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王建华 发表于 2009-10-27 14:34:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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I.句子理解(Sentences) 1—5 ACCBD    II. 问句应答(Responses)6-10  BAADC
III.对话理解(Dialogues)  11—15  BCCDA         16—20  CBABD
IV.短文理解(Passages)    21—25  BDDAC
    26. changing      27. shorts       28. 1:45       29. biscuit(s )      30. speed


I.选择填空(Vocabulary and structure)
   31—35  AABDC    36—40  BCDBC    41—45  DCBCA   
II. 阅读理解(Reading comprehension)       46—50  ADCBB   
  51.$120  52.breakfast, afternoon tea  53.swimming pool, game room  54.Gul Inn Resort 55. 在星期二早晨5点12分,警报响彻旧金山市。一个世纪前的这场大地震重创了这座
56. 一百年前,当地震发生的时候,这座城市40万居民中的绝大部分人还在睡梦中,所
57. Nearly half of the city’s residents were left homeless.
58. How another huge earthquake would affect the city.
59. Remembering San Francisco’s Great Quake           60. Two.            61. North
62. It encourages the growth of tourism by making it easier for people to get information about making travel reservations./Offering access to fare and hotel information./Online services, such as access to fare and hotel reservations.
63. Tourism income./Earning the most from the international tourism.
64. the Americas into the third position
65. China will become the most popular destination for tourists.
III. 完形填空(Cloze)
  66. problems  67. first  68. compared  69. which  70. when  71. most   72. that/which  73. their   74. us   75. matter   76. calls/names   77. what  78. like  79. one  80. there
IV. 翻译(Translation)
  81. Silk from China found its way over land along the Silk Road to India, the Middle East and Rome, in exchange for spices and glass.
82. Education does not mean teaching people to know what they do not know; it means teaching them to behave as they do not behave (differently from the way they behave now).
83. Though people were quickly (hurriedly) going home for the weekend, hearing(when) they heard) the great music, many of them slowed down their pace.
84. Doctors know that reducing pain and worry helps patients heal faster.
85. The elder brother had to town on business, so he helped the carpenter get the materials ready, and then he was off.
V. 短文改错(Error correction)
  86. which-where   87. admiring-admire   88. As-If   89. a   90. interesting-interested
91. Year-Years  92. 删除a   93. worthy-worth  94. decide-decide  95. childhood前加my
96. In the dictionary.  97. 8.(in total: multiply the odd numbers and add the even number)
98. treasure (1.coat,talk 2.poor,read 3.love, even 4.flea, aunt 5.beds, seat 6.menu, ugly 7.hour, race 8.hive, evil)
99. There’s an old saying: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”
100. 8 (The diagram contains 166 squares, half of which is 83. There are 18 shaded squares, so the numbered areas to be shaded in must total 65. The only combination of that totals 65 is 3,4,5 and 8, 18+13+12+22=65.)
A)     One possible version:
This is a classic chain letter. The idea that everyone who participates in a chain letter will make money is mathematically impossible. This chain letter asks you to send the letter on to 100 people. If everyone who received a letter sent it on to 100 people, by the fifth mailing, ten billion people would receive the letter. That’s more than the population of the world! The very first investors in the chain might receive money, but later investors rarely get back their original investment.
B)     The first possible version:
In the 21st century, advances in technology such as the Internet, satellite and cable TV, and cell phones now allow the public to get news 24 hours a day on demand, or whenever they want it. The Internet offers summaries of the news almost every time people go to-line. There are also many websites that make it easy to follow news events from the beginning to the end. All you have to do is type what interests you, and the story you want comes on the screen, along with links to related stories. Some people connect the radio station websites via the Internet, where they can listen to 24-hour news radio or hear discussions about the news on talk radio.
In order to compete with the Internet, some newspapers are changing the way they deliver the news. Yet most people question the truth of the news.
It will be interesting to see which type of source-high tech or traditional-wins the competition in the future.
The second possible version:
In the 21st century, people don’t have to wait for a newspaper delivery or a TV news programme. By using technology, they can get the news any time of the day or night. However, most people used to read the morning newspapers and turn on radios or TVs in order to follow every single piece of news about this world. For a long time, people got their news the same way-they watch television, listen to the newspaper.
In order to compete with the Internet, some newspapers and TV stations are changing the way they deliver the news. Instead of reporting the news objectively, basing their stories on facts, they try to keep their readers’ and viewers’ interest by focusing on the most upsetting or shocking details of a story.
Different people have different tastes. They need a variety of news sources-high tech or traditional-to choose from.
1、本题总分为:30分   A)10分; B)15分。按四个档次给分。
第四档(很好):A)9-10分 B)16-20分
第三档(好):A)6-8分 B)11-15分
第二档(一般):A)4-5分 B)6-10分
第一档(差):A)1-3分 B)1-5分
1、  内容可用不同方式表达。
2、  对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分。


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