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[教案] PEP 4 上 Recycle One 第一课时 教案

张响宇 发表于 2013-2-26 15:09:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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本帖最后由 张响宇 于 2013-2-26 15:12 编辑

1.能够听、说、认读Let's read I部分的对话并能完成文后判断正误的练习。
2.能够根据Let's find out的提示语言在地图中找到并写出对应的公共场所。
3.能够听懂、会唱歌曲“How Can I Get to the Zoo?'’
2.本课时的教学难点是Let's find out部分根据提示语言在地图上确认并书写相应    公共场所。
1.教师准备一张标有post office,pet shop,hospital,park,ZOO等场所的简明地图。
(1)全班一起吟唱第一单元Let's chant的歌谣。
(2)师生进行自由会话:How do you go to school ? I go by…
(3)教师用红笔在简明地图上标出某一地点,如:A,说:“Now we are here.can I get to the park/cinema/pet shop?”请学生一边指地图,一边说明路。如:“Go straight.It's next to the post office.”教师还可标出其它地点,如B等,请学生指路。
    教师手指简明地图上的某一地点,说:“Now we're here.We're going to the park.Is it far from here?”引导学生根据地图上的距离回答。教师继续提问:“How can we go to the park?”学生可提出不同建议,如:“We can go by bike/bus.等。
Let’s read
(1)教师说:“Amy and Chen Jie are going to the park ,too.How do they go to the park? Let's read the dialogue.”教师引导学生阅读对话,回答问题。
(2)教师用幻灯或实物投影呈现Let's read I对话下面判断正误的练习。师生一起朗读问题,让学生打、//或×判断正误,再朗读对话或听录音,校对答案。
Let's find Out
(1)在学生分组朗读后,教师说:Amy and Chen Jie are in the park now.The park has
    a pet shop,an ice—skating area and a ping-pong area.What else? Let's read and find out.教师指导学生阅读文中的指示语言,并确定平面图的四个方向,学生独立或两人一组讨论完成填图练习。
    T:Where is the restaurant?
    S:It's at the west gate.
    T:Can you spell the word hospital ,please?
Let's sing
(1)教师说:“The park is very interesting.Now let's go to the ZOO.着简明地图    中的动物园,问:“It's far from the park.How can I get to the zoo?’请学生自由回答:“By bike/car…”
(2)教师放歌曲“How Can I Get to the Zoo?”学生看歌词静听,然后跟唱2~3遍。
4.巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)
(2)学生进行课外讨论:How can we get to the zoo?
(3)学生跟录音唱歌曲“How Can I Get to the Zoo ?'

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