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PEP 4 Recycle Two 第一课时 教案

张响宇 发表于 2013-2-21 17:25:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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本帖最后由 张响宇 于 2013-3-6 19:16 编辑

教学重点:Read and act中出现的新语言点。
教学难点:What do you want to bring? They want to share the food.. 给故事加结尾。
教具准备:1.有关天气,蔬菜、水果、动物的图片。  2.自制沙拉一盘。
    3.录像、VCD或自制的教学课件。       4.教材相配套的教学录音带。
  Game 1: Weather report(见趣味活动1)复习有关天气的语句和词汇。
  Game 2: Guessing game (见趣味活动2)复习What are these/those? 及相关的蔬菜、水果和动物的名称。
(二)呈现新课 (Presentation
1.教师问学生:Whats the weather like today? 学生回答后,教师接着说:What about tomorrow? I think tomorrow will be warm and sunny. Lets have a party. Ok.
2.学生回答Ok后,教师说:We must bring some fruit , food and drink to our party. I want to bring bread and eggs.问一个学生:What do you want to bring?当这名学生回答后继续问其他的学生。让大部分学生能够会问和答。
3.教师拿出事先做好的沙拉:LookTheres some salad here.问几个学生:Do you want to share the salad?当学生回答Yes时,教师说:They want to share the salad. 并让这几名学生品尝。教师再问另一部分学生:Do you want ot share the salad? 请其他学生转述:They want to share the salad.直到全班每一名学生都品尝过沙拉。
教师:Today Ill tell you a story出示第一、二幅画面内容课件,教师问学生:What can you see in the picture? What are they talking about? What has happened?
 What are they going to do?
 What about the weather?
What does Chen bring?
 What do Sarah, Chen and Amy buy? How much are they?
 What does Miss White have?
 What do John and Mike have?
 What does Zhang have?
 Does Wu like salad?
 Who want to share the food? Why?
 Is the warm and sunny at end of the story?
(三)趣味操练 (Practice
  1Weather report
  教师在黑板上同时贴出标有天气状况的中国地图和世界地图。请一名学生到前面来当预报员,其他学生可以举手询问:Whats the weather like in ? 预报员要根据图上所表明的天气状况作出相应的回答。教师可以随时更换预报员继续游戏。
  2Guessing game
  例:教师出示一张图片说:They are fruit. They are round. Sometimes are red, sometimes are green. What are there? 当学生猜出:They are apples.时,教师再问:How many apples are there? How much are they? 当学生猜对时,教师打开图片让学生看正确答案。(注:猜价格时,教师可给学生一定的限度,使难度降低。)
  例:教师又拿起一张图片说:They are animal. They have long ears. They like carrots. Their eyes are red. What are these? How many rabbits are there

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