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如何命制阅读理解题& j$ G0 Q0 _1 h1 e4 R
黄 周 松
. d: b* p. P3 P s, a7 B8 F第一步:找文章。: h+ \. m4 M. P* a
根据我们所要写的主题用google 搜索国外网站上的文章。中学生阅读文章务必从儿童网站上找。其他网站上的文章太难,不易改写。在你输入的关键词中加上kids, / little kids/ teenagers等即可。. s6 X+ V( p+ B( l# E$ n
如:网上原文 体裁:广告 字数:263 来源;国外网站0 D U6 x: W0 w' A: M
网址:http://www.timeforkids.com/TFK/kids/news/story/0,28277,1602510,00.html$ O5 b8 |+ g# a2 v* Z7 W
March 23, 2007
6 H0 I" L2 [8 g+ q y; I! F+ c6 R2 aThe TFK Kid Reporter Talent Search
+ w, B! V( y% k8 EReport national and local news stories for TIME For Kids!
% m& p# I2 C% i$ y& sDo you dream of being a reporter or an editor? Are you a good writer who loves the news? If so, then you may have what it takes to be a winner in the TFK Kid Reporter Talent Search. We're looking for 10 students from around the nation to be members of the TFK Kid Reporter Team for the 2007-2008 school year. Next year's team will continue the tradition of reporting local and regional news stories for TIME For Kids magazine and TIME For Kids online.7 n& h0 h6 U' m8 X4 [
Professional journalists from TIME magazine and TIME For Kids will select this exclusive team. In the past TFK Kid Reporters have:: O \( F4 G& A6 d' o
* interviewed national leaders, celebrities and other newsmakers.
; ~7 Q8 e x q5 M* written news stories, reviews and opinion pieces for TIME For Kids.7 ]* ?" B! S/ @- d0 h2 k
* learned about the news business from award-winning journalists who work at TIME.
2 O7 ?* c4 p/ x2 Y" B* appeared on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, Today and The Tonight Show with Jay Leno to talk about their work.7 F1 \4 N' n( D8 `
How to Enter:% P+ u* z' x7 K2 N9 K0 |; j4 u
1) Include a report about an interesting or unique event you covered in your school or community. The story should include a headline plus quotes from people you've interviewed.
$ Z7 i# b" b' u$ U' H0 t6 F2) Complete the official entry form. You must be 13 years of age or younger as of September 1, 2007, and entries must be postmarked by June 22, 2007. Be sure to read the official rules and share them with your parent or guardian, who must sign your entry form.
5 Q, o- F: ?! \( [! l9 Y& dGood luck!
; {7 X5 p( W9 P第二步;改写文章。- w, g5 U Q! i) R7 z
缩减文章字数。文章字数控制在150-250之间。把不重要的段落或不影响文章主要内容的段落删减。替换或删减难词,难句;不影响句子的理解的难词删掉;大词用小词替换,如:obtain- get, Celebrities= famous people; 把无关紧要的句子删掉;晦涩难懂的句子改成简单的适合初中各年级段学生阅读的句子。. z1 ^: O' E0 V/ g
- \0 t; `5 t( O1 c) f: v& T5 \Do you dream of being a reporter or an editor? Are you a good writer who loves the news? If so, then you may have the chance to be a winner in the TFK Kid Reporter Talent Search. We're looking for 10 students from around the nation to be members of the TFK Kid Reporter Team for the 2007-2008 school year. Next year's team will continue the tradition of reporting local news and stories for TIME For Kids magazine and TIME For Kids online.& w7 y0 b/ T) ]$ P- N
Journalists from TIME magazine and TIME For Kids will select this team. In the past TFK Kid Reporters have:1 H% c$ t4 z" i2 ?, q6 W
* interviewed national leaders, famous people and other newsmakers.
. x9 A! M/ I" x8 L; {7 U2 K* written news stories, reviews and opinions for TIME For Kids.
& c: u5 y4 d; J# A* learned about the news business from journalists (记者) who work at TIME.
+ y6 i6 C# ` Z( y' V, V* appeared on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, Today and The Tonight Show with Jay Leno to talk about their work.1 w! O9 M+ I+ G
How to Enter:" w7 x$ h- Q& C% _) G
1) Write a report about an interesting event in your school or community. The story should include a headline and quotes (引言)from people you've interviewed.+ D& b8 a; s9 } u* B& V4 U1 p
2) Complete the official entry form. You must be 13 years of age or younger, and entries must be mailed to us by June 22, 2007. Be sure to read the official rules and share them with your parents, who must sign your entry form.
5 l) N6 o: ?5 ^$ T3 WGood luck!6 p: f2 |9 y+ A* H
6 @. I* U9 m0 N* {6 }
3 m9 Q. Y8 x6 Z4 a- x0 l* X- ?' P, I0 h) f
( {' Y2 O S) W: [1 E根据上文内容,选择正确答案: ] }; R' v. j2 @ K3 N
( )1. The passage is a(n) ______.
* t( Y9 v: @) _ A. wanted advertisement B. report C. piece of news D. story & k# g% f* ~% y" Q; |
( )2. Which of following do the TFK Kid reporters NOT usually do?
* W: [* v, y. O6 \' {# u A. Write news, stories and interviews.
; F/ x$ l( d+ \: V! v/ Q6 o: y* {3 MB. Interview famous pop stars. ( }/ ~5 d* O G1 P8 N, ~9 T' x
C. Appear on TV and talk about their work.
5 {3 p0 a) E- _+ }) Q" p5 x5 kD. Report the news business with journalists from TIME./ C/ ^! U$ I3 Q! b; O) `
( )3. If you want to be a member of the TFK Kid Reporter Team, you first have to _____.
# {6 @1 _% t2 f% h# ~8 J" AA. write a report B. fill out the entry form
8 F7 l0 W+ ^. l5 TC. have an interview D. interview a leader in your school
3 R. x# f8 p$ i" ~( )4. The entry form should _______.: o- X$ k# {" Q$ s. E9 ~2 Y
A. be finished by yourself B. be mailed to them after June 22, 2007
9 ?/ A- p% F- KC. be written by your parents D. have your parents’ signature
) t4 E( B: X! ?( )5. If you ________, you may have the chance to be a reporter for TIME. * l- S% M. z. X8 X0 ~5 d9 K
A. are 13 years of age and are good at writing
: X( h# U1 l" v% Q) ]$ m6 `0 FB. are younger than 13 and have appeared on TV before2 I ] ]& U% P4 t; q* a
C. are older than 13 and are good at writing& q5 }- W5 [: l( J
D. are under 13 and like writing news and stories
1 S$ T, s# F$ K+ f- g五个小题的题型分别是:- W9 u/ A. b5 l' u% L5 Z* m
6 I+ s5 d, ~/ C% L9 B第二题:细节题 # Y8 o7 P4 K$ |/ t% ^
* X9 C6 r- U1 ]. i第四题;细节题 9 X( Q0 u( m7 b" L# ~
第五题:判断题) E* l# k+ {$ _7 S+ V# C
# E& [* q/ P2 K! l1 P' U. N: i) F1-5 ADADA
4 \. p8 q: L+ E7 l7 L% G8 O0 i0 \: @& Y0 ]- x