楼主: admin


 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:18:14 | 显示全部楼层
61   Irenehad a fancy for fantastical stories since childhood. Anything todo with old myths and legends fascinated her. Every night, her mind gavein to fatigue and she fell asleep. At the age of 25, Irene won herfame by her first novel. Her novel was by far better thanthat of any other writers in the city. She became the favorite writer inthe readers' hearts. They were in favor of her. They were favorableto her ideas. But Irene's father-in-law was constantly findingfault with her. They had so far failed to reach anagreement. Irene was sure that her husband was far from a fool.But he pretended not to see this. He could not overcome his fatal weakness,cowardly character. So Irene longed to travel to places as far as shecould arrive. Her judgment was frequently faulty, but her love for herhusband was not false.  It was a painful farewell.Then, Irene paid the bus fare to the airport. On the airplane, shefastened her seat belt and wondered what she would face. Ladies liked tofollow the fashion. But Irene did not. She did not want to go to a fashionableplace. In the country she arrived at, thousands of people died of famine. Irenewas not really familiar with local laws, which brought some trouble toher. Sometimes she wondered what fate had in store for her next. All theway, she faxed her essays back to the publishing company.

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:18:33 | 显示全部楼层
62     Aleckwent to a local federal college. The college charged high fees.At first Aleck enjoyed the fellowship of his classmates. But soon he wasfed up with them. Quite a few students laughed at his femininefeatures. For example, Aleck had a small figure and he was too feebleto practice fencing. But other students often felled him at the fenceclass for fun. A person who cornered could be the fiercest one. Aleckbelonged to a fellowship of revenge. He felt like doingsomething fearful. He wanted to be a figure known to everyone. Hethought out a feasible plan. One night, Aleck fed in thepassword and then operated the networking computer.  Its feedbackwas quick. He figured out the exact figures of his classmates'credit cards. At a feudal festival, Aleck provided a feast forall of his classmates at home. Slinkingly, he built a fence around theyard to keep them out. Next, he fetched a bag of chemical fertilizerand exploded it! The fence was on fire! Even Aleck's man-made fiber coatcaught fire. Aleck took a ferry to escape. He came to the countryside.Anything grew in that fertile ground. It was a fiction. But whocould say it would not happen?

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:18:50 | 显示全部楼层
63      Onenight, a fishery was on fire. At first thedry sticks caught fire then a firm house nearby itflared up in the wind. The great flames flared through thedarkness. The owner of the fishery shook his fist at the fire.The wind flapped in his face and his eyes were flashing. Helooked as if he was about to flare up. Flashes oflightning illuminated the scene. The firemen came with their fittings.Fortunately, the casualties were finite. But the fishery wasconfronted with a financial crisis. The repairs to it would be financedby the government. A new fireplace fixture was fixed in thewall. The lake water passed through a new filter before it was piped tothe house. For the owner of the fishery, the government offered him a fittingposition in a firm. First of all, he should fill in allthe blanks on an application for the job. Finally, the police foundout the reason of the accident. A boy set fire to a firework,and it burned on the sticks. The police reported its findings after thethorough investigation.

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:19:13 | 显示全部楼层
64    Therewas a folk story as follows. Edward ran a bakery. Hisbread had plenty of flavors. And the price of his bread fluctuated accordingto the people's needs. Both country folks and town folks likedhis bread. Every day a flock of customers waited for his store to open.All that came to his bakery should go over a flyover first. They flatteredhim about his cooking. Edward would flush with embarrassment. Being shywas the only flaw in his character. As a matter of fact, Edward was veryfond of cooking and foodstuff. His bakery was flourishing forfour reasons. First, he focused his attention on his work. Second, hemade bread with the best flour. Third, he had flexible flesh towork well. He folded the dough and then flattened it with hispalms. From time to time, he used some cooling fluid to cool the dough.The last reason was, he could speak dialect fluently. One day, Edwardcaught a flu. He went to the riverbank to relax. The river flowed southwestto the Atlantic. It flushed after theheavy rain. A fleet was seen in the distance. Several branches floateddown the river. One of them was locked by the flaw of a stone.Edward picked it up and flung it into the river. He liked to see foamon the river. The frightened fish fled away. The fog closedin so Edward went home.

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:19:32 | 显示全部楼层
65  I read astory recently. Benny got a new job. The contract would remain in force fora period of 3 years. And it came into force last month. BecauseBenny was a foreigner, his colleagues often made a fool of him.For example, smoking was forbidden in the forge, but they putcigarettes into his pocket. Benny always forgave them. One day the bossannounced a competition and its format. Benny would be foremostto enter it. Like his forefather, Benny had the ability to foresee thefuture. It was important for a factory to formulate the production process.Benny suggested that the boss format the production process, andso forth. The boss approved his proposal after Benny formulatedit. It was fortunate to work for a wise boss. Benny forged a newset of forks with great skill. Before the formation of a newidea, he would touch his forehead with his forefinger. On the dayof evaluation, Benny went forth to show the samples. He forecasted thatat least one of his products would pass the exam. His mother had told him his fortuneand she said luck was forthcoming. Benny won the first prize of thecompetition. He was awarded a fortnight's holiday and 100 thousanddollars. Both holiday and fortune were satisfying, but Benny liked theformer better. The foregoing story was by an English writer.

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:19:49 | 显示全部楼层
66 Robert's fatherworked in a freight company. His mother was a housewife. The familynever had friction. To afford to send their son to go to college, thecouple spent only a fraction of their earnings. When he was only 3 yearsold, Robert knew 1/2 and 1/4 are fractions. And now Robert was afreshman at a big university. The foundation of the university tookplace over 100 years ago. It was famous for its ornate fountain and itsattractive forum. The topic recently was the framework ofdinosaur fossils. Robert found that several classmates werefriends with him on the first day. To be frank, he wanted to makefriends with them too. It was winter, but the air in the campus was fragrantbecause of winter sweets. Breathing it, Robert felt as if he was set freefrom a cage. Suddenly, he heard some cry, "Help!" It was fromthe lake. The ice of the lake fractured under the weight of the studentsskating on it. It was frequent in the winter. And one of them fell intothe lake. The other students were frightened by this. Not only didRobert have a powerful frame, but also a warm heart. He divedinto the lake. The student was saved but Roberts leg fractured in twoplaces. When his mother heard of this, she dropped the vase on the floor, andit broke into fragments. In a sliver frame on the table, therewas a photograph of her son. She was proud of her brave son but could not helpcrying.

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:20:07 | 显示全部楼层
67 A frog anda squirrel were neighbors. There was a fundamental difference betweenthe two of them. The squirrel was diligent while the frog was lazy. In autumn,the frog made fun of the squirrel's diligence. He said,"Don't make so much fuss over saving your food." The squirrelanswered, "I only fulfill my obligation to build up a reservefund. The main function of it is to help me to get throughthe winter. If you make a fuss of yourself in fruitfulautumn, you will regret it in the cold winter." The frog frowned ather words and became furious. So he left without a goodbye. The wintercame. The squirrel had no expensive furniture, but she had a furnaceto keep her warm. Furthermore, she had a beautiful fur overcoat.Her house furnished everything that was needed for one's life. Forexample, the fuse-box was in the kitchen. Coal was used as fuel. Friedpine nuts were prepared for her dinner. On the contrary, the frog went toand fro on the frontier, looking for something edible. The groundwas covered with frost. The terrible weather frustrated his hopesof finding food. He was too tired and hungry to walk any further.Thenext day, he was found dead, frozen. The squirrel attended the frog's funeraland felt very sorry for him.

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:20:27 | 显示全部楼层
68  Mr.Adams's pictures about the Galaxy were shown in a famous gallery.He was a genius and he won his fame very early. And it was generous ofhim to contribute a lot of money every year. The lamps of the gallerywere full of gaseous neon, which made the light colorful. The openingceremony was the biggest gathering of the season. A galaxy ofartists attended it. All of them wore in nice garments. At the sametime, a gang of gays was on the way to the gallery. Ingeneral, there was a generation gap between the gays andtheir parents. Furthermore, some people regarded them as garbage. Thishatred was generated by prejudice. In fact, one could not generalizea conclusion from a few facts. Studies showed that a person's *** intention wasdecided by his or her genes. Fortunately, a new opinion was being generalizedin this regard. That is, the ethics should be geared to the society'sneeds. These men were gay at the thought of seeing the show whensuddenly a gear of the generator was broken. They gambledto drive the car to the garage for repair before their gasoline hadbeen used up. A worker fixed their car and added 2 gallons of fuel totheir car by using a gauge. Soon, the car galloped along the roadagain like a horse. Twenty minutes later, they arrived at the gallery, gaspingfor breath. All of the people including Mr. Adams gazed at them withsurprise. But as a genuine gentleman, he welcomed them sincerely.

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:20:47 | 显示全部楼层
69  Theschool was said to be haunted by a giant ghost. A student did encounterit. The news got around quickly. Somebody did not see what thestudent got at, so he got down what he saw to gethis encounter across. "That evening, after I gotthrough my geometry examination, I got around to doingmy geography homework. That was the duty I could not get out of.I got down to some geographical questions. However, I havemore interest in geology. And I will get around to exploremore places. Ok, I get back to the subject. My homework was getting alongmuch better. Somebody called my name, and I saw a ghost gettingin the classroom while gesturing at me! I got off theclassroom as quickly as I could. It was surprising that the ghost movedaside to let me get by. I climbed to the top of a tree. The ghostcould not get at me, so he waited. How on earth did I getinto such a ridiculous situation? I knew I could not let the ghostget the better of me. If only I could get out of mytimidness, I would feel better. I managed to get over my fearthen got through to the police with my mobile phone. The policecar came soon. The policemen got off the car. They gottogether under the tree. The ghost got away. ThenI could get down from the tree. I went home. I got a cold thatnight. Colds are spread by germs. I got over my illnessvery slowly."

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:21:08 | 显示全部楼层
70   Itwas winter morning. The rising sun looked liked an orange globe. It glitteredin the gigantic sky. Its light glared on the ice. The skatersglided gracefully over the ice. Charles glorified the gloriousscene. There was a glow of health in his face. He put on his glovesthen went to work. Charles was a gifted technician. He was a gloryof his profession. No one knew he was a business spy. He didn't givehimself away so far. The secretary gave out newspapers.He glanced at the headlines in it. Then he saw one of them, "It wascriminal to give away business secrets!" Charles glared atthe newspaper, feeling gloomy about his future. Though theair-conditioner gave off warm air, he felt cold. A glimpseof his face would tell you that he was worried. He gave back thenewspaper to the secretary. Finally, Charles gave in. Hegave up his criminal mind. His evilness gave way to hisconscience. He made up his mind to give himself up. So he wrote aletter and then glued a stamp onto the envelope. Next, he sent it to thepolice.

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:21:25 | 显示全部楼层
71    Mr.Carson was a governor of M state. He went in for governing.He used to be a military officer. In a battle, a bomb went off justbehind him but he survived. The state went for Democrats. Twoyears ago, the state went through a test. Schistosomiasis waspopular in M state. A female doctor went deeply intoit. She went through many documents then invented a kind ofmedicine that was good for it. She managed to go without others'help. Somebody gossiped that she grabbed at the opportunity ofbecoming famous. But in fact she did it out of the goodness of herheart. There were enough medicines to go around. Soschistosomiasis had been wiped out for good in M state. Toappreciate the doctor, Mr. Carson visited her, and two assistants wentalong with him. He wore a new tie to go with his suit.The police examined their car and allowed them to go ahead. Thedoctor was a graceful woman. She went for classical music.Also, she went in for playing golf. She played golfas good as a professional. She even went for the golfchampionship that year. They talked and Mr. Carson knew something about herfather. The doctor's father had no head for business, and he went under.He had gone off to Edinburgh.The candle had gone out and Mr. Carson said goodbye to thedoctor. But he had made his mind to go after her. He was not thesort of man who would go back on his word. Two years wentby, and they married.

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:21:43 | 显示全部楼层
72  Davy was a Greek. He was a graduate of Athens University.He learned a lot of things in the university. For example, the grammar teacherstressed grammatical rules in each lesson. The physics teacher drew a graphto explain gravity. Davy made progress gradually. Thecommencement was held in the grand hall. That was the gravestoccasion Davy had ever taken part in. Each graduate behaved with gravityat it. The gracious principal made a speech. His hair had turned gray,so he put grease on it to make it shiny. Davy was assigned to thecountryside.  He was granted many privileges to cultivatecrops. At that time, corn was the most important grain in his village.But the greedy birds kept eating it. It seemed that they took itfor granted. The peasants could not bear wasting a grain ofrice. To solute the problem, Davy cultivated a new kind of corn which the birdsdisliked its taste. The peasants were grateful to him for what he did.To show their gratitude, they gave him a big basket of grapes. Agirl gave him a gold necklace of ten grams to express her love. IfDavy's mother knew it from the grave, she would feel happy for him.

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:22:01 | 显示全部楼层
73 A grocerbuilt up a greenhouse nearby a gulf. On the day the greenhousewas open to the public, the grocer greeted the guests at the door.The greeting to all the guests took more than half an hour. His wife groundcoffee beans for the guests. The smell greeted every one. All of theguests spent a wonderful day. But that night, the greenhouse caughtfire. The frightened wife gripped her husband's arm. It grievedthem to see the greenhouse burning into ashes. The couple groanedin pain. They should be certainly on guard. The gross ofthe damage was 50 thousand dollars. The next day, the arsonist was arrested ata gymnasium. He was a guy who chewed gum all the time. Hislanguage and behavior were gross. He exploded the gunpowder forfun but it caused the fire. The arsonist was only 14. He wasn't grown-up.He needed some guidance in his growth, but his parents died yearsago. Having known everything, the grocer gave up the prosecution.Instead of this, he wanted to adopt the boy! Then the boy felt guilty.He gave his guarantee that he would never do bad things again.

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:22:20 | 显示全部楼层
74   Mr. Arnold was a man who hewed to the line. He had his haircut once amonth. He had his habitual breakfast, hamburger and hamsandwich every morning. That morning, it hailed heavily. Mr. Collins, aneighbor lived close at hand, asked his help. His daughter wasboxed up in the forest. Mr. Arnold was hampered by a difficulty. Hedidn't have his useful tools on hand expect a hammer madeby hand. But the custom of helping each other had been handeddown in that village. So he promised to handle the situation. Onthe one hand Mr. Arnold invited a handful of villagers, onthe other hand he called the police. They would act hand in hand.Every villager handed in an application to express hisdetermination. The villagers handed on the girl's photographs.Mr. Arnold handed out the handbooks to everyone. He askedthem to read the handout carefully. The police came and Mr. Arnold handedover command of the action. Then they set out. From time to time, they haltedfor a rest because Mr. Collins was handicapped by his eyesight. Theyhad the situation well in hand. An hour later, they found thegirl's handkerchief. The success was on hand. They soonfound her! The whole village hailed the returning heroes! Christmas wasat hand, the girl recovered. She brought a handful flowers toMr. Arnold.
 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:22:39 | 显示全部楼层
75  Jacobloved his wife very much. His tastes were in harmony with hers, whichbrought them into harmony. They ran a hardware store weekdays. Onweekends, they hatched chickens or went hunting for hares. The harvestof crops was bad that year because of the flood. The government ordered to harnessthe fiver. Many men including Jamb volunteered to help. They stayed on theriverbank day and night. Their homes were quite handy, but everyone hungon to their work. Hardly anybody left his post. Two monthlater, Jacob hardly finished his work when he hastenedhome. But he was shocked to see that his wife was with an escaped criminal!"Harboring criminals is an offence in law!" Jacob said to hiswife. She looked at him with hatred, "I want to divorce you."He said to his wife, "It is harmful for you to make a hastydecision. I will give you some more time." He left home in haste.Jacob found a job on a harbor. He hauled the fish into the boateveryday. It was a hateful job. But a strong man would bear hardshipwithout complaining. Life on a boat had hardened him. At night, Jamb hungabout at the harbor. There was a handy place for thetelephone. He wanted to call his wife, but always hung back. Onenight, he did call. A man answered the phone, "Hang on, sheis coming. Darling, your call." Jacob hung up the phone. Hisheart was broken.

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