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admin 发表于 2012-3-4 16:10:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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How to Write a Speech Script?

Before You Write The Speech
1. Determine the purpose of your speech before writing a single word. Think about what impact you want to have on your audience. Do you want them to feel empowered? Do you want them to feel emotionally moved? This is the most vital step, because if you stray from your purpose, your speech will have no effect at all. Write down the purpose of your speech and keep it near throughout the creative process.

2. Research the facts surrounding your topic of interest. Your speech should be relevant and your understanding of the topic should seem natural. Before you write the speech, become comfortable with the information. Find out what other people are saying about your subject matter.

3. Select quotes and statistics that validate your purpose. Always give credit to your sources, but do so in a conversational way. For example, if the speech is about skateboarding, reference a statistic and the source together. For example, "According to Skate Magazine, Billy Marks is the latest phenomenon."

4. Determine your speech's emotional arc. Find the tone of voice that resonates with your subject matter. Some speeches have a greater impact if your emotions are heard welling in your throat every 5 minutes, biting back the tears at every turn. On the other hand, some speeches require a more somber tone of voice. Using a small tape recorder, practice giving your voice different tones like anger, sadness, and even triumph. Be creative and give your voice a dynamic range so that several emotions can be evoked during your speech.

Writing The Speech
1. Your opening words should be engaging and conversational. If your subject matter warrants a breaking of the ice, try telling a comedic anecdote. If the subject is more serious, then write about a true story in your life that relates to the speech in a compelling way.

2. Determine a few key points that reinforce your purpose. Briefly outline those key points in the opening lines of the speech. Elude to the key points but do not force them on the audience too early. Once you have engaged their attention then link those key points with detailed arguments. Use statistics and quotes from your research. Use the emotional arc and the tone of your voice to lead the audience's emotional response.

3. Write your closing arguments. Give a summary of the key points you addressed in the speech. Use the emotional arc to lead the audience toward your purpose. Capture their attention once more with punchy keywords that invite them to act. Use the tape recorder again to pace yourself. Never rush through the closing arguments. Do not simply repeat your points from before, but delve deeper to give finality to your speech's agenda.

Tips & Warnings
Once the speech is written, practice in front of a mirror and find those facial expressions that tell more than words could ever say.



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