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人之初 People at birth,
性本善are naturally good.
性相近Their natures are similar;
习相远 their habits become different.
苟不教 If, negligently, not taught,
性乃迁 their nature deteriorate.
教之道 The right way to teach,
贵以专 si with absolute concentration.
昔孟母 Formerly, the mother of Mencius
择邻处 Chose a neighborhood.
子不学 When her child would not learn,
断机杼 she broke the shuttle from the loom.
窦燕山 Dou Yanshan,
有义方 had the right method.
教五子 He taught five sons,
名俱扬 each of whom raised the family reputation.
养不教 To feed without teaching,
父之过 is the father's fault.
教不严 To teach without severity,
师之惰 is the teacher's laziness.
子不学 If the child does not study,
非所宜 it is improper.
幼不学 If he does not study while young,
老何为 how will he act when old?
玉不琢 Jade that has not been polished
不成器 cannot be used.
人不学 Person that has not studied
不知义 cannot know righteousness.
不完整. |