o* }& D7 v) w/ p! o
(C) because John Hay didn't like pigs.+ ^8 y' J5 k2 g( E

' G( x5 H. _& F0 W4 Z5 [' H  X5. Why can't some children drink cow's milk?2 P, B% T' \* ?: w2 f& h0 y1 @) [5 _

8 v6 D8 F( H% w# ~6 A7 s  L_____________________________________________________________________________________________2 @+ g% x( q" f

; H& C% _1 h* N4 Z1 E8 N6. Why do you think Hay Dairies is successful?" u+ r2 ]" `0 ?# l, G3 u& r; Q

: [* e0 ?: q' v_____________________________________________________________________________________________6 M0 q- }' B& j' ^2 E6 p6 [) P
! w9 [+ H4 U2 l7 t# I
5 ]8 ~+ _5 c" Z6 ]* T4 Z! A; T6 I4 p( u7 Z
参考答案:# Y" R1 Y- X, s, i$ T6 W1 z' R/ ^; `

- p. A) E* u8 N* V1 j1.A 2.B 3.A 4.B
; a& `* R9 S+ U- ?7 ?2 y* O5 n
3 L+ _2 w) A# q% l6 ~0 Z8 N5. Some children can't drink cow's milk because it may cause an asthma attack.' h4 w- Q- u9 U  R1 g6 C% h/ s! W- z
0 F6 \0 a4 t/ T0 c4 _5 M& @3 w  \3 W
6. It is successful because it is the only goat farm so there is no competition and it meets a growing need for goat's milk.; J/ u) e9 `2 r, ^/ }2 F* C
& [' K( {, ]1 i6 d* V
话题21 世界与环境( The world and the environment)
9 G2 Y4 I6 {, [3 ?0 }# h9 ^2 p2 d* b4 T8 d7 i6 s8 i1 V+ Y
阅读评价案例216 U3 o0 ^% L# J- t

* ~: ?5 z0 P0 {2 qRead the passage and answer the questions.7 R) h9 U7 ]+ U, F+ t# b

3 K  \0 R3 q' yPlace extracts (摘录) A, B and C into the text in the correct places. Remember to look for clues to help you.
9 K& D2 ], g! c% l# T6 q
2 b$ q1 N7 k& R' r& g/ ^Read the text in detail and answer the questions
5 q7 T- X. Q  h, N/ V( h* s0 a
) `$ s3 f. H# @/ }; V(A) The Earth is______________________________. V$ P# n4 I' @$ R9 R2 V5 f1 w* `6 E
$ g. ]1 c5 [  ~% z. e& I( Q4 v
i getting hotter.   ii getting colder.   iii staying the same temperature.- O) l. Z& \+ r) J

, |. H1 @) W# Y/ ?2 M* u(B) Which of these does not send greenhouse gases into the air?1 s! V& {$ K$ p7 Y) w3 K. Z
1 W8 ]9 z* u& E/ S: i1 D; |8 l
i Turning on alight.       ii Walking to school.       iii Using a hairdryer.
/ _2 l1 _7 m: p% b# N" n7 k, y8 f/ l  H) U- w% _
(C) Without the greenhouse effect we would ______________________________________
3 r$ A- Z" Q1 A* c! g: M' |5 h8 `/ U4 B- l  k7 Y
i be safer.        ii not be able to live.       iii have a better world.5 v# o% K( U* R' I
: ^0 z" c& p7 `/ g- f8 i
(D) Global warming is a big problem but ______________________________________, J0 Y; T" f+ I2 S* w& ]
8 F+ v; f8 E# B, \% W
i we can make a difference.
4 ~5 ]4 n+ o# O- s2 p" s5 `6 h" s/ n3 U+ z$ J% g# J
ii we don't need to make a difference.* d9 a! s( [/ v( q. E

0 n1 R5 S6 _2 t$ x2 e8 M  t* Kiii we can make a difference.
) V+ g8 c9 h7 J; Q. E( q9 D! z, i" [- L0 b
Why do you think it is important to know about global warming?8 \6 ]! }8 e9 f1 g- D
6 Y. B+ J3 B# n/ a
_____________________________________________________________________________________________& T6 C; k8 k/ U2 G$ C

( ]1 v9 Z3 E: |9 Y) ^$ B5 Y_____________________________________________________________________________________________
2 t, ?4 f. G. ~" S8 P+ E# N: ?$ j3 b. D, E
_____________________________________________________________________________________________+ z+ |- D4 P' [6 o

! f/ F* |: u7 [3 R0 |" g3. It is important because every person can make a difference. If everybody hought that they couldn't make a difference nothing would change, but if everybody took action, this would create big changes.! l# B7 R3 V) `

7 ~; n' M6 N/ @2 t话题22 科普知识与现代技术( Popular science and modern technology)4 @8 I( o: C# W% z
; N& M6 G- |$ v/ ]5 f. ~
阅读评价案例220 d: f7 E& J6 X# Y) E% `5 C0 b

6 P$ y& |& ?# l- \A friend has written about the effects of technology on our lives for the school newspaper. However, he forgot to add the paragraph titles. Choose the best heading(小标题)for each paragraph. There is one more title than what you need.
9 q$ x  a/ y1 I+ \, [
' N/ a4 |0 d* e5 @- i: C& NTitles:: u9 o; [) j. ~# F0 r" ]

. |2 `' J$ N6 Y  M( f; ?& `5 L1. How it used to be                 4.Unwanted information
% b; }& N8 O0 l! b- O6 d, c: r) Y: P1 ^& X, J( u3 s7 D( Z( B. _
2.Connecting worlds                5.Can we cope(应付;处理)?
6 C1 a" V; p% w& B& W% ~+ [" W- r2 {6 Z3 J
3. We couldn't live without it         6.Information at the click of a mouse(鼠标)
0 e5 N) s, F( M1 t9 z# e
: v& z7 U: h/ v1 D参考答案:
# g' R, d0 a. q  S, K) K* m
  |+ p* C) v& }5 l. g; S(A)2 (B)l (C)6 (D)5 (E)3
! {% S/ R. T; X2 R' W# a
; U2 c9 f: ]' g/ s. K话题23 历史与社会( History and society )
, g7 p6 D2 E' a& ?* P0 k0 x- o( h* S; n, d
阅读评价案例23& N; {( ~' B) _2 k

4 D9 r1 Z% \* \6 h% r: |" uRead the passage about Venice(威尼斯)and answer the questions.
8 J' `+ y1 u% [& _! F/ ~9 j/ K7 F8 d
Venice today is considered one of the most romantic(浪漫的)cities in the world. But this city of love came about through war. The city began when people escaped from a war in 782 and made Venice their new home. Venice then experienced centuries of war before finally becoming part of Italy in 1866.2 H2 s9 n5 ]  `# m+ Z6 K  t

1 t5 S/ M- i" m# r5 Q; G! iThe city is famous for its canals (运河). People use boats instead of cars to get around. The most famous of these boats is the gondola - a narrow boat that has the oarsman standing up on the boat, rowing(摇)with one oar(桨) because the canals are not wide enough for two.
. q6 W( C6 o  q3 \2 K" a: p# w
; _7 ^) M7 p8 T# cApart from its canals, Venice is famous for its art collections and beautiful architecture(建筑物). In fact, churches in Venice hold some of the world’s most valuable art collections.
0 l& g, m2 N! S6 p( o# k; y. P/ a6 a3 k1 ~9 X: H
One famous architectural masterpiece(杰作) is the Bridge of Sighs. It is not named as you would expect after the sighs of lovers, but after the sighs of prisoners in the 17th
; f1 Z' A7 U$ m* ^
" d; W) b7 A4 VCentury as they went on their way to the prison on the other side of the bridge.' H. Z8 F1 [) I# t4 P) X7 K

" Z' E3 c3 Z" k: u: y6 vVenice remains popular with tourists interested in its wonderful art, culture and history.
4 n# E. v) l4 n; f, M- l7 H
, T3 W. L, e# ]$ b* C1.Which of these statements is NOT true? Venice experienced many wars_________________________
  D+ l" B+ t, O5 \/ l$ S
& X$ R# F9 h9 X( p: u(A) until it became part of Italy.
$ t4 \: j0 N- f0 h0 }6 N
. h3 I6 C$ U7 b. R5 y(B) after it became part of Italy., [# e& K6 f9 J4 w1 Z

+ |! ?8 E* m% G0 L( y/ G(C) before it became part of Italy.
9 e' }4 X% ^+ X; e$ p( C9 \+ F5 ?+ Y9 d! k3 z- T
2. People in Venice move about the city by_____________________________; B" W; U: P2 o  F  \3 |/ R% N
; _  F, ]4 [! P
(A) bus                 (B) car.                 (C) boat.; s4 r/ d* c5 `6 C4 @- y. o! L
& k4 ^" v6 l- W
3. The gondola is rowed with one oar because1 k3 V- M  x: o* X, V/ J  x- Y' e$ F
: t% z  }1 R6 }6 M
(A) the canals are too narrow.4 y7 v* ^! }, o" y9 T- l
. a0 ?& j% n1 v) b9 r- g5 K
(B) the canals are too deep.
# {8 t0 \  D' @4 v: H
( b1 W, ~' c7 u' L( x) j; }(C) the oarsman has to sit down.- d: n4 m' s2 a
, r# |. a  G2 X! I
4. The Bridge of Sighs got its name from --+ {* I$ \( C6 M6 t: Y0 S

# \( h) k: J- _" J, p(A) the sounds of lovers riding on the canals.3 t3 H; h* k8 [2 @2 j. _

9 s9 V- V% _; ~# o& ?( R& \* l8 b(B) the sounds prisoners made.
+ P- k4 y5 T# D4 d% F' I
1 X# }+ y; N7 h( n# E(C) the size of the bridge.
: E. R  w3 a9 z% L+ e+ j
( l0 V4 u* o" t6 MWhy do you think Venice is still such a popular tourist attraction today?' J8 D" k# ?' ]' p5 @
3 _8 |7 X8 L; a8 o3 ^6 b, E4 u
! u, E- q: ^; |9 ?0 R- K5 Z" W' T/ l' B' o% ~/ X+ `& `% r
_____________________________________________________________________________________________  \7 `' j- J6 }' }* K  t2 p

0 u' S/ s/ a2 h* z& T; e# [参考答案:
! S- i6 L" u  F( @" G  v' x* i/ y# f( J3 t. b
1.B  2.C  3.A  4.B
$ ~/ x4 t% j% D: T- t* g% z7 Z) h  G( F- A% R5 [4 P
5. Because it is unusual as it doesn't have roads and cars, it is romantic and it has a lot of art, culture and history to see and learn about.$ s6 y2 T5 G: l% h2 v$ `) i
2 o0 s; H* y9 W" H3 b6 l: }
话题24 故事与诗歌( Stories and poems )9 z  B: H+ ?$ \' R

! Q, T$ \1 T2 Y阅读评价案例247 ?, \1 w9 q" ^/ Y, y

4 G- `6 I/ G( J' ~: M/ z: \: D; f5 IRead the passage about Jack London and answer the questions.; S  g6 w7 t8 ]8 L$ @) s

$ P0 v, V0 A8 j: R6 gThe novelist and short-story writer Jack London was, in his lifetime, one of the most popular authors in the world. He was born on January 12, 1876, in San Francisco, Califonia. His family was poor, and he was forced to go to work early in life to support himself. He was largely self-taught, reading quite often in libraries and spending a year at the University of California.
, T  ?8 o$ X* l& w" o. s7 h
# g5 r2 o7 w6 |8 R% }% YIn the late 1890s he joined the gold rush to the Klondike. He didn't find any gold. Instead, he found ideas for his book and stories. This experience gave him material for his first book, The Son of Wolf, published in 1900, and for Call of the Wild (1903), one of his most popular stories. His most famous novel is probably the autobiographical Martin Eden (1909). In his writing career of 17 years, London produced 50 books and many short stories./ _& z) [+ O) ?

7 E. b/ H) o6 U  n9 j9 kJack London was not a happy man. In 1910 he settled near Glen Ellen, California, where he intended to build his dream home, “Wolf House.”After the house burned down before completion in 1913,he was a broken and sick man. In poor health, he took his own life in 1916.
! B% Y+ Z, [+ I+ L* ^! r" X# p% [0 ?
1. Jack London left school when he was still a boy because___________________________
7 S6 o* I' V  b
: |& q/ w/ F5 j9 s(A) his family didn't have enough money4 U7 M8 \6 v3 q$ x
( V3 p* X  ^7 b
(B) he didn't want to go to school( r" P7 @0 @. |6 b0 x5 N

5 p; Y! B; N6 `7 {(C) he was busy writing his books
) ^7 n1 K2 Y% r8 U
" h/ L7 k& L+ ?. D! l6 Q" g(D)he had to work hard in many different jobs' O! Z% _; G) x) o; D

: I$ F" @  m0 m/ O9 D/ ]7 e2. What does the under lined phrase “took his own life” mean?
! @4 W/ K/ M6 ~7 X( g3 Y: G# N9 {* N' G7 Y
(A)照看    (B)支撑    (C)自杀    (C)生病
3 G$ v5 }* Y: k5 K& ]
3 W7 v7 V. X( K3. What did Jack London find in the gold rush?
- E, N6 A9 ?+ D9 b) f' `; Z) g. w9 w4 W& C* B
(A)some gold                       5 }$ d' |* {" n9 }3 Z) @. [

" L$ r( f% s2 r* M(B)ideas for writing- k  s/ ~: }) p0 ?
; e! i8 E! e0 n  m, t# M
(C)old books and stories              , q) @" z- P+ R6 r4 _( S

8 U% x3 a/ }5 w8 j(C)some friends7 {6 N  P% d$ X. i$ }7 o) K

- O- C! r8 }& W! @: x8 x0 t* T4. Which of the following is NOT his book?
7 m: l& s0 Y; X$ q/ K, z( {) o( F: {- b0 G
(A) The Son of Wolf                  " T; u  t4 v" U/ u8 f) x

/ }& x/ c4 Q$ K# T/ s(B) Call of the Wild
$ @* c) C4 Y* [
9 v: h5 w2 N) q5 d3 W( g(C) Martin Eden                     
+ p0 z: \, B% M, V/ b  o& f- ^& _- D! p9 j# J
(D) Wolf House* n' s- B$ b( R# V9 I! S! O

# ]9 U+ U& |& \! `1 I+ }+ k2 i0 V5. Which of the following statements about Jack London is NOT true?3 W6 U. w& X" u+ q! _7 A
$ h* I4 n/ i7 N8 z
(A) His reading experience taught him a lot.7 e. ^# x$ c* c3 I

" n% j/ M5 p: _9 N7 n; H" A& r6 Y(B) He didn't make a fortune in the gold rush./ G4 S" R7 n2 ^0 h) Z5 u# Q

% u3 h- V) `: X' w9 c(C) His dream house was completed three years before his death.
5 k% c8 w. H( e# ^# W. E6 Z
' U$ ^+ `/ c/ }$ ?(D) He was only 40 years old when he died.1 l- i3 J/ d% _! Z, i' b+ o

, z; P+ \- g* e* _参考答案:4 n5 ~1 m  X# o" d, F& x
8 Z+ H$ H1 i- H; d( I* i
1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.C
  Z% Y) g% T( d; J  D
3 K; Z/ c+ K) H8 }7 f' o5 C写作评价案例
2 N$ K: I+ X- ?9 K! k5 g7 ^5 `9 @2 j9 H+ E+ j
话题1 个人情况( Personal background)( [% @: y$ @' _$ a! Y. `* c

) r; u" H, P# }8 Q6 d+ y9 f( u/ T写作评价案例1/ ]5 Z0 f' I0 }& A

" {: ^. q+ ?% i8 A/ eWrite notes to complete the table with information about yourself., Q3 [) `; j# b4 U

3 X! U  ^: K4 h9 [; o. I; H+ R1. Name: Fred Briggs
3 A5 c# P: C( W  p/ }0 `$ E
* x" B( @& {- L; I! ~% l+ |2. Nationality: British
1 F% `* D% D  m# m  @1 D  C$ ]& Z+ G+ k2 ~! Z1 u6 O: I. L7 J
3. Phone number: 010 - 8877 - 6879
0 m6 x* ~4 F+ r3 g( Y/ n; N; P- n% `$ X1 h% h
4. Birthday: April, 11
, Z) M" i/ j! t
( }8 G; s* i/ A3 Q+ t( X9 j7 |5. Appearance: 1.75m tall, short hair and a big mouth' [2 h8 N+ x4 t

5 j9 n; L  d* Z, y! s7 b. A. h9 @) {6. Character: kind, honest and hardworking
& U" F" R  O4 t2 k# U- ]1 m# R. Q
7. Things I used to do: play football, collect foreign stamps
( @7 z, U. M4 I8 }
3 s0 F% C. Y. e8. Things I do now: watch football matches either at the football ground or on TV, listen to the music  M& u( f, N, \. W; E* M( Y

: Z; u& |9 n$ S8 l0 X6 `) X. ]话题2家庭、朋友与周围的人(Family. friends and people around)) Q& K0 s# o2 W0 X

& s  S: U2 K( p; _' F0 F, \写作评价案例2
7 M& q, f2 o* U4 Y" e- P& W( \: T. h: v* p3 A4 A
Here is a picture of Emma's family. Pretend(假装) you are Emma. Write a short letter to Susan describing your family.
( a* P$ ]* ]- m9 C7 q( ?! t$ n+ l. u! k& [9 t# `* d1 S9 B
话题3居住环境( Living environment)- `; O# u, m* z* X

9 Q7 A! A0 e4 U4 d$ Q写作评价案例3
3 P- C+ g# n* o0 X
/ Y/ j0 _, U4 d4 ]9 D7 IWrite the names of ten items(物品)in the picture. Add an adjective to describe each item, e.g. a small radio. And then write one sentence to describe its location(位置).
8 C7 }7 w: S* {% b/ C( h* v
: D% A0 l9 R; N& H3 sYou got it!/ Z' K9 e6 d- N2 J

+ r% g' Z- z$ R8 X3 wYes, you made it.
2 Y7 z* q% [- L2 {: i3 V( R1 r  [9 N7 l
Good/Nice job!5 P/ \; S& D( G( ?+ F' y

, c6 F1 q1 Y* K! V" j5 U* c$ gYou did very well!- V/ p2 Q6 d* }( y
+ J0 V% S" B& c
% P, m* B0 z# [9 H, ^/ @; G, F4 J8 r0 S. X& u3 B6 p% @, d
- m6 F9 r6 G7 T5 F6 b& Z. s( Y, c6 ]- J7 ]
2 C/ ?4 F0 g1 q1 S. P4 }! G. T, G* ~" X% b: B" M) _
, c% P4 G* A3 g" F. X4 @- K, o& `- m
Fantastic!% D# ?* A" M$ v9 i5 J
2 Q! n$ b8 N( s* X- b
That's perfect!
) f! Y* D# f" A3 d9 m) b
+ V$ P: R" U" `6 TThat's lovely!
1 a1 v. T: [2 H) Q. ?
: P; @+ X/ y+ z4 nThat's nice!
& B4 F- E2 E6 \
/ u. n9 K! q; F$ o5 G- }Let's give him/her/them a big hand.
; }, r: M2 `4 I
7 [) B% E. P+ \2 Y7 V& E$ l" h& f% Q( b0 YYou've done it much better this time.9 W( f6 l% K5 s4 z
$ m3 @3 z3 }4 K8 j
You've made a lot of progress.
2 L# x) @! W  U0 N. D4 l+ u$ b0 s# O" V
You've improved a lot.
' H! \( z7 D6 g! L. J; q3 N: f3 |
! o8 ]' b4 y: Q0 D$ F: ~$ @$ aTake it easy.. h' T" {& u; {! n; Q. p/ i

, S$ g. _+ R/ E3 _) tDon't worry. It doesn't matter.
' Z. O% t. S) I& U# s  e! z
5 n: R( Y! X7 {1 c' Q% ^4 BDon't be shy.
$ t9 G* P* K( L  \, B# H8 j+ d7 l+ [4 ]$ T1 i
Don't be afraid of making mistakes.# ^5 B$ c' Y0 H! }: A; A

: V1 ?# g$ K: N+ T7 VThat's OK. No one is perfect.$ [+ Q/ u+ w! \* C* |' A- b

& m4 b# i0 M$ I. W: `5 X; H4 eYou can do it.
$ [; K6 ~, }4 u2 Y+ U- r" e. c/ J. F2 r8 H! M' [1 h
Come on! Have a try.! p0 T0 D; U0 h4 J

" R' Z! G8 u. i  I7 L阅读能力的评价$ E0 ]* ?0 u" Q1 e) p3 x! ?
3 R' g& M2 l& [+ X! L5 I: D
对学生阅读能力的评价手段除了阅读理解测评(如本标准中提供的阅读表现评价案例)以外,还有课堂观察、学生阅读学习档案、座谈、采访等。从实际操作来看,学生阅读学习档案具有其他评价方式所没有的优势,可以说是阅读能力评价中最核心的方法。档案袋里可以放如下内容:读书记录、给作者的信、给书做的装饰说明、阅读习惯问卷(详见后文列表)、朗读录音带、读书日志、阅读练习等等。1 z5 c/ H0 c. E4 [
3 k" F& Q, w; y+ O& B$ b# g
加强对学生阅读能力发展的过程性引导与评价,是为了促使学生读书时积极动脑思考。上面提到的写读书日志(reading log)就是其中一种重要方式。日志包括用自己的话概括所读文章的大致意思,即写概要( summary)。写完概要后还可写出自己对该文章所述内容的看法,包括:同意或不同意作者哪些观点,认为哪些地方最精彩或最打动人,哪些地方感到困惑或不理解等。此外,学生必须通过自我评价及时反思自己的学习,提高学习的主动性和积极性。学生在进行阅读反思时,可以参照后面的阅读习惯问卷。教师可以定期组织学生进行讨论,讨论自己哪些阅读习惯好,进而继续保持,哪些阅读习惯不好,该如何去克服。通过阅读学习档案袋的各种内容,可以:+ P9 X7 [( N) d6 F
  `  X2 Z  E1 `
# }5 n. X7 a: r1 n0 E8 C
  I( i5 w& R& Y* L) ^9 y1 i●全面展示学生的阅读能力发展进程。- V+ R3 ?$ A( w- z
6 k1 }5 P. Z: ]  P) l8 e  ~
●让学生的阅读目的更加明确,增强学生持续学习的动机。( @0 i3 [& t& y% Y' }( q
2 [  f7 H. a5 h" p
* O/ K' z# X5 e* C# w! S, c1 \! d! X- f* w. q% u5 L, F
: I/ W; V) M8 p7 S" X+ h1 {+ u: g0 n9 u" a( z0 M! b* p6 q6 ^
* q! _; K  U2 M; O* R4 G& _% B
( I$ L$ F& Q* W5 F


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