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My wishes for you,Great start for Jan,Love for Feb,Peace for March,No worries for April,Fun for May,Joy for June to Dec,Have a lucky and wonderful new year.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!Receive my simple gift of LOVE,Wrapped with SINCERITY,Tied with CARE & Sealed with BLESSINGS,2 Keep u HAPPY & SAFE all the life long.HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Keep the smile, leave the tear,Think of joy, forget the fear...Hold the laugh, leave the pain,Be joyous, Coz its new year!HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.
I Wish in this new year God gives You..12 Months of Happiness,52 Weeks of Fun,365 Days Success,8760 Hours Good Health,52600 Minutes Good Luck,3153600 Seconds of Joy...and that's all!
Like birds, let us, leave behind what we don't need to carry.Life is beautiful, Enjoy it. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Each moment in a day has its own value.Morning brings HOPE,Afternoon brings FAITH,Evening brings LOVE,Night brings REST,Hope you will have all of them everyday.HAPPY NEW YEAR.
We will open the book.Its pages are blank.We are going to put words on them ourselves.The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day.
Memorable moment r celebrated together,U r my best friend for now & forever,Make me Miss U even more this New Year,Hope this year bring Happiness for you Dear.
Oh my Dear, Forget ur Fear,Let all ur Dreams be Clear,Never put Tear, Please Hear,I want to tell one thing in ur EarWishing u a very Happy "NEW YEAR"!