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[制作导图] 99个思维导图工具

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99 Mind Mapping Resources, Tools, and Tips

Published on Monday August 20th , 2007

by Eric Hebert

So, there you are staring at that black sheet of paper again. Or perhaps it's a black Word document on your computer screen. Whichever it may be, it's obvious you're about to take notes for that big essay assignment or group project, and you're not too excited about getting started!

That's where a different kind of note taking comes in to play, one that is actually fun to do and will also help you to understand your notes better. It's a technique called mind mapping, and is based around a strong visual method of taking notes. Whether your using colorful markers and paper or using state-of-the-art computer software, you'll find using mind maps are a much more interesting way to take notes than you ever have in the past!

Free Software

Free Mind- the premier java-based mind mapping software known for its quick, one-click "fold/unfold" and "follow link" operations.

Wisemapping - "Visual Thinking Evolution", offering free web based mind maps you can share anywhere on the web.

Mindplan - mind mapping and project management combined with Lotus Notes.

Mindomo - an online mapping application offering both free and paid premium accounts.

Recall Plus- enhance your learning power with the downloadable software for free, or upgrade to Plus for full functionality.

MindMeister - collaborative online mind mapping with free basic, premium, and team plans.

Mapul - online mind mapping using Ajax and Silverlight web technologies.

DeepMehta - software combining open-source and interdisciplinary research for knowledge management.

bubbl.us - a simple and free application that allows users to brainstorm and share ideas online.

Mind42 - manage all your ideas in a collaborative, free browser based software solution.

Compendium - created by the Compendium Institute, with an open online forum for continued support.

Gliffy - easy, free, and fun way to draw and share diagrams on the web.

Wikka Wiki- a flexible and lightweight, php-driven wiki platform designed for speed and security.

IHMC Cmap Tools - designed to construct, share, and criticize mind and concept maps.

Semantik - a mind mapping tool designed for document generation, especially student reports and thesis.

Labyrinth - a lightweight mind mapping tool written in the Python programming language.

View Your Mind- a flexible tool used to generate and manipulate maps which show your thoughts

Mindraider a semantic web outliner, connecting the tradition of outline editors with emerging technologies.

Pimki a personal information manager loosely based on Instiki's Wiki technology.

Planfacile - software designed to help people organize complex ideas into coherent documents.

The Brain- over 65 features in a dynamic visual interface and information organizer.


Mindmapping.org - the most complete resource for mind mapping software on the internet, covering most freeware, open-source, and proprietary software.

iMindMap - unleash the other 99% of your brain using the power of the iMindMap.

About mind mapping- and basic introduction to the concepts and benefits if mind mapping.

Wikipedia on mind mapping - the usual Wiki-style treatment of the subject that you (and Google) as grown to love.

Mindtools - lots of articles and resources to develop excellent skills for an excellent career.

JCU Study Skills- an essay wring resource that discusses using mind maps in preparation.

Mind mapping training & resources- resources provided by Llumine training, the world's leading provider of Mind Mapping training for business.

Mind mapping strategies- get more done with less time, and turn your data into knowledge.

Mind mapping resource center - InnovationTools - Innovation, creativity and brainstorming resources from InnovationTools.

The Graphic Organizer - covers topics related to mind mapping including concept maps and graphic organizers.

Mind Map Options- resource that is the doorway to the mind map universe.

Professional Training

Visual Strategist- founded by Kyle McFarin to assist Entrepreneurs and Organizational Teams in Strategic Management.

MindMap Training- visual mapping and mind mapping training solutions to manage information and visualize your successes.

Blackbelt mind map training- become a trained black belt in the dark arts of mind mapping.

In the News

Mainstream Matters- insights and intelligence from the analysts of Freeform Dynamics.

Mind mapping on the iPhone- if you thought your iPhone was cool before, imagine what it will do once you have a mind map application?

Helping children learn with mind mapping- the sooner your kids learn the technique, imagine how much they be able to accomplish?

Mind mapping in meetings- Lifehacker shows you yet another method of increasing your productivity.

Makers of mind-mapping software visualize success- CNN Money covers the release of Mindjets' MindManger software.

Examples of Mind maps

Mind map template- a blank map to help get you started on your first ever mind map

Inconsistency of Laws Mindmap- example of a software generated mind map that's easy to read and digest.

Learning Power mind map- wonderfully illustrated map about how to build your "LP".

Motivation mind map- another example of different software mind map generation, with graphics.

Art & design mind map- beautifully hand drawn map related to art and design, a work of art in itself.

Banking Mindmap- mindmap about money and consumer information in a entertaining, comic-book style of illustration.

Mind mapping mind map- a very simple example of mind mapping that discusses the actual properties of the technique.

Relativity mind map- clean, basic map made with software that uses simple colors and shapes to get the points across.

Goals mind map- everyone should have one of these, if you plan on accomplishing anything in your lifetime.

Planning a party mind map - if you've never planned a party, it can be tougher than you think; keep this colorful map around for inspiration.

Peter Russell mind map- a mind map of the various teachings and techniques used by Peter Russell himself.

Tony Buzan mind map- a great map discussing the ins and outs of a specific book from the man himself, Tony Buzan.


The Mind Map Book: How to Use Radiant Thinking to Maximize Your Brain's Unlimited Potential - written by Tony and Barry Buzan, it's THE book you'll want to pick up if you're new to mind mapping.

Mapping Inner Space: Learning and Teaching Visual Mapping - Nancy Marqulies and Nusa Maal discuss various concepts related to visual note taking.

Use Both Sides of Your Brain: New Mind-Mapping Techniques, Third Edition (Plume) - Buzan does it again with step-by step instructions of how to use the potential of your brain.

Idea Mapping: How to Access Your Hidden Brain Power, Learn Faster, Remember More, and Achieve Success in Business- Jamie Nast explores using that hidden brain power to grow your business.

Mind Mapping: How to Liberate Your Natural Genius - Michael Gelb talks about how to organize your thoughts in such a way that is uniquely your own.


Power Tips for Mind Mapping software- supercharge your visual mapping skills with these tips, tricks, and best practices.

How to select the right mind mapping software- how to select the right mind mapping software to meet your special needs.

Mind mapping power pack- the advanced course that will explode your mind mapping skills into new heights and help you reach the goals of your dreams.

Articles On the Web

Mind mapping for project management - Innovation Tools discusses using mind mapping in regards to project management.

Mind mapping at 43 Folders- open thread with over 60 responses about the usage of mind maps.

Guerilla Marketing with mind maps- Squidoo lens discussing the 10 best small business marketing tips.

Mind mapping software resources- another lens discussing the best collection of visual mapping sources.

Mind mapping in 8 easy steps- the Innovation Networks quick-start guide to mind mapping.

Comparison of mind mapping applications- check out the pros, cons, and differences of the top freeware mind mapping programs.

The best external monitor for Tablet PC mind mapping - eric mack online discusses monitors for hardcore computer mapping enthusiasts.

Three web-based mind mapping tools reviewed- Web Worker Daily reviews 3 of the top mapping applications.

PDF Articles

Mapping the Mind- a Google book about about the long dormant view of the nature of human thought.

Mind mapping for web instruction and learning - 12 page PDF from Franciscan University of Steubenville's Fabio Chacon, Ph.D.

Graphical Knowledge Display- 14 pages discussing the role mind mapping can play as efficient tools in mathematics education.


The Mind mapping software weblog- designed to provide businesspeople with a focused collection of resources related to visual mapping.

Beyond Mind Mapping- how to get the most out of mind mapping software for business uses.

Erik Mack Online- the personal blog of Erick Mack, discussing learning and information management through new technologies.

Idea Mapping - training readers to be more creative, more productive, and to become better learners.

The Mindjet Blog- the official blog of Mindjet, the company responsible for the

The Underlying Blog- Kyle McFarlin's blog, a Visual Strategy Expert and Gyronix Certified trainer.

Mindmapping.org Blog- covering software for mind mapping and information organization.

Eric Blue's Blog- Eric Blue's thoughts on technology, philosophy, and personal development.

Activity Owner- a forum for sharing notes, discussion, and solutions using various mind mapping software applications.


Tony Buzan - Wikipedia bio of one of the biggest names and promoters of mind mapping and mental literacy.

Dr. Allan Collins - the history and sometimes controversy surrounding the man who created mind mapping.

Dilip Mukerjea - owner and managing director for the Buzan center, an organization dedicated to the advancement of mental literacy.

Joyce Wycoff - president of ThinkSmart Learning Systems and founder of the Innovation Network,

Nancy Margulies - creator of Mindscapes, a system that uses pictures, visual metaphors, symbols, color and the space on a page to create a graphic representation of ideas.

Peter Russell - covering Peter's topics of The Spirit of Now, of science, consciousness, spiritual wisdom, global brain, meditations, and the nature of reality.


Tony Buzan on Mind mapping- five minute video discussing how to maximize the power of your brain.

iMind Map Video Tutorial- a short four minute tutorial going over Buzan's iMind mind mapping software.

Mind mapping for your business- a power-point video on mind mapping; have a can of Red Bull before watching!

Mind mapping with Brenda Mckinney- video of a class presentation of mind mapping.

Stephen Pierce- business optimization specialist discusses mind mapping.

How to draw a mind map- breaking out the markers and drawing a mind map from scratch.

Noteworthy Paid Software

Gyronix- a system used in conjunction with Minjet's MindManager software for unit erupted productivity.

Mindjet - save time by visually capturing, organizing and communicating ideas and information effectively.

Concept Draw Mindmap- a business and personal productivity tool that provides versatile integration with MS Office.

Topicscape 3D - mind and concept mapping in 3D, available in both lite and pro editions.

Headcase - mind mapping application for Windows based heavily on ActiveX.

Inspiration - the essential tool for students to think, visualize, organize, and learn.

Nova Mind- "mind mapping at it's best", creating visually pleasing graphical mind maps.


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