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本帖最后由 黄丽君 于 2009-10-9 10:15 编辑
发布: 2008-11-03 14:16 | 作者: sryy | 来源: 上饶英语教学网 英语社区 英语教研 上饶教育在线
Teaching steps
1.Warm-up: enjoy a song.
T: Having English class with Miss Ma, are you happy? Ok, let’s enjoy a song.
We are so happy, our old friend wants to join us, let’s look who is coming? Oh, it’s a.
(1)Say some words with a.
T: A is our old friend, can you say some words with a, look at this board there are eight words with a, can you read them?
S: Cake.
T: Let’s call cake-cake-cake. ”A” in this word is pronounced what? (发音1 )--cake.(手势强化)
table ant cat cake fat name facer abbit
Help the words to find their homes.
T: Boys and girls ,now ,look here ,there are two homes of a, home 1 is (发音1),home2 is (发音2),can you help these words to find their homes. for example, “cake” ,(发音1)—cake, its home is home1,and”ant”,(发音2)—ant, its home is home2.Can you help the other words find their homes? ”table”, in which home ? …
T: Now, boys and girls, look at home 1,can you find something?(你们能找出什么规律吗?)
T: Very good. Let’s read the words together.
S: a-e—(发音1)—cake, a-e—(发音1)—table…(手势强化)
(3) Find your friends
T: Everyone, we have helped these words find their friends and homes. Now, take out your cards(从信封中),can you help these words in your letters find their friends, just like a-e—(发音1) in home1, (发音2) in home2.
T: Are you ok? Let’s look, which words are in home1?---and which words are in home2?(请两个学生说)
T:If you are right, raise your hands.
(4) Let’s chant
T: boys and girls, we are so nervous, let’s relax, look at this lovely cat, it’s very fat, and look at this cake, it’s on the plate, do you like them? Let’s chant.
Look at the cat, it is fat.
Look at the cake, on the plate
I like the cat, you like the plate
Cat likes cake, and you?
T: Now, boys and girls, in this chant who can find which a in the words are pronounced (发音1),Which words are pronounced (发音2)
T: For example,( 发音2)—at, ( 发音2)--fat…
(5) Read the words
We have known
many words with a with different pronunciation, I will check you.
Can you read these words?
flag (最后一起读一遍)
(6) Learn the members of a
T: boys and girls, you are so excellent, a has many good members. Do you want to meet them? Now let’s go to home3 and home 4.
Look, al” is in home 3, can you read it? First look at this word ”tall”. If you can, you can go into home3.
S: This is tall, ”al” is pronounced (发音3).------T: ok, we can go into home3 now. Let’s go. Oh, there are many children, can you call them: ball, hall, mall.(请学生读出这三个单词,并用手势强化)
T: Now, we will go to home 4, look at home4 , there are two brothers, can you call them. Look at this word ”car”
S:This is car, ar is pronounced((发音4).----T: look at another word, ”class”,
S: this is class, as is pronounced (发音4),“ar” and
T: now, we can go to home4, in home4, there are many children too. Let’s call them: arm, mark, pass, glass.(请学生读出这四个单词并用手势强化)
T: we have been to 4 homes, let’s call their names again. home1:a-e( 发音1),home2发音2 ),home3:al( 发音3),home4:ar,as( 发音4).(边读边做手势)
(7) Frog catches the pests
T:At last, we will do a competition, let’s look which team can help the frog to catch the most pests. For example, bake, a-e—(发音1)—bake, it’s in home1.Now first you can discuss about it, which pest do you want to catch?(先小组自己讨论再是按照A—E的小组顺序,每组读一个,然后剩下的抢答)
T:Let’s look which team has the most pests? oh, today ,the winner is team…congratulations!
(8) Activity: Can you color them?(机动)
Say goodbye
This class ,we have met many friends with “Aa” today. Some are old, some are new. Please don’t forget(忘记) their names, OK? Miss Ma is very happy, thank you everyone. Now it’s time to say goodbye. Let’s sing a song----“Goodbye” song. |