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Unit6 How Many? (3)

饶倩 发表于 2013-5-17 22:11:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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上饶县邱蕴芳实验学校     英语教学案
执笔:   饶倩               审核: 余智艳       审批:余智艳         
授课人:  饶倩              授课时间:           班级: 三年级         
课题:Unit6 How Many?    课型:新授      课时:第三课时
1. 重点感悟元音字母a,e,i,o.u的发音及拼写。
2. 通过本节课的学习,学生能够具备听、说、读写简单的带有元音字母的单音节单词的能力。

一.        明确目标
二.        情境导入
(1)Greetings & free talk
(2)I will divide you into 4 groups,if you say or do well, you can take a letter card from your leader.
2、Do you still remember ABC Song.  Let’s sing together.(鼓励:Your voice is beautiful).
3、I have a video for you:手语A b c phonics song. Listen and do.
4、It’s your turn. Let’s chant from A [æ] to Z[z]
三.        教读导读
1、T: We know the sounds of the letters. Can you spell the words according to the sounds? Let’s try. Listen, repeat and try to spell the words.让生听音、跟读,感悟发音,初步达成目标1。此处听两遍录音,first,listen and follow. Second, take out your exercise books and try to write the words.教师可以在黑板上板书示范一个单词,从而降低难度。
Check answers together.教师通过板书让孩子观察并总结。
2、I have other letters and words. Can you read them correctly and fluently?Try to read.
四.        合作展示
 1、Turn to page 60,read,listen and number.先让孩子试着将本部分懂得6个单词读出来,再做听音标号的练习。Check answers together and read these words together.
2、Listen and write.
3、Sharp eyes.
五.        巩固拓展
Every one has a card. Now, using your cards to make up new words in your group .Take your words to the front, and let’s read them out.English is useful in our daily life. English connected with our lives .English is a beautiful language.
六.        课堂小结
1、Read the words on page60 fluently.
2、Make word cards with your parents, try to spell, read and write the words.
Unit6    How  many?
a e i o u
hand,legs,ten,dog,duck,big        教师复备栏

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