楼主: admin


 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:03:11 | 显示全部楼层
31    Everyone in competitivesociety faces keen competition,including love competition.In a city,there were many young men who competed fora beautiful woman,Nancy.Thechasing team was composed of about 20 people.Nancy received many compliments on her beauty but she only caredabout Arthur and lke. Arthur was an editor. It took him years of hard work tocompile a good dictionary.And he would completethe task soon.Nancy enjoyed reading the dictionary.IkeWas a strong competitor of Arthur.Hewas a handsome but not compatible piano player.Healways complained that life was getting more complex anddifficult.He had enough complication in his life.I would tell you the complicated processes soon. He played many of his compositions for Nancy and she likedhis music.As we know,most ofthe time,jealousy was a component of love.And one day it even compelled lke to shoot at Arthur! Theinjured man was granted 20 thousand dollars in compensation.Ike couldn’t be a competent loverforever.He was put into jail.Asentence could be an excellent complemnent to the story.That is,in every competition,every one must comply with the law.

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:03:32 | 显示全部楼层
32   Isaw a film last night. The film compressed ten years into two hours.Joseph was a chemist. We know a small baby has no concept of right andwrong. But Joseph wanted to inventr a conmpound to help babies to havegood comprehension. The conception of thc plan occurred at ameeting of scientists. Joseph showed great interest concerning thisplan. He was very seriously concerned with theproblems involved. He concentrated all his attention on chemicalresearch. No one could conceive of his hard work. But he concealedthe research from his wife. So far as she was concerned,housework was more important. Everything went right except Jaseph must stop hiswork because of compulsory military service. He computed hislosses at three months. So he worked harder after he went back. Eight years hadpassed before Joseph succeeded. He wrote a concise summary of hisinvention. A committee that comprised men of dif ferent views was sentto test his invention. They concluded that the compound reallydid work. A director of a big company tried to persuade Joseph to make some concessionto sell the invention. But Joqeph had prepared to make no compromise.He'd like to give it to the public free. The newspaper made a comprehensivereport of his deeds. A concert invited Joseph to make a speech. At theend of his speech, he said, "In conclusion, let me take theopportunity to thank all of you for yoursupport."                  

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:03:52 | 显示全部楼层
33   Afriend congratulated me on my new book about my trip. Then he asked memany questions in connection with life abroad. I said I wouldtell him a confidential story on condition that he kept itsecret. My words confused him but also confirmed his thinking.Last year, in the country I visited the conjunction of the heavy rainsand high winds caused flooding. At the same time, the conflict betweenthe employers and workers led to the strike. The workers refused to conform tothe unfair contract. They had been confined by the contract for manyyears. They condemned the employers for their bad conduct. Andthey had no confidence in the enlployers any more. Confronted bythe angry crowd the police retreated. Congress conferred upon thestrike but had no idea. A killer hired by some employers killed the strikeleader, a confident orchestra conductor. A bus conductorcaught the criminal. The criminal was confined in a prison and soon heconfessed his crime. The criminal was condemned to death. The Queen conferredknighthood on the bus conductor at the press conference. But onemonth later, the bus conductor was murdered too. He was found deadnearby a post. made of concrete. I condensed the story to halfits original length.

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:04:08 | 显示全部楼层
34  A party consistedof ten conservatives. They were conscientious men. Inconsequence of their conscience, they worked constantlyto raise people's consciousness on the conservation of naturalresources. They said that the human being kept conquering nature andin consequence one day we would pay for the conquest at a considerablecost. It's conspicuous that forest was getting less and less. Consequently,every conscious person should give careful consideration to thisproblem. The ideas in their speeches were consistent. Analyzing theirspeech into its constituent parts, we knew that the strength of it consistedin the justice of it. Many people consented to support them. So theirconfidences were consolidated. The consensus of opinion atthe latest meeting was that they would try to persuade the Congress to constitutesome new constitutions,They were really considerate!

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:04:30 | 显示全部楼层
35 There are seven continents in the world. There's too great a consumptionof alcohol in Europe. Mr. Keble was analcoholic. He said he cared for his health but his actions contradictedhis words. He constructed a wine cellar for himself. And he consumeda big container of alcohol a week. He was content with alcohol.His favorite was to enter drinking contests. On the contrary,Mrs. Keble disliked alcohol very much. She still loved Mr. Keble, but felt atouch of contempt. She contended that he should stop drinking.But he always contradicted her. They quarreled about this continually.One day when Mrs.Keble arrived at home, she found her husband sleeping on thefloor. The wine had contaminated his shirt. So she contacted his consultantat once to consult with him about this. The consultant was contemporarywith the Keble's. In contrast with the Keblet's, he wasalways calm. He watched and concluded that continuous drinking had madeMr. Keble thoroughly week. He suggested Mr. Keble make a contract withhim. Mr. Keble read the contract and agreed with him. Later, Mr.Kebletook a new kind of medicine his consultant gave to him every day. Aftermuch difficulty, he contrived to stop drinking! Can you guess the contentsof that contract from the context? Its about the new medicine.The new medicine proved an important contribution toward Mr. Keble.

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:04:50 | 显示全部楼层
36 A suspect was convicted of robbery. It was said he robbed a copper watch.According to the convention, he had the right to appeal. A lawyer hadinterest in this controversial case. He was very famous. He'd never got outof control in any case. And he could always manage to convert defeatinto victory. His corporation was formed in 1994. The lawyer correspondedwith the suspect about his case. He tied a package with a cord thensent it to the suspect. The suspect decided to cooperate with thelawyer. He was very cooperative. The core of the case was to findthe proper evidences. As a famous lawyer, it was convenient for him todo that. Everything was under control. On the day of trial, afterthe conventional greeting, the lawyer began his statements. His words conveyedhis real feeling. No one could cope with him in debate. What ever theaccuser said, he could give corresponding refutation. Further more, hesupplied some coordinate evidence. He had full conviction that hewould win. He was right. In fact, he had convinced the jury of thesuspects innocence. We knew he won as he had thought. His friends gave him a cordialhug. And the correspondents reported the news of his success atonce.
 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:05:11 | 显示全部楼层
37   Amillionaire lived in a county of England. He had a costlycottage in the country. One day, he read a piece of news about space. He countedup how much a cosmic flight would cost. Then he was determinedto have a cosmic flight at all costs. Few people could gointo space. So he thought of his cousin who worked in the Aviation Council.He corrupted his cousin with money. His cousin was a cowardcorroded by money. His behavior was counter to his duty. Hedidn't know he accepted the money at the cost of his future. After his cousinleft, the millionaire smiled at a cat crouching on the counters"Anytimes, I can count on my money! " A week laters twopolicemen came to "visit" the millionaire. They passed thecorridor and stood in front of him. At that time, the millionaire washaving dinner. He sat on his couch and tried to crack a crab.Seeing the policemen, he covered up his nervousness. Soon, he wasbrought to court for trial. His counsel counseled him tosay nothing about the affair before they met. In the course ofthe trail, the millionaire showed his courtesy properly. As a defendant,his counterpart was the Aviation Council. Fortunately, bycourtesy of it, he had not been put into jail. Instead, he was imposeda fine of 1O thousand dollars.

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:05:28 | 显示全部楼层
38    A craft flew to the planet L6046. It used to be a cradle ofcivilization. But now it was a special prison for all kinds of cruelcriminals. As usual, the craft came to check the situation here.Unexpectedly, the craft crashed when it was landing. The crew cameout of it. Then they were shocked to see many strange creatures creeping orcrawling on the ground like huge crickets. They had black crustsand they crowed like roosters! They were crude aliens! Thehuge aliens came up to the crew. Within a few minutes, quite a fewpeople were crippled. Things became to a crisis. A creative womanplayed a crucial role. She climbed into a crane. Then she droveit towards the aliens. She acquired the craft from her father. Thecrane crushed the aliens successfully. The remaining people survived. Halfan hour later, another craft came to rescue them. The criticalperiod was over. One of the survivors was a critic. He wrote animpressive criticism. But the government had its own criteria. Itcriticized the critic and crossed out his criticism.The new king would be crowned in a month. To avoid a riot,  itwas reasonable to do that.

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:05:47 | 显示全部楼层
39    Athief had a son who had lovely curls. Even he himself was a thief, hewanted to cultivate his son into a person of culture. Butchildren always took their cue from their parents. The boydisliked the current curriculum, something about currency. Infact he disliked all of the curricula. Recently, he always cut in whenthe teacher talked. That's his customary shortcoming. So the school cutoff his name from the students' roster. The boy went home by cycle.At first, he sat on a cushion, cursing the school. Suddenly, hehad great curiosity to find out what's in the cupboard. Tocut down the dangers such as electrical current, he cutoff the electric source first. The boy curved the lock and thenopened the cupboard. It's a cubic crystal inside of it! Oncue, the father felt something. He cut short his work,put down the cylinder in his hand. Then he cut across afield to go home. The moment the boy touched the crystal, he heard hisfather's steps. The cunning boy took out a cucumber and began toeat it. Facing his father, he said, " I'm hungry." The father waspuzzled, but still wanted to punish him, " No matter what tricks you play,I will cut back your allowance !"

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:07:15 | 显示全部楼层
40    Mr. Carter ran a dairy.But he was deeply in debt during the past decade. He oweda dealer a great deal of money. It was a question they debatedall the time. According to the data up to date, the amount of thedebt was 250 thousand dollars. The dealer's voice was deafening,"Tomorrow.is the deadline. If you can't pay off the debts, I will explodeyour dam!" Mr. Carter had no way to deal with it. The next dawn,the weather was cold and damp. He drank some deadly poison andsoon was in danger. His daring daughter dashed intohis bedroom. Fertunately, the poison was out of date. Mr. Carteropened his eyes. The daylight dazzled his eyes. Then he saw his darlingdaughter. The daughter said to her fathei. "Dad, you still have meto date. Don't give up please. Tomorrow will be a new day!"

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:12:06 | 显示全部楼层
41  TheA Empire declined as a world power. It was decomposing into manysmall local authorities. Last year the people's earnings decreased 20%because of the financial deficit. Many children in the poor area hadcalcium deficiency. From the facts, we deduced that the Empirewas decaying. Who caused it? The people needed a definite answer.Then they found out that the emperor deceived them. His deceitwas disgusting. He lived in decent conditions. His hall was decoratedwith deer horns. But he had never had decided opinions of hisown. That was his fatal defect. The power of an emperor was defined bylaw, not by himself. A minister stepped forward boldly. He deemed it hisduty to help his people. He dedicated his life to his people. So he madeadeclaration of war against the emperor. The night deepened. Theminister declined to drink with others. He stood on the deck. Thewave swept over the deck. Tomorrow there would be a decisive battle.The deficiency of the battle plan was clear but it did succeed in theend. After the war, the minister reformed the duodecimal system into thedecimal system's which improved the currency of money. The people definedhim as a wonderful minister.

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:12:27 | 显示全部楼层
42   The story depicted a man in a ademocratic city. The desityof population in that city was very high. And from time to time, people would demonstratein the street. Roger's leg was deformed in an accident. Because ofsadness, Roger degenerated deliberately. He took delight inenjoyment. He loved delicious food and deliate women. He defiedthe moral starldards. He went on degenerating until one of his girlfriends died. Roger was seen being with her before she died. A delegationcame to investigate this case. Roger repeated denials of the charges againsthim. He said, "We went to the train station. After I deposited thecase in the left luggage office, she was gone with the $50 deposit." Luckily, the delegation caught the real criminal. The next day,they would leave. But it rained heavily. A thick deposition of mudcovered the field. It was difficult to cross the dense forest. Thepostal delivery was. late that day and the departure was delayeduntil next week. Roger demonstrated them how to drive a new kind ofautomobile. The usefulness of the autonmobile in forest had been clear demonstrated.Before they  departed, the leader of the delegation saidto Roger, "Find a job and end your dependence on your girlfirends." Soon Roger had a delibelate action, that is, he worked asa dentist. And his smile denoted his real enjoyment from work.

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:12:47 | 显示全部楼层
43 The sundescended behind the sand hills. The beauty of the sunset was beyond description.But no one noticed that.These travelers had expected it was a desirabletravel, but now they lost their ways in the desolate desert. The deputyof these travelers was despatched to take the news to the travel agency.But he escaped alone. He felt guilty at deserting his clients but stillhe did that. The others despised his deeds. Destiny was sometimescruel. The sandstorm came. The destructive force of the storm was huge.The people became desperate in their attempt to find a way out. Thethought of dying in the desert depressed them and nearly deprivedthem of all courage. All of them gave up the attempt in despair. Justthen, a man with several camels appeared. Despite trucks, the camel isstill man's best friend. The man designated his job was to rescuethem.He was a descendant of Spanish soldier. His name derived fromhis grandfather. The man detached a water bag from the baggagethen gave it to them. Next, he led them to the safe place. The descent downthe sand hiII took two hours. But eventually they arrived at their destination.The man deserved their thanks for his bravery. The survivors ate a lotof desserts! Then they told the other curious travelers about theiradventure in the desert in details !

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:13:05 | 显示全部楼层
44 Recently, theking of a kingdom acted as a dictator. He deviated from theconstitution. If he differed from his minister, he would kill him. Oneby one, four ministers died off. There was a rumor saying theking was possessed by devils. A detectlve determined to find outwhat's wrong with the king. His devotion to the king was as pure as dew.he devised a new type of detector that was an electronic device.He tried various devices to get into the palace. Then heinstalled a detector into the king's room. The first day, the king dictateda letter to his secretary in dialect. The second day, a doctor came tosee the king. He gave the king a diagram of diagnoses. He saidthat weight was deteriorating the king's health and his therapy couldn'tbe detained any longer. He suggested the king go on a diet toreduce some weight. Then on the third night, a devil did come to visitthe king! The flame in the fireplace burned unsteadily and then died out.The devil took out a huge diamond while saying to the king,"Measure the diameter of it. How big it is! It you listen to me,it's yours ... " The devil's  shadow died down,but the detective still was shocked by everything. He needed to devisea powerful device to detain this devil next time!

 楼主| admin 发表于 2013-2-24 15:13:24 | 显示全部楼层
45 The digestof the novel included the most exciting scenes. Several witnesses saw a UFO! Itlooked like a huge disc. The dimension of the UFO was 6 feethigh, 15 feet in diameter. It gave off diffused light. The lightwas too dim for them to see it clearly. So they touched it, and it diminished!Suddenly the stones on the ground flew about in every direction. Oneof the witnesses was disabled in this disaster. The UFO took offand soon disappeared in the sky. The police was diplomatic; theyfound Professor Huggins with the help of the directory. Professor Hugginswas diligent enough to obtain a diploma in space research. Now,he was the director of a famous scientific group. On the day theyvisited him, Professor Huggins was dining. He was dipping thechicken in the butter. The rich food didn't digest easily. The policeasked him what differentiated the UFO from the airplane. He answeredhumorously,  "The UFO has diplomatic immunity."Thepolice said his help would certainly make a difference in thisaffair. Professor Huggins cut off their diffuse speech and agreed tohelp them. The news diffused rapidly around the country. The bad thingwas newspaper accounts of the affair disagreed. This place ProfessorHuggins in something of a dilemma. To maintain his dignity, hehad to do his work under disadvantage. So he kept on working with a digitalcomputer day and night.
这部小说的摘要包含了最精彩的场面。几个目击者看见了UFO!它看起来像一个巨大的圆盘。 UFO的尺寸是高6英尺,直径15英尺。它发出四散的光。光线很暗淡,他们看不清楚。于是他们去触摸它,然而它竟缩小了!突然地上的石头朝各个方向乱飞。一个目击者在这场灾难残废了。UFO起飞并很快消失在空中。警方很有策略,他们通过人名地址簿找到了哈金斯教授。哈金斯教授很勤奋,他获得了太空研究方面的一个文凭。现在,他是一个著名的科学团体的主任。警方拜访哈金斯教授的那天,他正在进餐。只见他拿鸡块黄油吃。这种油腻的食物可不好消化。警方问他如何区分UFO和飞机。他幽默地回答说:“UFO有外交豁免权。”警方说他的帮助对这事很重要。哈金斯教授打断他们冗长的演讲,答应帮助他们。很快消息在全国传播开来。不好的事情是新闻报道不一致。这使哈金斯教授陷于窘境。为了维护自己的尊严,他不得不在不利条件下工作。于是他夜以继日地用一台数字计算机工作着。

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