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 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:13:41 | 显示全部楼层
46  The warfield was in dreadful disorder. Several big chimneys discharged smoke.But the soldiers displayed perfect discipline under the fire ofthe enemy. A soldiers Howard, was asked to send a dispatch to the frontline. But he said he lostit. His expression disclosed the truth. Thecaptain saw through his disguise. He discerned that Howard waslying. The captain dismissed the other soldiers then cried at Howard,"Can you discriminate good conduct from bad? Nothing displeased memorethan your lie. Your behavior disgusted everybody. You are a dishonorto our regiment. Our regiment was disgraced by your conduct. I haveknown how to dispose of you. You are dismissed by way ofpunishment. Bob will displace you. Don't dispute with me. "The captain's words discouraged Howard. And the news of being dismisseddismayed him. He felt the army had discarded him. Though Howardthought he should not be discriminated against, he knew he wasdeserving. Someother soldiers surrounded to watch. The captain dispersed them.Howard had to go home and then worked at a store selling merchandise of a 20%discount. He was disposed for discharging the cargo.

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:13:58 | 显示全部楼层
47   A chemist lived in a mountainous district. From his window, a churchcould be seen in the distance. The diversion of a streamchanged the land. There were many beautiful flowers here. The chemist hadsomething to do with a company. He worked for a research divisionof it. He distinguished himself as a great chemist. He was so crazyabout diverse experiments that he disregarded his wife's feelings,which caused her in great distress. She was dissatisfied with hisapathy. They had quite distinct ideas from each other and at last they divorced.their properties had been justly distributed. It's a fair divisionof everything. The divorce didn't disturb the chemist too much.Marriage was a thing he could do without. In fact, he thoughtthis sort of thing should be done away with. As for his formerwife, she would have nothing more to do with him.One day, the chemist dissolved some material in hot water. He tried toobtain another material by distillation. There was some distinctdistinction between these two materials. Suddenly, he heard a cry,"Help!" The cry distracted him from his work. It's a boy inthe ditch! The chemist dived into the ditch. Even thoughhe felt dizzy, he did rescue the drowning child. But the newspaper distortedthe facts, saying he pushed the boy down! The chemist wasn't angry at all. Hehad more interest in his experiment than the news.

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:14:16 | 显示全部楼层
48  Last week, we saw a documentary about two domestic animals. Itseemed to be a farce and it made us doubled up with laugher. A donkeyand a dove lived in a small domlitory. The donkey likedeating hot dogs and the dove liked playing with her doll.Somebody donated a black dress with white dots to the doll.They had faith in different doctrines, so they had a good manydomestic troubles. From the very beginning their living together was doomedto failure. The dove was arbitrary. She always wanted to dominateothers. The dome was her domain and she didn't allow others toget close to it. The worst thing was, she wagged her tongue day and night. Butshe met her doom after she made the donkey angry. The donkeydisliked the dove there was no doubt about that. One day, thehouse next door caught fire. It was dangerous to stay at thedoorway . Both of them escaped out of doors. Then the donkeytook the dove down to the dock to see the ships. On the way, hepersuaded her to take one dose of some kind of medicine. He's doubtfulabout whether he should do it. The dove took it and could speak no morethan three words at a time. It was really magic medicine!

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:14:33 | 显示全部楼层
49   Severalgood actors and actresses dropped out of this theatre. What theremaining ones did was to dress up to displaythemselves on thestage. So the audiences for the play had recently dropped off. Adramatist was asked to amend the play.He had painfully drawn up afirst draft. Its drawback was obvious, so he locked it ina drawer. The boss dropped by him.They had a drasticdispute over the draft. After the boss left, the dramatist had a dozenbuns for supper. Then he began to doze off. Suddenly he heard thedrip of the water. Then he was surprised to find himself standing on aboat. The boat drifted helplessly along the drain until somepeople saw him. They helped him up. But the boat changed into a dragonall at once! The dramatist dreaded it so much that he dared not to seeit. The others discussed draining the water first, and then they coulddrag it out of the drain. The dramatist sneaked away. He got on atrain. The train drew in at 9 PM. When he opened the door of his house, he sawthe dragon smiling at him ! The dramatist woke up with great fear. Thedramatic dream inspired him a lot. He drew on all his talentsto write an excellent play.

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:14:51 | 显示全部楼层
50  It istime in the future. But the dynamic dynasty has gone. The weatherbecomes protean due to the pollution's influence of long duration.Sometimes some crops died during the drought ; sometimes someanimals were drowned by the heavy rainfall. Lots of garbage is dumpedon the dump. People dwell in the houses made of durable material.They changed their dwellings from time to time. Human beings are not smartanymore. Most of the people become dull and dumb. Dynamicalrobots controlled them. The human beings were forced to dye their hair withdifferent colors. They never dwell on any problems. They only go onduty at 8 : 00 AM and come off duty at 8 : 00 PMeveryday. At dusk, a huge drum begins to beat. Everyone begins toeat supper. A few smart people. feel dubious about how to help others.One of them suggests duplicating the clever people. But it's certainthat the suggestion is dubious. The above-entioned story hasn't cometrue yet. But it maybe...

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:15:07 | 显示全部楼层
51   In a country of the Middle East,there was a man named Eagle. His high earnings came from hisearthenware factory.He learned some economics to improve hismanagement. In a word, he lived a life of ease. But something happened.It was reported that there would be an eclipse on Easter Day. Itdid appear and an earthquake followed! No one had realized what onearth was going on. Eagle fell off the edge ofthe  ground crack. Luckily enough, he was saved. His ankle was hurt.Heplastered it with some medicine. And the medicine took effect quickly.The next day, an earnest editor wrote an editorial.He appealed toeveryone to help each other. The editorial was so popularthat it had entered the seventh edition. Eagle was very economical,but the editor's words echoed in his ears. He donated much ediblefood to starving people. The country's economy was unstable after the earthquake.When the time was ripe, a new economic policy would be put intoeffect. The new one would not go into effect until thefirst of March. To carry the policy into effect, alot of money was needed. In Eagle's opinion, the new one and the old onein effect were identical. Having gone through the earthquake,he cared for nature more than before. So he started to study ecology.

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:15:26 | 显示全部楼层
52 Mr. Marshallwas an electrician with elegant manners. He mastered electricalengineering. Also he knew some elementary exercises for the piano. Mr.Marshall was efficient at his job. His labor efficiency was veryhigh. So he was one of the elite in the electronics field.Either his boss or his colleagues agreed on this. Todayhis boss would come to check his work. The experiment building was at an elevationof 1.000 meters. The boss took the elevator to the eighteenth floor.Mr. Marshall had prepared an elaborate report on a new electronicdevice. He took his elbows off the desk and showed his boss the design.Then he elevated his voice slightly, "This kind of metal isa special element. If we electrify the electronic device,the electric current will cause the electrons to eject quickly...Thenew process can eliminate the need for checking the products by hand.And we don't need elastic rubber any more. "Mr. Marshall's eloquentwords impressed his boss very much. He asked, " When can the newsystem become effective? Do it quickly, or else we willmiss the Electronics Exposition next month. " "Noproblem." Mr. Marshall answered. Finally, his efforts were rewardedwith success.
    马歇尔先生是个有着优雅风度的电学家。他精通电学工程,还知道一些基本的钢琴练习。马歇尔先生工作很有能力。他的工作效率很高,所以他是电子学领域的一名出类拨萃的人物不论是他的老板还是他的同事都同意这点。今天他的老板来视察他的工作。实验大楼坐落在海拔l000米的高度。老板乘电梯来到18层。马歇尔先生已经准备好了一份关于一个新的电子设备的详尽报告。他将胳膊从桌上移开,向老板展示设计。然后他略微提高了他的声音开始解释:“这种金属是一种特殊的元素。如果我们使这个电子设备通电,那么.流会使电子快速喷射…这种新方法可以消除人工检测产品的程序,并且我们不再需要弹性的橡胶了。”马歇尔先生有说服力的话让老板印象非常深刻。他问道:“这个新系统什么时候生效? 要弄快点,否则我们就要错过下个月的电子设备展览会了。”马歇尔先生回答说:“没问题。”最终,他的努力得到了成功的回报。

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:15:45 | 显示全部楼层
53New  problems emerge everywhere everyday. A famousscientistand his family just emigrated from Italy to this empire. buttwo days ago, the scientist's son encountered several kidnappers when hewas reading an encyclopedia. They kidnapped him. The boy's life was endangered."This put the embassy In a very embamassing position. The emperormade aspeech with emotion. He encouraged the family to cheerUp. The police embarked on this case. They made a plan calledSword Action. Their plan embraced all aspects of the rescue. The emphasisof the plan was to save the boy. The team leader emphasized theimportance of the rescue. Several witnesses said a ship embarked thesuspects at the north port. This clue enabled the police to follow thetracks of the kidnappers. Every plainclothesman carried a pistol for use in an emergency.The kidnappers contacted the scientist by emitting the radiosignals  the scientist kept in touch with the emission. At thesame time. the police enclosed the ship with fishnet. The ship stopped.The police caught the employees and the employer ofthe ship. Thenseveral entpirical policemen began to search the kidnappers and the boy.They embodied their courage and brightness. After the fierce fighting,the boy was saved safely. The scientist saw his son again. They embraced eachotherwlth tears!

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:16:01 | 显示全部楼层
54 When Philip was very young, he was enlightenedon engineering. He enrolled at a famous University. Alter thegraduation, he became an engineer in a big enterprise. Just likethe police enforced the law seriously, Philip worked very hard. He engagedin his work and he enjoyed himself very much. The more he worked,the more energetic he was. Philip was a man of great enterprise.He invented a new kind of engine. The invention enriched him and enhancedhis reputation. One day,philip met a lovely girl. He watched her with enormousinterest. Then he enquired everything about her. After that, Philip endeavoredto please his beloved lady. He entertained her with music andcookies at home. He showed his remarkable endurance throughout thecourtship. He could not endure a day without seeing her. But he couldnot ensure that the girI could be moved. The girl enquiredwhether he really loved her. She enforced herself not to think of him,but she could not. Now,I am glad to tell you that the story has a happy ending.Phili got engaged to the girl when traveling last winter. Their engagementwas announced in the papers. And they planned to enlarge their engagementphotograph.

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:16:19 | 显示全部楼层
55 Mr. Loewi was ageography professor. His teaching method marked a new epoch ineducation. His students welcomed him with enthusiasm. They often waitedfor him at the entrance of school. His best essay entitled him towin a national prize. Also he compiled a dictionary that had over 10,000 entries.He entitled the dictionary "Our environment" . Manypeople envied his good fortune. But he did believe in equality ofopportunity. In fact, Mr. Loewi's most essential quality was kindness.He was in entire agreement with an opinion, that is, the equationof wealth with happiness could be dangerous.They were not equivalents. Sohe always was enthusiastic about helping others. Last summer, Mr.Loewiled his stu-dents to inspect a mountain at the equator. They preparedenough food. Though it is the computer era, the food is essentialto life. Also they put some medicines against an influenza epidemic inan envelope. The entry to the mountain was behind lush trees.They erected their tents there. It was an erroneous choice. Theyignored the erosion of the mountain by the volcanic ash! The mountainwas different in essence with normal mountains. It was a volcano!The second morning, the  volcanic erupted suddenly. To saveone student, Mr. Lowei sacrificed his life. The students never could erase theepisode from their memories.

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:16:36 | 显示全部楼层
56    Mr. Lamb was a European. On the one hand. he believed the eternal Godand everlasting spirit after death. On the other hand, he had learnedthat man has evolved from the eip and he had great interest in studyingthe evolution of man. SoMr. Lamb decided to leave Europefor a new continent. In any event his parents would stand byhim even if he could not succeed. But they asked him to telephonethem in the event of need. It was a hard journey but his ship eventuallyreached a continent. That was a day of sunshine. The sun evaborated themorning dew. From the esthetic view, it was a beautiful continent. Butthere was enough evidence to prove it was not a new one. It was evidentthat Mr. Lamb's search was a failure.Even then he would notadmit his mistake. Instead of it, he established a company with apartner. The establishment of the company took one year. The clerks estimated100 acres of land every day. And they evaluated the clerks' work everyday.Quickly, the company accumulated a lot of estates. Profits were tobe divided evenly between Mr. Lamb and his parner.But his partner wantedto have money all to himself. Mr. Lamb encountered a terrible murder, atall events he was notkilled. Furthermore, the bad man was punished forhis evil acts.

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:16:55 | 显示全部楼层
57  Nora wasan excellent gymnast in this country. She granted a reporter an exclusiveinterview last week. And the reporter told us exactly how shesucceeded. He exemplified the achievement of hard work. He didn't exaggeratethe fact at all.To enter a famous exclusive training school, Norasacrificed an excursion and she had to do a lot of exercises toget rid of her excess weight. At first, Nora liked all her teachers withthe exception of Mr. Burton. He was exceedingly strict withher.Nora's performance was good, except for a few steps.Mr.Burton exerted a lot of pressure on her. Nora called him exhaustpipe in her heart, but she had to execute his orders. Little by little,Nora exceeded the other students. She never tookan excessive interestin clothes. And her expenditure never was in excess of income.It seemed that she had an excess of energy. In fact,doing exercises allday exhausted her. Nora's diligence had set an example to the others. Itwas exceptional fora ten-year-old girl to win the national champion. Nora didit. People exclaimed for her victory. The chief executive of theNational Sports Executive Committee often exchanged opinions onsports with her. The other gymnasts excluded Nora because of hersuccess. But she kept calm amid all these excitements.

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:17:11 | 显示全部楼层
58   Recently,there was a fossil exhibition at the museum. Many fish fossils wereexhibited. Do you know the existence of one kind of fish that wouldnot expire in the air because it couId expel air from lungs? Thefossil showed that it began its expansion of territory millions of yearsago. All the fossils were exploited by an expedition. There weremany experts who had different expertise in the expedition.So the government had an expectation of good results. The research wasimportant, but the expenditure of time and money was also considerable.For example, it was too much of an expense for them to own threehelicopters. The experts found a proper mountain. They exploredevery part of it. After an experimental explosion, one of the expertsexploded the gunpowder, an explosive. The explosion was hearda mile away. Several people were injured.The peace breaker could not provide anexplicit explanation. In additions his passport was due toexpire in two weeks. So he was expelled from the expedition.In spite of many difficulties, the expedition finished the job well.

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:17:28 | 显示全部楼层
59   Therainy weather extended into October. The river flooded extensiveareas. From the mountains, people were able to see the full extent ofthe flood. To some extent, that was man's fault. Man had logged too manytrees. This country exported beef to Europeevery year. Since the flood contaminated the beef, it sold the beef to thedomestic people, keeping the external world from knowing the truth! Areporter had an extraordinary dream one night. An extinct dinosaurcame back to life! The next day, the reporter happened to know this beefevent.  He raised his eyebrows and then extinguishedhis cigarette. His forehead was wet with sweat then was dry after exposure tothe wind. He maintained a calm exterior, though really he was furious.Soon the reporter exposed the whole event. His political views wererather extreme. He said the government officials were living the extravagantlives while the people were eating the contaminated beef. His speech caughteveryone's eye. The newspaper extracted several passages fromhis speech and printed them on the front page. The consumers were angry. Theyasked for extra compensation. The government thought the reporter wastoo extravagant. The police kept an eye on him. Theymonitored his telephone extension. But the reporter insisted on hisfight against the government.

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:17:48 | 显示全部楼层
60   When Herbert was young, he often made a face at class. So he fellbehind in his studies. One day, he failed to pass anEnglish exam. The boy and his father sat face to face. Herbert fabricatedan excuse to escape punishment. He said, "The temperature that day was100 degrees Fahrenheit. I fainted in the classroom." Hisvoice became faint. His strength seemed to fade after telling thelie. But his plan fell through. His father looked at him,"We are not going to fall out over this, are we? Your wordsdidn't fall in with the truth. In fact, I have fallenin with your teacher today. It is wrong to fall back onlies. As a matter of fact, one must face up to thefailures of his life. Ability, health and honesty are factors ofsucceeds." To facilitate communication, the father told the son afable about a puppet. Herbert could not remain calm in the face of thetruth. He swore to be honest for evermore. He was faithful to hispromise. Furthermore, he found he had the faculty to learn languages easily. Soafter his college life, he joined the faculty of a famous university.There were 5 faculties at the university. The university repaired the fabricof the Teaching Buildings every year. Every telephone was installed a callbackfacility. Modem educational aids would be used with great facility.The first time Herbert got his salary, he bought a fine fabric for hismother.

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