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PEP foreign teacher's lesson-giving tour in ShangRao

已有 621 次阅读2013-4-7 23:43 |系统分类:个人风采| tour

    People 's education  press sponsored a foreign teacher lesson-giving activity to rural areas.  Today four of them came to  No.7 middle school, where totally more than 300 people from all over the middle and primary school participated this meaningful activity. Two lessons were presented based on the same teaching content. One is our local teacher 's ,who is from No.7 middle school, the other is that foreign teacher's. Their lesson type are "Read and Write", which too most teachers seated there are  a bit difficult,actually, such type is not under teachers' good control. but today's demo class enlighted us too much. Specifically,teaching investigator Miss Wen's comment on both lessons make me have a clear concept about such type of lesson.In a word,her remarks are too concrete and in detail, let's why people would say "detail matters all".
                 Both lessons follow the similiar teaching process: lead in/pre-reading/while-reading/after-reading/writing practise. As a whole , our local teacher is not inferior to foreign professional while giving this lesson. Both have its own shining point.  Miss Guo's use of Mindmanager simplified the complex passage and make Ss graspe the main content at one glance. What's more, it's quite suitable for Ss to retell the text by such outline. In fact, mindmanager can also commonly use in primary school teaching, especially, Grade 6 Let's read.
                For Mike's demo lesson, too much need us to absorb so that we can generate our ways of teaching . For this type of lesson , most of us would do as Miss Guo did it,  much lead-in to induce new knowledge, because  we always worry about Ss's limited accumulation of realted information so that they can't have enough ability to learn the new. But Mike didn't take that into consideration, he just went directly to the core subject by auxiliary tools,Pre-reading ,in this lesson, he presented two pictures linking to the main subject, then asked questions according to the pictures. He create a certain situation for students to feel what'd learn next.  Furthermore, he didn't  teach new words deliberately, Through pictures, new words' teaching and learning are a piece of cake . However, we chinese teacher would teach new words for new words sake. Actually, teach words purposely would lead to low effects. let's what he did in Pe-reading section.   While-reading, firstly he adopt lots of reading strategies  to train Ss' self learing ability. "asked Ss do guesses " "circle key words " and "underlined the answers" , these series of methods help students quickly and ea,  sliy undertand the passage.  Post-reading,  he used some interesting games to make Ss familiar with the passage, eg. shout "stop the bus", shout and correct it.  At last, ask Ss to finish a letter , the purpose is to check Ss' knowledge expansion. At last, he would let Ss swap their letter, and share it with others.  In all, in Mike's demo class, he emphasis on the development of  Ss' reading strategies. surely, good method can provide effective way of reading.
               After the two classes, Mike gave us a lecture about how to cultivate reading strategy, we listened careful and took notes, some teachers even coopetaed with Mike actively. owning to the time limits, he ended his lecture ahead of time,which gives us anticipation for their arrival next time. 

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