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Girl burned while saving mother

admin 发表于 2013-4-14 20:41:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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By An Wei (China.org.cn)

A girl named Yan Qianyu from Dengzhou, central China'sHenan Province, was severely burned when sheattempted to save her mother from the flames of their burning home. The eventhas triggered a strong reaction from the public, with many offering to lend ahelping hand.

"Save my mum!"Yan cried

Around 9:00 p.m. of April 9, a Dahe newspaper journalist came to visit the burnunit of Henan University Affiliated Nanshi Hospitalin Nanyang. The reporter found Yan's mother, Liu Yujiu, crouching down insidethe ward.

Liu said that on the day of the fire it had been raining outside, and both she and her husbandwere sleeping inside their room. She vaguely heard Qianyu crying,"Fire! Save my mum!"

"I immediately got up, saw the fire and ran out of the room. When I got outside I found my husband lying onthe ground…" Liu said, "Then the neighbors came to put out thefire and rescued my daughter, whose clothes had burnt off,carrying her out of thefire. When we were [already] inside the ambulance, she wasstill yelling, "Save my mum."

Mother offers her own skin

45-year-old Liu told the reporter the family possessed a dozen acres of landand the overall annual revenue of the whole family stands at just over 10,000yuan (US$1,613).

As a next step in these tragic circumstances, the family plans to sell theirhouse in order to save the girl's life. If skin grafting is needed, Liu iswilling to donate her own skin in order to save her daughter.
A life still in danger

The doctor in charge, Sun Yufei, explained Yan is being kept in theExtraordinarily Severe Burn Unit. Not only was she badly burned externally, herlungs suffered damage through the inhalation of smoke and extreme heat.Life-threatening complications may occur at any given time.

The surface of her wounds needs to be treated and healed in the future throughmicroskin grafting and allogeneic skin grafting transplantation.

Sun has stated that at least five or six surgeries, at the total cost of some1.5 million yuan, would be needed in the future in order to save the child'slife.

Thousands follow and forward Yan's story

Thousands of internet users have followed and forwarded yan's heroic story anddonations are flooding in to help pay for medical treatment for her terribleinjuries.

Henan realestate company Tianlun is donating 100,000 yuan (US$16120) while a localcharity organization has contributed 10,000 yuan.


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