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James, 12, Stevenage
My perfect summer's day would be one I spend with my brother. We'd play computer games for a bit, then go outside and play laser tag in the sun. He'd probably beat me, though. We'd watch a film and eat spaghetti and meatballs, my favourite meal. I wouldn't have second helpings though; I'm not greedy. Then we'd watch another film.
Ben, 5, Brighton
My favourite thing is to have a treasure hunt for something special and yummy like chocolate biscuits or a toy. Grandma makes signs for us to find (different colours for me and my brothers so we won't argue); it can be words or pictures to tell us where we've got to look next. But can we do it with money this year?
Oliver, 11, from Leicestershire
A day at a theme park with my brothers would be brilliant. We would eat hot dogs and chips and chocolate ice cream, then go on all the scary rides.
Jess, 7, London
If the weather is nice my ideal summer day would be going to Richmond Park for a bike ride. If it's not nice, the Science Museum. Then, when we got back, I'd draw or play football in the garden
Lydia Pool, 16, Manchester
I love baking and cooking with my parents in the holidays. It's nice to try out different recipes; I made kibbeh and fattoush salad with my dad the other day, and I also make cookies with my mum. It gives you a chance to bond.
Simran Virdee, 11, London
I always prefer beach holidays; I don't go into the sea because I get a rash, but I do like to sunbathe and build sandcastles. I like to go shopping and buy things such as earrings and tops that say where I've been. I like buying key-rings and pens as gifts for my friends.
Jeno, 12, Carmarthenshire
I'd get the train to Bristol with my friends, finish off my favourite book on the journey, then go see the new Banksy exhibition. I love art galleries – they really aren't as boring as you think. We'd head to the sea after that, set up a tent and camp for the night.
Jack, 5, Dorset
My favourite thing is camping. It's so fun because you can run around the field with your friends or cousins and you're not at home. And it's good because sometimes there's a play area just for children to play in.
Finn, 9, Stirling
I would take binoculars to the beach and all my friends and family would go birdwatching. After that we would walk along the sand, collect driftwood and use it to play cricket with. If we saw any shells we would pick them up and use them to make collages at home.
Becky, 14, Worcester
I'd go to the beach; it'd be nice to go with my parents because I don't see them much during term – but going to the beach with friends is always fun too.
Stanley, 9, Beaconsfield
On my ideal summer's day I'd probably do something crafty, then play in the garden. I make little figures or flowers or animals, such as dogs or robins, with Fimo; it's a bit like plasticine except that you put it in the oven and it hardens like clay. Then I would play a game with my family, probably Monopoly or Yahtzee.
Cecily, 10, Ipswich
I love going out and collecting natural things: pine cones (did you know they tell you what the weather's going to be like, by whether they are closed up or open?), cabbage white caterpillars – we put them in a tank and watch them turn into chrysallises – and ants to make an ant farm. And sometimes we make an obstacle course for our dog, Muddy.